Looking for a ride from Los Angeles to San Diego
staying at hollywood heights hotel 6th and 7th, looking for a ride to san diego on the 8th (or 9th), MIGHT have a rental car that i would need to drop off at lax or lgb, this is not set in stone and i'm open to suggestions, had hoped for a one-way rental from la to san diego, but it isn't cost effective - if all else fails, i will greyhound or amtrak it but figured to open the conversation and see what sort of response there is, i am very flexible
buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
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this, however, does not mean that i will fit in your trunk
I have taken the train from Anaheim Stadium to the End of the Line in San Diego for 19 bucks, one way. It's a beautiful ride, once you get past (former MCAS) El Toro. There is a tramrail that heads towards the University from the train station.
I'm hitching a ride down there already.... good luck with that.
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm driving down by myself, OR if 1 or more people want to car pool down that would be great.
Johnny if you are around there perhaps we could drive down together, as well as the OP?
I'm hoping to leave pretty early afternoon on Friday and return after the show..... but I'm amenable to whatever schedule works if a carpool is in the works.
I'm partial to taking my own car for the sake of... uh... convenience I guess. But I plan on stopping in to "see my friend" in S.D. before the show for a little pre-party. You sure you want to drive back up to LA after the show? That would be one hell of an exhausting 2 hour trip....
Good point........ Haven't actually given it too much thought. I was thinking surgical strike, but might have to rethink that plan.......
2009 - LA III & SD; 2011 - SD (EV) & LBC (EV); 2013 - SD & LA II; 2022 SD (EV)
someone should give you a ride because of your sense of humor
EV:boston 1+2.albnay 1.boston 2010