Anyone looking for a place to stay in Philly?

JonhenryJonhenry Posts: 229
edited September 2009 in The Porch
I live in Philly and my G/F and I are going to all 4 shows. I was thinking about opening up my apartment to someoen for the first two nights, the other two we are staying in the city sorry alone time with G/F. Just scared I will get some CRAZY people. But open it up to people. This is what the fan club is about right, meeting new people!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • or being robbed or over-run by pscyhopaths :lol: j/k, but it's definitely a leap of faith, but awefully nice of you to offer to hook up the out-of-towners.
  • Well so far the people I've met all over the world at the shows seem to be really nice and we talked about the band for hours. I know it could turn out different, but thinking about sharing my place. Also my G/F is a Special Agent, so is always ready!
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