R7 done gone went and got friggin' amazin'!

G ForceG Force Posts: 1,393
edited September 2009 in The Porch
No Sike.

Had the pleasure of seeing Ben and r7 in Oakland last night. It's the 3rd time I've gotten to see them and each time they have gotten better and better. They are just so tight, hard hitting, and more fun than Ben and the Criminals. I'm really happy for Ben as he looks to be happier than ever about what he has going on. How could he not. About to open for his favorite band.

I was actually surprised he made no reference to the fact that Backspacer was about to drop and they were honored to be heading out to Open for PJ. I mean think about those other guys in R7. Pretty quickly have been catapulted into the one of our generations rock legends limelight. They are fucking GOOD! The drummer is so solid. And both Guitar Guy and Bass Buddy are dope like coke. They are about to get some great exposure.... not that every PJ fan doesn't already know about them but I guarentee they make a shit ton of record sales following their opener performance.

Anyhow... I had such a killer time at The Fox theater in Oakland last night with my chicken and running into all my old buddies from High School. I didn't faint this time around.

If you are about to see r7 open for PJ... be very stoked!

See my next thread about a DBag R7 fan who might be Ninersfan.
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