Anyone in the Chicagoland Area get theirs yet?

I'm at work and won't know until later on. My guess is NO bc we have the WORST Post Service of any city in the country.
Post edited by Unknown User on
the postal service is the least of your worries if you live in chicago.
I love PJ but Im not about to pay twice for the same album.
Sorry 10C, bad business.
so instead of being patient, you went agaist the band's wish's and illegally downloaded it.
sorry ofthegirl, bad call.
ya No kidding people in Philly and Virginia have them already. damn you USPS!
Shit. I was hoping for a nice surprise in the mailbox when I got home from work. Hopefully it will be there tomorrow for a great start to the weekend.
zip codes 0-3 mailed Monday
4-6 mailed Tuesday
7-9 mailed Wednesday
Nuclear fission
beat me to it, haha.
a beacon on dry land
eyes above the horizon
in the dark before the dawn..."
"i am a donut"
I really truly find it hard to believe that my album was sent off Tuesday...I could be wrong?...But, sure seems like four days is a long time for shipping from Seattle,Wa..Thats if it shows up in the mail tomorrow?
Hope it comes in the mail tomorrow...
In my experience it takes at least a good five days or so minimum to send or receive anything from here to the west coast or vise versa unless it is overnighted, 2nd day air, etc.
Hopefully I am pleasently surprised though since again, people farther east have already received theirs.
Daves Records on Clark, but he isnt selling them until he opens on Sunday.
Fan out east have received their copy already..Because it was sent off Monday..So, if it was sent off Monday and they got them Wed or Thurs...Sure got there fast...
Just got it in the mailbox! Chicago NW burbs.
Cool! Anyone else in Chicago area get their yet? I wont be able to check until 530.
Nuclear fission
thats the second confirmed Chicagoland. MVF recieved his in teh Northern burbs.
hopefully mine is in the mailbox when i get home. i must admit, i expect it to be there.
I'm expecting it too. I'm on the far NW side by O'Hare. Please be there when I get home!!
go bears :(
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if i get it, i'd invite given to fly over to listen to it, but it appears he is a cubs fan and i have a strict limit on the number of cubs fans allowed in my house.
that's ok, I'd have an inferiority complex anyways since I didnt go to THE Ohio State University.
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