A Santa (Eddie) Letter for My Two Sons

This is like a christmas letter to Santa (or Hanukkah and Harry in my case) but here it goes
Dear Santa (Eddie):
I am taking my two sons from NJ out to LA and San Diego to see their first Pearl Jam shows. They are quite excited and have been requesting more and more songs to listen to so that they will know them before the shows. I have been trying to educate them on the amazingly diverse set lists and the chances of them seeing their favorite songs at your shows. They have been to an AC/DC concert and got to hear everything they knew since all their shows are pretty much the same as they were 15 years ago. Getting them some of the official bootlegs has gotten them really into more songs. They are really into The Fixer and are glad that they most likely will hear it.
However from the beginning they each had one favorite song and I have to constantly replay it in the car every trip. I would love each one to get to hear their favorite if it is at all possible.
For the October 7th LA show (LA4) my oldest Cole, 9, is going and he loves Hail, Hail. You will enjoy his pure joy and he will probably look like this:

For the October 9th San Diego, my middle one Logan who is 6 has not stopped listening to Brain of J since I can remember. No great picture for him but a cute story. The reason why he started liking this song is his best friend is named Jay and he thought it was about Jay's Brain.
I hope you get to read this before the shows but if not I am sure they will love it as much as I do.
P.S. Thanks for the early x-mas present of pre-orders of posters. I do not collect but got one for each boy for their walls so that they will never forget.
Dear Santa (Eddie):
I am taking my two sons from NJ out to LA and San Diego to see their first Pearl Jam shows. They are quite excited and have been requesting more and more songs to listen to so that they will know them before the shows. I have been trying to educate them on the amazingly diverse set lists and the chances of them seeing their favorite songs at your shows. They have been to an AC/DC concert and got to hear everything they knew since all their shows are pretty much the same as they were 15 years ago. Getting them some of the official bootlegs has gotten them really into more songs. They are really into The Fixer and are glad that they most likely will hear it.
However from the beginning they each had one favorite song and I have to constantly replay it in the car every trip. I would love each one to get to hear their favorite if it is at all possible.
For the October 7th LA show (LA4) my oldest Cole, 9, is going and he loves Hail, Hail. You will enjoy his pure joy and he will probably look like this:

For the October 9th San Diego, my middle one Logan who is 6 has not stopped listening to Brain of J since I can remember. No great picture for him but a cute story. The reason why he started liking this song is his best friend is named Jay and he thought it was about Jay's Brain.

I hope you get to read this before the shows but if not I am sure they will love it as much as I do.
P.S. Thanks for the early x-mas present of pre-orders of posters. I do not collect but got one for each boy for their walls so that they will never forget.

Post edited by Unknown User on
Truth of the matter, while I'm sure the concerts will be ridiculously awesome...the real value in this trip is spending that much time with your sons. Something they will remember fondly I'm sure, more for the entire experience then just the concerts. Enjoy.
Winnipeg, Sept 8/2005
Chicago, Aug 23&24/2009
Alpine Valley, Sept 3&4/2011
Winnipeg, Sept 17/2011
Saskatoon, Sept 19/2011
Edmonton, Sept 23/2011
EV SOLO, Minneapolis/St. Louis 2011
London, July 16/2013
Cannot wait to take my daughter....she will be old enough next time around.....she's only 5 now....but already a fan!
AWESOME!! What's her favorite tune?
we're gonna have fun bd!!
I took my two yung uns to Hawaii 06. They still like me!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I cant wait to bring my girls when they're older. My eldest is 3 and absolutely LOVES Lukin...probably cause i pick her up and we flail around the kitchen when it plays
Seems to be the year a lot of PJ kids are involved with their parents.
It's spreading over to my house too, with my soon to be 14 yr old daughter (turns 14 on Monday) and she has not gone to ANY concert (never showed any interest other than hanging out with her dad at local festivals)... and she would love her first concert experience to be with PJ next year, if possible.
She's really excited too!
I hope your boys have a blast in LA & SD!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
You shoulda come to Philly!
Cant wait to see you guys out there
Have a good weekend Black D
I know!! :( There are so many people I want to meet in the States now. Next year...must come next year.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
You are a great dad, and I hope your sons hear those songs.
And after its all said and done......Philly around Halloween,Spectrum,special guests,Cheesesteaks!! Its all been sinking in with me!
Man, we are a spoiled bunch
I just wish my kids were old enough to come to this years concerts unfortunately they are only 2years and the other 12 weeks.
Future, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane 09
Great story, that's awesome.
Ziggy I would take you and I don't even know you.... Your hot.
Well hello there!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Yup! I'm taking my 14 year old to see PJ in Adelaide, which will be her first rock concert. Then I'm taking my 15 year old to see them in Sydney, who saw them at the age of 9 and then again when she was 12. Hope your 14 year old gets to see them next year.
Boys will be boys!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
That's MOANER not MONA!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★