Spoiler-Unthought known question

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited September 2009 in The Porch
Dream the dreams of other men
You'll be no one's rival

what does it mean?

are these lyrics that follow about someone who is suicidal or depressed and upset about the world and Ed's advice is to try and find evidence in the world and in nature, in the beauty of the sky that you are worth more alive and living?

All the thoughts you never see
You are always thinking
Brain is wide, the brain is deep
Oh, are you sinking?

Feel the path of every day
Which road you taking?
Breathing hard, making hay
Yeah, this is living

Look for love in evidence
That you're worth keeping
Swallowed whole in negatives
It's so sad and sickening
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    I'm trying to figure out what that means also.

    Perhaps it means "If you dream the same dreams as everyone else, you won't be unique enough to rival anyone?"
    But, maybe it's more obvious?

    It'll be interesting to hear what other people think about what it means.
  • maverickmaverick Posts: 1,233
    If you have the same dream as other people, no one will envy you, as you won't be unique. I think Ed is saying don't be satisfied with dreaming the same as others, dream bigger or differently. Find something not done before and go for it.
  • maverick wrote:
    If you have the same dream as other people, no one will envy you, as you won't be unique. I think Ed is saying don't be satisfied with dreaming the same as others, dream bigger or differently. Find something not done before and go for it.

    i seem to be torn between both y'all's idea of forging yur own path, as the song does talk about finding your destiny on some shore or something.

    But it could also be somewhat humanitarian nature.

    As in: if we all were in sync with one another, caring about each other, and others needs, that rivals wouldnt exist.
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    maverick wrote:
    If you have the same dream as other people, no one will envy you, as you won't be unique. I think Ed is saying don't be satisfied with dreaming the same as others, dream bigger or differently. Find something not done before and go for it.

    i seem to be torn between both y'all's idea of forging yur own path, as the song does talk about finding your destiny on some shore or something.

    But it could also be somewhat humanitarian nature.

    As in: if we all were in sync with one another, caring about each other, and others needs, that rivals wouldnt exist.

    Oh, I like that idea! Thanks for that. :)
  • The Unthought Known
    What then is the “unthought known”? Christopher Bollas first coined this provocative phrase in
    1987 (Bollas, 1987). Basically it refers to what we “know” but for a variety of reasons may not be able
    to think about, have “forgotten”, “act out”, or have an “intuitive sense for” but cannot yet put into words.
    In psychoanalytic terms, it refers to the boundary between the “unconscious” and the “conscious” mind,
    i.e. the “preconscious mind.” In systems-centered terms, it refers to the boundary between what we
    know apprehensively, without words, and what we know, or will allow ourselves to know,
    comprehensively with words. (In many ways, although the methods are very different, the
    psychoanalytic goal of “making the unconscious conscious” is equivalent to the systems-centered goal
    of making the boundary permeable between apprehensive and comprehensive knowledge, .)
    If we conceptualize the unthought known as what we already know but don’t yet know that we know,
    there are several ways that we can excavate this knowledge. According to Wallin, one of the most
    important methods is to pay exquisite attention to our bodies. The systems-centered methods for
    undoing tension can go a long way towards this goal.
    When we turn our mindful attention to our bodies we begin to uncover knowledge and experience that
    has been buried for many years. When we make old, fixated patterns of tension conscious we begin to
    dissolve blockages in the flow of energy and information at multiple levels of our bodies and mind. As
    this energy and information begins to flow, we begin to decode the non-verbal information in our
    present here and now environment as well as release energy and information that we may have
    compartmentalized at some point in our past. Historically, it may have been important to wall off this
    knowledge because to have allowed ourselves to truly know our experience at the time would have been
    disruptive and perhaps even dangerous.
    Another source of uncovering the unthought known is to explore the repetitive roles that we act out in
    our interpersonal relationships and the corresponding redundant roles that we induce in others. When we
    release the energy and information that is held in these roles, we travel a long way towards the goal of
    liberating ourselves from unconscious fixations and patterns. Once we have done this we are free to
    choose the roles that are adaptive for the situation that we are in at the moment and release the roles that
    are maladaptive.
    Perhaps the deepest level of the unthought known is the heart of the teachings of mindfulness
    meditation. The heart of these teachings, which we know already but have forgotten, is that
    fundamentally we are awareness itself, already liberated from our fixations, fears and redundancies,
    without essential content, beyond subject and object, everything and nothing, and that whatever we are
    in life we also are not. This is the “non-dual” consciousness at the heart of so many mystical and
    meditative traditions (Wilber, 2003). In other words, the deepest level of the unthought known and the
    edge of the unknown, are the same thing.
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