Gretsch Eletromatic

I've been looking at getting one of these and was wondering if anyone's got one or played one and what they think of them?
I can't go the library anymore, everyone STINKS!!
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No probs...again as you say its Gretsch so they are will get people who would say its still the electromatic but then again if you weigh the cost to the actual guitar you will own, i would always say its winner...
Now if you choose the one with the old style whammy arm on it, they are quite impractical if you are gigging and changing your own is an intricate job trying to change strings quickly on this thing..this is my one and only downfall on the guitar...but i do play/tour full time and I wouldnt go on the road without mine... ... 95.c0.m299
I'm going try and get to a shop in Sydney that has one so I can have a play of it before I buy.
wow thats a cracker..mines very similar however not hollow body...that is a gorgeous guitar...if i had the cash and wanted one as you do, id snap that up before it sells....just my opinion...
I know that problem, but you can get rid of most of the hassle by installing this:
This replaces the awful pins on and saves a lot of time and nerves replacing the strings.
You sir, are a genius...thats exactly what is needed....cheers.
Will let you know how it goes when I get it.
I was thinking last night that even if a don't like it I'll get my money back for it if I sell it here.
Thanks again Joe
I'll let you know how it goes.I've got a bud who's an awesome guitarist(much better than me!) and I'll get him to give me some feedback too. I'm hoping to get it pretty soon I was reading the guys feedback I bought it off and another Aussie had bought one and got it in 10 days. Fingers crossed, can't wait!!!
Hey received it yet??
Nah not yet!!! Been tracking it on UPS site and its left the USA. AARGGH!!!! Gimme gimme!!!
Thanks for all the advice!!
Awesome telling you man...your next investment should be the Orange Tiny Terror...holy shit..the single greatest piece of guitar equipment for home/studio/live/arena should get one cheap on aus ebay...i actually playing my gretsch through my tiny terror in that video i sent you...both myself and our other guitar player bought Tiny Terror's on the day we first heard them...they are that good...such great value...if you want to look around i know the guy from death cab for cutie uses one...check it out...oh by the way im not a salesman for orange ha ha...just cant believe how good these little things are!!! Spread the love!!!
Thanks! I've been thinking that if I do pick this up, it'll be mine to fiddle around with over the coming years. I've always wanted to do some minor replacement surgery on an axe and this could be the one. I'm done work in ten minutes, I have money in my pocket and am heading straight to the store after, so there's a good chance it'll be mine. I've heard that the rocking bridge is the first thing I should look into, true?