Was it me or was PJ the only band that did justice for the WHO??? I mean com on I don even think FF practiced?
Those other bands are just average or good rock bands. The Who and Pearl Jam are 2 of the all-time greatest rock bands to exist, so they will always blow other bands off the stage. It wasn't a competition but if it were, Ed and the guys would have been holding up the throphy. There is no match at this time in history for them.
Those other bands are just average or good rock bands. The Who and Pearl Jam are 2 of the all-time greatest rock bands to exist, so they will always blow other bands off the stage. It wasn't a competition but if it were, Ed and the guys would have been holding up the throphy. There is no match at this time in history for them.
Those other bands are just average or good rock bands. The Who and Pearl Jam are 2 of the all-time greatest rock bands to exist, so they will always blow other bands off the stage. It wasn't a competition but if it were, Ed and the guys would have been holding up the throphy. There is no match at this time in history for them.
Totally agree! (holding #1 finger in the air)
Everyone else is just playing for second place.
"Had my eyes peeled both wide open, and I got a glimpse...of my innocense, got back my inner sence, baby got it...still got it"
Those other bands are just average or good rock bands. The Who and Pearl Jam are 2 of the all-time greatest rock bands to exist, so they will always blow other bands off the stage. It wasn't a competition but if it were, Ed and the guys would have been holding up the throphy. There is no match at this time in history for them.
"Without the album covers, where do you clean your pot?" - EV
Howeverm PJ do some wicked WHO covers and that's hard to top.
They say I'm rappin like BIG, jay, and tupac
Andre 3000 where is eryka badu at
Who dat
Who dat said dey gon beat lil wayne
My name ain't Bic but I keep dat flame man
I aaaagreeee. Rogues is one of my all time favorite songs ever in the history of the world times ten. And shit, Brandon can sing.
oh he can sing... he just sounds like shit singing who songs... im listening to it right now... its not a good fit
and is there any footage of the lips live performance yet? i dont see it on the VH1 site... and i LOVED that clip of them rehearsing... i think they definitely do the who justice... moreso than PJ even when it comes to the energy and wackyness of their stage... its straight out of "tommy"
oh he can sing... he just sounds like shit singing who songs... im listening to it right now... its not a good fit
and is there any footage of the lips live performance yet? i dont see it on the VH1 site... and i LOVED that clip of them rehearsing... i think they definitely do the who justice... moreso than PJ even when it comes to the energy and wackyness of their stage... its straight out of "tommy"
cant wait to watch the whole thing tomorrow!!!
Haven't seen Brandon sing the Who yet, but you could be right! I kinda see where you're going with that!
I don't agree that Incubus and the Foos are average bands, especially if you've ever seen Incubus live, they're amazing. Okay not in PJ's league but lets face it not many are for us on here. I've read some positive reviews of Incubus' performance at this gig, certainly more positive than the rest, obviously not including PJ and the Who themselves.
My PJ shows:
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
I don't agree that Incubus and the Foos are average bands, especially if you've ever seen Incubus live, they're amazing. Okay not in PJ's league but lets face it not many are for us on here. I've read some positive reviews of Incubus' performance at this gig, certainly more positive than the rest, obviously not including PJ and the Who themselves.
Incubus and the foos ARE great. Brandons got a voice like no other. He couldve wore somn a little bit more.....presentable but whatever! And Dave is just a good ol friendly rockstar!!! ALL the bands were good.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
I don't agree that Incubus and the Foos are average bands, especially if you've ever seen Incubus live, they're amazing. Okay not in PJ's league but lets face it not many are for us on here. I've read some positive reviews of Incubus' performance at this gig, certainly more positive than the rest, obviously not including PJ and the Who themselves.
I saw Incubus live last year for the first time, and it was amazing. They played the Festival Pier in Philly. PJ could not play there as it's a bit small. Incubus was quite good, though. Very energetic and sounded very tight. I would definitely recommend checking them out sometime. For one of their previous tours they pulled a page from PJ's book and released official bootlegs.
I thought Incubus did an excellent job with "I Can See for Miles". But Brandon definitely needs a wardrobe consultant and a cheeseburger. Dave Grohl has bronchitis so I give the Foo's a pass. I love the Flaming lips (they produce some of the greatest beats) but Wayne's voice live has declined in the past couple years.
And I have to say that Roger's voice is terrible compared to 20 years ago. Years of screaming have killed his throat. He now sounds terrible live. Lots of squeaking and cracking in Roger’s voice. Some people keep there voice Neil Young, David Crosby, Paul McCartney while others loose it Roger, Stills, Nash
It's almost as if Neil Young and The Who got married and had a kid called Pearl Jam...
They are definately in a leauge of their own these days. Pearl Jam are not only one of the best live bands around today...but ever.
They along with The Who in their hayday are in a rare catagory that includes very few.
As for their performance on VH1
There can never be any doubt that there is nobody better suited to sing The Who (other than Roger Daltry) than Eddie Vedder. I mean..The man litterly lived and breathed Quadrophenia as a kid. It should be no suprise to anyone here that Eddie and the boys would knock these songs out of the park.
I think this may be their greatest TV moment and one that they'll be remembered for down the road. I can see these clips being showed in future documentarys and disscussions about their carreer in the years to come.
I think everyone did a great job. But PEARL JAM......well, theres no denying they were the SH*T!!! :cool:
PJ is definitely the sh#t!! BUt I feel the other bands could have practiced a little more.
Ed voice was so dead on. HIs high notes were off the hook. I always thought as you get older your voice gets worse but man eddies seems to be getting better! Now they need to get back in studio and give us some more tunes...
Having seen The Who many times I wouldn't go THAT far. But Pete was having sound problems from the start which was pretty obvious after they had to restart YBYB. He posted a note to the fans on thewho.com that he broke a nail on Baba and as a result he had a little bit of trouble getting "back in the saddle" as he put it. But I thought his playing was great.
No, Roger's voice ain't what it was and he can't hit a lot of those high notes he used to reach but I thought he sounded good. He struggled a lot during the 2007 tour and he's sounding a lot better these days.
Not to take away from PJ by any means who blew me and everybody else away. They should have done 4 songs.
Nah, not really. Great band, but not in the same league in terms of popularity and icon status.
SEA 9/20/92, SEA 12/7/93, SEA 12/31/94 (MS), SEA 11/5/00, SEA 11/6/00, SEA 12/8/02, SEA 12/9/02, BEN 10/22/03, GOR 9/1/05, SD 7/7/06, LA 7/10/06, LA 7/12/06, LA (EV) 4/12/08, LA (EV) 4/13/08, LA 7/12/08, LA 9/30/09, LA 10/7/09, SEA 12/6/13, SEA 8/8/18
It looked like RD was going to die right on stage. I guess I'll have to see the rest on VH1 tonight. Maybe it was that song....??? At least they gave it one last horah.
They also played Love Reign O'er Me. It should air tonight on VH1.
Thanks! I was hoping that was the case...
my buddy who always gives me shit for liking Pearl Jam "because they are popular" is goin to watch this tonight with me... he hasn't ever seen PJ live so I was hoping this would shut him up for a bit.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Those other bands are just average or good rock bands. The Who and Pearl Jam are 2 of the all-time greatest rock bands to exist, so they will always blow other bands off the stage. It wasn't a competition but if it were, Ed and the guys would have been holding up the throphy. There is no match at this time in history for them.
Totally agree! (holding #1 finger in the air)
Everyone else is just playing for second place.
THE D>>>>
one thing i disagree with you guys on is that Incubus is not an average rock band, they are pretty damn good
Howeverm PJ do some wicked WHO covers and that's hard to top.
Andre 3000 where is eryka badu at
Who dat
Who dat said dey gon beat lil wayne
My name ain't Bic but I keep dat flame man
I aaaagreeee. Rogues is one of my all time favorite songs ever in the history of the world times ten.
and is there any footage of the lips live performance yet? i dont see it on the VH1 site... and i LOVED that clip of them rehearsing... i think they definitely do the who justice... moreso than PJ even when it comes to the energy and wackyness of their stage... its straight out of "tommy"
cant wait to watch the whole thing tomorrow!!!
Haven't seen Brandon sing the Who yet, but you could be right! I kinda see where you're going with that!
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
London 28/10/96, Las Vegas 11/7/98, London 29/5/00, Nurnburg 11/6/00, Prague 14/6/00, Salzburg 18/6/00, Verona 20/6/00, Milan 22/6/00, Zurich 23/6/00, New York 8-9/7/03, Boston 11/7/03, Reading Festival 27/8/06, Shepards Bush 11/8/09, Berlin 15/8/09, Manchester 17/8/09, London 18/8/09, Dublin 22/6/10, Belfast 23/6/10, London (HRC) 25/6/10, Alpine Valley (PJ20) 3-4/9/11, Manchester 20-21/6/12, Leeds 8/7/14, Milton Keynes 11/7/14 To be continued....
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I saw Incubus live last year for the first time, and it was amazing. They played the Festival Pier in Philly. PJ could not play there as it's a bit small. Incubus was quite good, though. Very energetic and sounded very tight. I would definitely recommend checking them out sometime. For one of their previous tours they pulled a page from PJ's book and released official bootlegs.
And I have to say that Roger's voice is terrible compared to 20 years ago. Years of screaming have killed his throat. He now sounds terrible live. Lots of squeaking and cracking in Roger’s voice. Some people keep there voice Neil Young, David Crosby, Paul McCartney while others loose it Roger, Stills, Nash
They are definately in a leauge of their own these days. Pearl Jam are not only one of the best live bands around today...but ever.
They along with The Who in their hayday are in a rare catagory that includes very few.
As for their performance on VH1
There can never be any doubt that there is nobody better suited to sing The Who (other than Roger Daltry) than Eddie Vedder. I mean..The man litterly lived and breathed Quadrophenia as a kid. It should be no suprise to anyone here that Eddie and the boys would knock these songs out of the park.
I think this may be their greatest TV moment and one that they'll be remembered for down the road. I can see these clips being showed in future documentarys and disscussions about their carreer in the years to come.
They said the Foos rocked too!
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
"well I know for sure that if we met up eye-to-eye....a little wine would bring us closer...you and I"...Pete Townshend
Ed voice was so dead on. HIs high notes were off the hook. I always thought as you get older your voice gets worse but man eddies seems to be getting better! Now they need to get back in studio and give us some more tunes...
No, Roger's voice ain't what it was and he can't hit a lot of those high notes he used to reach but I thought he sounded good. He struggled a lot during the 2007 tour and he's sounding a lot better these days.
Not to take away from PJ by any means who blew me and everybody else away. They should have done 4 songs.
"Who set the standard, born to be rich--Paris Hilton--Such fine example, skinny little bitch" -Ed, 5/19/06
Nah, not really. Great band, but not in the same league in terms of popularity and icon status.
They also played Love Reign O'er Me. It should air tonight on VH1.
Thanks! I was hoping that was the case...
my buddy who always gives me shit for liking Pearl Jam "because they are popular" is goin to watch this tonight with me... he hasn't ever seen PJ live so I was hoping this would shut him up for a bit.