nine years ago?? Fuck me where has time gone? Ed looks so young, i think he should shave the beard but whatever. Mike hasn't changed a bit, hard as fuck!
"it feels like it's the end of the world and we all got a good seat. you know -- step right up, get your we go."
As the years pile on between albums and tours you start to forget just HOW amazing this band is live. Nobody else is even in the same league. Thanks for the post, best 5 min of my day
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
As the years pile on between albums and tours you start to forget just HOW amazing this band is live. Nobody else is even in the same league. Thanks for the post, best 5 min of my day
Agreed. It baffles my mind when people try to discredit this band.
That was pretty fucking sick. I like it when guitarists try to wrench as much emotion as they can out of their instruments. I tried to find video on the interwebs and could not. Could someone point me in the direction of a site to download the entire PJ set in video?
Awesome vid indeed, I would love it if the camera was just on Mike the for the whole song, not taking anything away from the other guys, but Mike's just insanely in the zone on this one.
05/02/03 Buffalo, 06/28/03 Toronto, 09/13/05 Hamilton, 09/19/05 Toronto, 05/09/06 Toronto, 05/10/06 Toronto
Keep On Rockin In The Free World
- EV
So why be satisfied?
ye man, some people just get very lucky :P
he/she had us at "Wow"
SO good. I love the intensity of all of thier songs. This one has that eerie intensity. Same with sleight of hand.
God I love that song.
Keep On Rockin In The Free World