Anyone seen this Target commecial?

So I've heard all this talk that the Fixer video was going to be used in a Target commercial, something that at least on my end has been conspicuously absent from the airwaves. Kind of strange considering the album drops in three days. Has anyone seen one of these ads?
Post edited by Unknown User on
if not we'll probably start to see it once the album is actually in the store. It's not targeting us. Just everyday folk
They"ll start playing it when the album is in stores.
I suppose that is possible, although I imagine it was written into their contract with Target. Obviously, Target would want this to be as much of a hit as they do. Frankly, I never really had a problem with it. There were TV ads for past albums, some even featuring "available at target" at the close of the spot. I don't see the difference. It's not like they'll be using PJ music to sell toasters or lawn chairs. ("If something's tooooaaast, I wanna put a little jelly on it...")
that's marketing, using the sale of one thing to sell other things that the consumer walks passed on the way to the music section. if they advertise the future, they wont have that incentive to come in that day, they lose profit while people wait till the 20th to shop at target.
if something's not so fresh, i wanna squirt a little douche in it
if your peter's got bumps, put some of this salve on it
that sorta thing.
i think the others are right, you'll probably start to see teh Ad Friday or Saturday announcing the release.
i'm glad they're doing more promo stuff this time. it was cool to take a stand for the last 15 years of their career, but sometimes i wish they would have "sold out" a little more - i don't think more people being exposed to great art/music can really be a bad thing.
Hmm... The way I see it, the promotional stuff for this album has been pretty minimal compared to the roll-out for Avocado. Seems like they've been scaling back. The promotion for this record reminds me of the stuff around Riot Act. But maybe I'm just not looking in the right places....
i guess what i'm referring to specifically is the Target deal, the Rock Band deal, being the first musical guest on conan, touring prior to the release, all these things seem pretty unique. i honestly don't remember any TV deals with Avocado, but maybe I was looking in the wrong places back then.
well, the Fixer was in the first slot in the Target store near me. the beatles sold 600k albums last week with their Rock Band promotion. the reason MC adn JZ are prominently displayed is that's what dumbass teenagers buy.
Yeah but why 'The Beatles 1?' thats what I don't get...damn kids and their music!
For Avocado they did SNL and Letterman, Storytellers, Jools Holland across the pond. Online there were the AOL sessions and a number of other things...
Uhhh... they had deals with Prince... Black Eyed Peas (ugh)... both just this year prior to PJ...
Others too, I am sure.