Backspacer and reflecting back...taking a momment:
Now this is just MY opinion.
Both Binaural and Riot Act are a good collection of songs that I like, and S/T is an album that didn't age well for me after the initial enthusiasm for it burned off (I still like it though.)
That being said Backspacer has given me a new found respect for the last 3 albums. It almost seems like those albums are the way they are so that we can have this new brilliant piece of art. You can really see the evolution of the band over the last 3 albums. You really get a sense of their mindset over that period of time. If you look at the big picture you see the process of them aging and maturing, like they have been wrestling with something and trying to work it out. I guess you could say that about their whole career but now with this new album it seems like they HAVE worked it out. Listening to Backspacer actually encourages me to revisit some of the back catalog just to see the evolution. (not that I need encouragement)
This is the 1st album since Yield that I have liked every song the 1st listen through. I find myself diving into it more so than the previous 3. Wanting to seek out every little note and effect and lyric.
Maybe its the timing of the release. As we grow older the band grows older with us and it's an eerie parallel. Every time they release an album I am able to identify with it.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm proud to be a fan of this band. I'm proud of the band itself. I'm happy with the direction they took this time and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Both Binaural and Riot Act are a good collection of songs that I like, and S/T is an album that didn't age well for me after the initial enthusiasm for it burned off (I still like it though.)
That being said Backspacer has given me a new found respect for the last 3 albums. It almost seems like those albums are the way they are so that we can have this new brilliant piece of art. You can really see the evolution of the band over the last 3 albums. You really get a sense of their mindset over that period of time. If you look at the big picture you see the process of them aging and maturing, like they have been wrestling with something and trying to work it out. I guess you could say that about their whole career but now with this new album it seems like they HAVE worked it out. Listening to Backspacer actually encourages me to revisit some of the back catalog just to see the evolution. (not that I need encouragement)
This is the 1st album since Yield that I have liked every song the 1st listen through. I find myself diving into it more so than the previous 3. Wanting to seek out every little note and effect and lyric.
Maybe its the timing of the release. As we grow older the band grows older with us and it's an eerie parallel. Every time they release an album I am able to identify with it.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm proud to be a fan of this band. I'm proud of the band itself. I'm happy with the direction they took this time and I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Byrn, (bye - earn)
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
Post edited by Unknown User on
don't you just hate people that beg for replies
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
Even though it is a "big" issue here on this forum, I must say this album seems to have a grammy award nomination on its back in the future, who knows, maybe it might win one.
But, the difference might come down to the fact that this album sounds with more optimistic or positive vibes.
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
I find that fewer people tend to reply to really long posts around here. Maybe they are so worked up over the new album that they don't have time to read so much?
I read the whole thing, and agree with you. I have mixed feelings about the last three albums before this one. I was nuts about Binaural when it first came out, but by late 2001 I had really lost interest. In hindsight, only the last half is really worth keeping around. Riot Act I also loved terribly when it first came out, but later realized that I loved it only because of my enthusiasm for particular songs rather than affection for the album as a whole.
Avocado was different for me. Looking back, I probably listened to it less than the previous two albums, posssibly because I toured heavily that year (10 shows) and so was hearing a lot of the songs live. I really liked that album, and thought (and still do) that it was their strongest since Yield. If there's one sin they comitted with Avocado, it's that it starts to feel a little samey after a while. A lot of angry songs, pretty uniform production, and very little innovation compared to their previous 4 albums. (Except for Inside Job, which was the one song on there that made me think: Damn! This is something different!)
I find myself appreciating aspects of those three albums because of the echoes I hear in the new record. Mainly Binaural and Riot Act (personally I don't hear very much of Avocado in Backspacer at all, except for maybe the tightened-up pop sensibility). Backspacer is a powerful work. I don't know how powerful yet. I worry that it may fall into anonymity in my mind along with some of their recent stuff. I hope that a few years from now I will still listen to it as much as I still listen to Yield, No Code and Vitalogy. For now, I simply appreciate that Backspacer is the exact album that I needed to hear from them at this point in my life. Upbeat, optimistic, and rock solid. I can't ask for much more than that.
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
soon be over...and i will relent...
No, no... I agree. Backspacer DOES have a more unified theme throughout than the last two. Avocado came close to unification (politics, anger at the modern world, the war, etc.). As did Riot Act (Social and political damage to the earth and the People on it). Binaural followed up three thematic angles quite nicely (Political alienation and uprising, personal depression and strife, love and loss). But Backspacer is almost single-minded in a way I haven't really heard since Yield. I like it.
Where ever they're going on this all encompassing trip, I'm still on board.
Although their next album won't be as easy I'm guessing. I'm just dying to hear a "White Album" style effort from the band. Double album, with all its perfect flaws.
04/13/2003 - Tampa, FL; 10/08/2004 - Kissimmee, FL; 05/16 & 17/2006 - Chicago, IL;
05/19/2006 - Grand Rapids, MI; 05/22/2006 - Auburn Hills, MI; 08/05/2007 - Chicago, IL;
05/03/2010 - Kansas City, MO; 07/19/2013 - Chicago, IL; 04/13/16 - Jacksonville, FL;
"I wanna live my life with the volume full"
said perfectly
You nailed it! Answers, rather than questions. Just breathe is just that. Even though we all know we must die, eddie sings he knows and accepts it. And that we will see each other later on with our family and friends.