Article: German Review of Backspacer + New Clips,15 ... 91,00.html <- This link is to the Article and contains 3 new 30-second clips!
Kultur / Musik
Abgehört - Die wichtigsten CDs der Woche
8 September 2009
Spiegel Online (Deutsch)
Barack Obamas Wahlsieg hat sich wohl auch auf Pearl Jam positiv ausgewirkt: Die neue Platte der Grunge-Veteranen klingt vitaler als je zuvor, staunt Andreas Borcholte und geht mit The Devil's Blood auf Zeitreise in die gute alte Hardrock-Zeit. Jan Wigger pichelt mit Element of Crime.
Pearl Jam - "Backspacer" (Universal, 18. September)
Ein Befreiungschlag. "Here I am/Riding high amongst the waves" singt der passionierte Surfer Eddie Vedder in einer Hymne in der Mitte des neuen Pearl-Jam-Albums, so voller Inbrunst und Energie, dass man sich ein bisschen dafür schämt, die letzte der großen Grunge-Bands schon abgeschrieben zu haben. Seit Anfang des Jahrzehnts schienen sich Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament und Matt Cameron in einer diffus wabernden Wolke der Unausgegorenheit verloren zu haben; je expliziter Frontmann Eddie bei Konzerten und anderen öffentlichen Auftritten gegen die Regierung George W. Bushs wetterte, desto unpointierter wurden Alben wie "Binaural", "Riot Act" und zuletzt "Pearl Jam". Vielleicht hat die Erlösung und Erleichterung, die Amerika durch die Wahl Barack Obamas erfuhr, ja auch bei den Veteranen aus Seattle für neue Lockerheit gesorgt. Schon erstaunlich: Nach U2 ist Pearl Jam schon der zweite vermeintlich saturierte Rock-Brocken, der in diesem Jahr zu neuer Form aufläuft.
"Backspacer", knappe 36 Minuten kurz und von Band-Intimus Brendan O'Brien produziert, wird durch ein rumpelndes Song-Trio eröffnet, das die Band auf beeindruckende Art und Weise zu ihren Punk-Ursprüngen zurückführt: "Gonna See My Friends", musikalisch zwischen Stooges- und Who-Einflüssen, ist der joviale Freudenschrei, den ein für Jahre Eingesperrter ausstößt, der erstmals wieder warme Frühlingsluft wittert. "Got Some" ist druckvoll und drängend, und "The Fixer", eine hübsche Kinks-Hommage, erzählt von einem Gutmenschen, der es liebt, die Dinge besser zu machen. Optimismus überall. Danach verliert das Album etwas an Fahrt, zugunsten der Ballade "Just Breathe", die an den akustischen Stil von Vedders Solo-Soundtrack-Album "Into The Wild" anknüpft - der Duft von Freiheit und Abenteuer. "Johnny Guitar", mit einem rückwärts gespielten Gitarrenriff, zeigt dann wieder mit faszinierender Virtuosität, dass diese Band aus exzellenten Instrumentalisten besteht. Am Ende, nach dem lebensbejahenden "Alive"-Pendant "Amongst The Waves", geht es noch einmal auf Nick-Drake-Terrain, wenn Vedder in "The End" Frieden mit sich selbst und den zerrütteten Bush-Jahren findet. Konzentrierter, vielseitiger, vitaler hat man Pearl Jam lange nicht gehört. Ein mit Herz, Muskeln und Hirn vollgepacktes Kraftpaket von einer Rockplatte. (9) Andreas Borcholte
Kultur / Musik
Abgehört - Die wichtigsten CDs der Woche
8 September 2009
Spiegel Online (Deutsch)
Barack Obamas Wahlsieg hat sich wohl auch auf Pearl Jam positiv ausgewirkt: Die neue Platte der Grunge-Veteranen klingt vitaler als je zuvor, staunt Andreas Borcholte und geht mit The Devil's Blood auf Zeitreise in die gute alte Hardrock-Zeit. Jan Wigger pichelt mit Element of Crime.
Pearl Jam - "Backspacer" (Universal, 18. September)
Ein Befreiungschlag. "Here I am/Riding high amongst the waves" singt der passionierte Surfer Eddie Vedder in einer Hymne in der Mitte des neuen Pearl-Jam-Albums, so voller Inbrunst und Energie, dass man sich ein bisschen dafür schämt, die letzte der großen Grunge-Bands schon abgeschrieben zu haben. Seit Anfang des Jahrzehnts schienen sich Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament und Matt Cameron in einer diffus wabernden Wolke der Unausgegorenheit verloren zu haben; je expliziter Frontmann Eddie bei Konzerten und anderen öffentlichen Auftritten gegen die Regierung George W. Bushs wetterte, desto unpointierter wurden Alben wie "Binaural", "Riot Act" und zuletzt "Pearl Jam". Vielleicht hat die Erlösung und Erleichterung, die Amerika durch die Wahl Barack Obamas erfuhr, ja auch bei den Veteranen aus Seattle für neue Lockerheit gesorgt. Schon erstaunlich: Nach U2 ist Pearl Jam schon der zweite vermeintlich saturierte Rock-Brocken, der in diesem Jahr zu neuer Form aufläuft.
"Backspacer", knappe 36 Minuten kurz und von Band-Intimus Brendan O'Brien produziert, wird durch ein rumpelndes Song-Trio eröffnet, das die Band auf beeindruckende Art und Weise zu ihren Punk-Ursprüngen zurückführt: "Gonna See My Friends", musikalisch zwischen Stooges- und Who-Einflüssen, ist der joviale Freudenschrei, den ein für Jahre Eingesperrter ausstößt, der erstmals wieder warme Frühlingsluft wittert. "Got Some" ist druckvoll und drängend, und "The Fixer", eine hübsche Kinks-Hommage, erzählt von einem Gutmenschen, der es liebt, die Dinge besser zu machen. Optimismus überall. Danach verliert das Album etwas an Fahrt, zugunsten der Ballade "Just Breathe", die an den akustischen Stil von Vedders Solo-Soundtrack-Album "Into The Wild" anknüpft - der Duft von Freiheit und Abenteuer. "Johnny Guitar", mit einem rückwärts gespielten Gitarrenriff, zeigt dann wieder mit faszinierender Virtuosität, dass diese Band aus exzellenten Instrumentalisten besteht. Am Ende, nach dem lebensbejahenden "Alive"-Pendant "Amongst The Waves", geht es noch einmal auf Nick-Drake-Terrain, wenn Vedder in "The End" Frieden mit sich selbst und den zerrütteten Bush-Jahren findet. Konzentrierter, vielseitiger, vitaler hat man Pearl Jam lange nicht gehört. Ein mit Herz, Muskeln und Hirn vollgepacktes Kraftpaket von einer Rockplatte. (9) Andreas Borcholte
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
Post edited by Unknown User on
It seems like Barack Obamas election victory had a positive influence on Pearl Jam: The new record from the Grunge Vetarans sounds more vital then ever before…
(now there is some sort of thing I don’t get, but since I don’t know the context… it is like: Andreas Borcholte marbles and goes on a time journey in the good old Hard Rock times with The Devil’s Blood. Jan Wigger tipples with Element of Crime.)
“Here i am riding high amongst the waves” sings passionate surfer Eddie Vedder in a Hymne in the middle of the new Pearl Jam record, full of fervor and energy, your ashamed you’ve already written off one of the last big grunge bands. Since the beginning of the century Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament and Matt Cameron seemed to be lost in a (pardon my words, it is really crazy german!!!) hazy swirling cloud of imbalance, the more explicit front man Eddie talked about the government of George Bush , the more (the word is really one I cant even find in a dictionary, so fellow germans: help needed for unpointiert) un-trenchant were records like “Binaural”, “Riot Act” and “Pearl Jam”. Maybe the salvation and relief America experienced through the election of Barack Obama, also had an effect on the looseness/sleaziness on the veterans from Seattle. It’s astounding: After U2 Pearl Jam is the second supposed to be saturated “Rock-hunk” (again, not sure about the right word Rock-Brocken) who accures to come to a new form.
“Backspacer”, narrow 36 minutes short and produced by the Band-intime Brendan O’Brien is opened by a song trio, that impressively leads them back to their Punk-origins: “Gonna See My Friends”, musically inbetween Stooges and Who- influences, it is a jovial shout of joy, a for years locked up does, the first time the smells the warm spring air again. “Got Some” is urging and pressing and “The Fixer” is a nice Kinks-Hommage, about a do-gooder, who loves to make things better. Optimism everywhere. After those the records looses a little speed, in support of the ballad “Just Breath” which is acustic and sounds like Vedders Solo Soundtrack-Record, “Into The Wild” – the scent of freedom and adventure. “Johnny Guitar”, with a backwards played guitar riff shows with a fascinating virtuosity, that the band consists of excellent instrumentalists. At the end, after a optimistic “Alive”-pendant “Amongst The Waves” it goes back again to Nick-Drake-terrain, when Vedder comes to peace with himself and the shattered bush-years. More concentrated, versatile or vital you haven’t heard Peral Jam in a long time. An with heart, muscles and brain filled “energie-package” (Energiepaket) of a Rock record.,15 ... 91,00.html
the link also has clips of GSMF, Johnny Guitar, and Just Breathe that we have not heard before. I will be the first to say that they sound wicked.
Thank you very much for doing that translation!
The clip of Going to see my friend... The scream at the 11-12 second point in the clip... That scream is right from the Ten era. Like the scream he does in that Beatles Song in the Japanese Edition of Ten. His voice breaks in the same way. I haven't heard that out of him in 18 years. Wicked is right!
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
That's an interesting connection, strange but I think I get what you're hearing. It reminds me of Mudhoney's music.
I noticed that too. It sounds like STP/GnR/PJ in one. I still like it alot though
Oh I can't find the clips on the page. Maybe they don't work for iphone?
8/7/08, 6/9/09
2008: MSG 1, Hartford, Mansfield 2, Ed Solo NYC 1
2009: London (O2), Philly 1, 2, 3, & 4
2010: Hartford, Boston, MSG 1 & 2
2011: Ed Solo Hartford
2012: Philly (MIA Fest)
2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Hartford
btw, i get the context now, there are more reviews on the same page, thats the "Element Of Crime" ... thing
But I think I'll post mine, too... tried my best to translate the weird german phrases...
Seems like Barack Obamas victory also had a positive effect on Pearl Jam: The new record of the „Grunge veterans“ sounds more vital than ever, says an astonished Andreas Borcholte and travels back into good old hardrock times with The Devil’s Blood. Jan Wigger is tippling with Element of Crime.
Pearl Jam - "Backspacer" (Universal, 18. September)
It’s a like coup. "Here I am/Riding high amongst the waves" passionate surfer Eddie Vedder sings in an anthem in the middle of the album, he sings with fervor and energy that it almost makes you feel a bit ashamed about having written off the last of the big Grunge bands. Since the beginning of the decade Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament and Matt Cameron seem to be lost in a hazy swirling cloud of callowness; the more frontman Eddie Vedder railed against the Bush administration during concerts and other public appearances, the less trenchant albums like “Binaural”, “Riot Act” and most recently “Pearl Jam” became. Maybe the salvation and the relieve that America experienced through the election of Obama also made the veterans from Seattle a little more laid-back. It’s pretty amazing, that after U2 Pearl Jam is already the second so-called “rock-chunk” that is back in the game.
“Backspacer” almost 36 minutes short and produced by the bands intimate friend Brendan O’Brien, is opened by a rumbling song-trio, which in an astonishing way leads the band back to their punk roots: “Gonna See My Friends”, musically somewhere between influences of the Stooges and the Who, is the jovial whoop of joy of a person locked up for years, after smelling a breath of warm spring air for the first time again. “Got Some” is pressing and urging, and “The Fixer”, a nice Kinks tribute, tells the story of a do-gooder who loves to make things better. Optimism everywhere. Than the record slows down with the ballad “Just Breathe”, which links to acoustic style of Vedder’s solo soundtrack “Into The Wild” – the fragrance of freedom and adventure. “Johnny Guitar” with a backwards played guitar riff, shows once again with fascinating virtuosity, that the members of this band are excellent instrumentalists. After the life-affirming “Alive” equivalent “Amongst The Waves”, the record ends in a Nick Drake manner, when Vedder in “The End” makes peace with himself and the shattered Bush years. It’s the most focussed, diverse and vital we have seen Pearl Jam for long. It is a powerful rock album, filled with brains, muscles and heart.
(9) Andreas Borcholte
okay, i didnt read you translation, but i bet it is way better then mine!!!
der artikel ist doch irgendwie bescheuert oder?? die wörter... ich hab bestimmt 20 im wörterbuch nachgeschaut, und nichmal da gabs die alle...
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
Cultural / Music Listening to Leaks - The most important CDs of the week, 8 September 2009 Spiegel Online (German) Barack Obama's election victory is probably a positive effect on Pearl Jam: The new record sounds of the grunge veteran vital than ever before, is amazed and goes with Andreas Borcholte The Devil's Blood to journey back in the good old hard-rock period. January Wigger with pichelt Element of Crime. Pearl Jam - "Backspacer" (Universal, 18 September) a liberation. "Here I am / Riding high amongst the waves" sings the passionate surfer Eddie Vedder in a hymn in the middle of the new Pearl Jam album, so full of zeal and energy that you are a bit ashamed of it, the last of the great grunge bands have written off already. Since the beginning of the decade seemed to Vedder, Mike McCready, Stone Gossard, Jeff Ament and Matt Cameron became trapped in a diffuse cloud of billowing immaturity have, depending explicit frontman Eddie at concerts and other public appearances against the government of George W. Bush lashed out, the more unpointierter albums like "Binaural", "Riot Act" and most recently "Pearl Jam".Perhaps the release and relief, learned the Americas by the election of Barack Obama, worried indeed at the veterans from Seattle for new looseness. Amazing: After U2 Pearl Jam is the second supposedly saturated rock fragments, accruing in that year to a new form. "Backspacer, produced short and concise 36 minutes of tape confidant Brendan O'Brien is going to open with a rumbling song trio, which reduces the band in an impressive way to their punk roots," Gonna See My Friends " musically between the Stooges and Who influences, is the jovial cry of joy, to launching a Confined for years, the first warm spring air smells again. "Got Some" is punchy and urgent, and "The Fixer", a pretty Kinks homage, tells of a good guy who loves to make things better. Optimism everywhere. Then the album loses some of its momentum in favor of the ballad "Just Breathe", which to the acoustic style of Vedder solo soundtrack album "Into The Wild linked" - the scent of freedom and adventure."Johnny Guitar" with a guitar riff played backwards, then again with fascinating displays of virtuosity, that this band consists of excellent instrumentalists. In the end, after the life-affirming "Alive" counterpart "Amongst The Waves", is once again on Nick-Drake-terrain when Vedder in "The End" at peace with itself and the distracted Bush takes years. Focused, more versatile, more vital you have not heard Pearl Jam long. A rock record with heart, muscles and brain overload this powerhouse of one. (9) Andreas Borcholte
Oh ja, das stimmt
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
haha, ja genau so ging es mir auch... ich muss sagen, der artikel war ja inhaltlich leider nicht so stark, aber spaßig wars trotzdem!!
saurkraut und lufewaffe schnitzel!!
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
... Backspacer, where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?!?!?!?!
... love the snippets, BTW it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
Check out that groove and bassline!!!
8/7/08, 6/9/09
It's growing up just like me.
We've all been there.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Sha la la la i'm in love with a jersey girl
I love you forever and forever
Adel 03 Melb 1 03 LA 2 06 Santa Barbara 06 Gorge 1 06 Gorge 2 06 Adel 1 06 Adel 2 06 Camden 1 08 Camden 2 08 Washington DC 08 Hartford 08
please stay on topic.