Delivery times to UK

DavieBDavieB Posts: 222
edited September 2009 in Technical Stuff and Help
Hey everyone,

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post... didn't want to clutter up the Porch with non-PJ talk!

I joined 10C this January, and so ordered Backspacer when the pre-orders first went up, just to support the band, and I figured I'd be as well to (I felt cool making use of the privilege mainly :D )

Then, about 4 weeks ago, I ordered 1 of the "free" Holiday Sinlges (where you have to pay postage only), because I love the Love Reign O'er Me cover.

I'm just wondering, how long should delivery take for 10C items to the UK? 4 weeks seems an awful long time to be waiting for something from the US, and it's not so much that I mind the waiting, but I'm worried it's maybe got lost or sent to the wrong address or something.

I haven't got anything from 10C thus far (although I'm assuming that's because I was registered too late for the 2008 Holiday Single and the magazine I read about??) so I'm just looking for a general idea of how long other people have had to wait for things...

I think it's best to find out if I should worry NOW, rather than when Backspacer is released. :)

Thanks in advance for your help!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    I ordered a few hoodies etc, took at least a month to get each of them. Thats why i go via a friend in the USA now when i buy stuff from them so i can get it under 2 weeks.

    Would be a big fool in my opinion to buy the album from 10c, just go get it from the store... not going to loose anything!
  • DavieBDavieB Posts: 222
    But didn't Avacado come in special packaging, with a bonus CD when ordered through 10C? I'm sure something similar will be done with Backspacer...

    Thanks for the reply though :)
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    DavieB wrote:
    But didn't Avacado come in special packaging, with a bonus CD when ordered through 10C? I'm sure something similar will be done with Backspacer...

    Thanks for the reply though :)

    well i dont know how a pre order of a album will work i.e if they ship it in time or ship it on the day its released. Yes it came with special packaging but i dont think it was anything amazing, i dont actually know what the difference was really.
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I ordered the album from 10C too, not having ordered anything before.

    Hope I don't have to wait a month. Bugger!
  • PegasusPegasus Posts: 3,754
    Brisk. wrote:

    well i dont know how a pre order of a album will work i.e if they ship it in time or ship it on the day its released. Yes it came with special packaging but i dont think it was anything amazing, i dont actually know what the difference was really.
    it took 6 weeks for my S/T CD to arrive.. they shipped them AFTER release date to non-US customers.
    but at least there was the free download on day of release so that wasn't too bad.

    delivery time have improved since but don't expect it until October at best.

    I don't think the 10c Backspacer has a different packaging from the small shop ones.. I suspect the 'deluxe' version sold in the UK (for the same price in most places) is that version.
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