Thought Provoking Fan-Made Bu$hleaguer Video.....

Was just flicking through YouTube and came across this great thought provoking video for Bu$hleaguer...really close to the lyrics and sentiment of the song...Ive always loved this song however it almost seems more significant with these images over it... ... re=related ... re=related
Post edited by Unknown User on
There are so many angry people in the country now, angry at Obama for anything he does or says, and I look at this and I wonder, where the fuck have they been for the last eight years that these fucking criminals were in charge? NOW you're angry?
I'm not sure we will ever recover from the bush years...
blackout weaves it way through the city...
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
Very sad anyway, very sad indeed :( it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
So happy that former President George W. Bush and his cohorts, like his Republican guard, are no longer in power. His war in Iraq and subsequent mistreatment of our fighting forces has been immoral.
I firmly believe that the policies of the previous administration, especially concerning the SEC, have contributed greatly to our current economic problems.
please, had Clinton not decimated our intelligence and military, or had taken care of the problem after the first attempt to hit the WTC, 9/11 may never had happened. I will give you the Iraq war, but the emphasis on September 11th in that video is not only uncalled for and insulting, but just wrong.
And if you are a 9/11 conspiracy person, then you are not who the previous post was directed at. Because you are crazy and not matter what anyone says you already have your mind made up.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
Clinton tried to take care of the problem. He had 20,000 troops in Somalia working against bin Laden, and the only reason they didn't find him was because Clinton felt that if they kept going, it would just be more American lives lost, even if it did mean finding bin Laden. Bush did exactly the opposite! He kept it going, kept sending more troops into Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran, and look, we still don't have him, and Al-Qaeda is still at large, and a whole bunch of American lives have been lost! If you want to blame Clinton for this then you really need to look all the way back to the Reagan administration.
So you are saying when Clinton stopped it was to save lives. But then 9/11 happened and lives were lost, which prompted the war against the taliban in afghanistan. Maybe had Clinton kept going they would have been busy fighting a war rather than plan 9/11. Or maybe had Bush just stopped there would be another major event that would force Obama to deal with it his entire presidency.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
You've got part of that correct... but, in order to be credible in making a point, you should include all of the facts... not just the ones that you agree with.
The 'Peace Dividend' was started under George H.W. Bush, not Clinton. Bush Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney architected the plan which called for a draw down of U.S. Military active duty forces from 2.2 million to 1.8 million during his term... Clinton reduced it to 1.4 million as a continuation of the long term Bush plan. This was not a bad thing in the context of the times. The Fall of the Soviet Union meant the U.S. no longer faced the conventional war that created the build up of forces. No one anticipated an attack of this magnitude from a terrorist organization.
The intelligence breakdown began with President Ford in 1975.
I understand that you probably got your information from campaign speeches or 2 minute 38 second blurbs on cable television... but, nowadays... those sources are unreliable. Politicians have never be reliable sources of relaying complete facts.
Hail, Hail!!!
Oh really? Can you show me where the missile...I mean Boeing 737 hit? If you havent taken chemistry...jet fuel can't burn hot enough to vaporize an airplane. I was in your boat until people started presenting evidence. If evidence is presented to the contrary I'll change my mind back. Unfortunately the government has never explained this. ... lane3d.jpg ... 800JPG.JPG ... cy0902.jpg ... 0265.shtml ... 0290.shtml ... 0274.shtml
Hail, Hail!!!
very powerful video
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
5-4-95 Hovercraft / Cleveland
8-21-08 E.V. Chicago
10-31-09 Philadelphia
5-09-10 Cleveland
5-10-10 Buffalo
6-26-11 E.V. Detroit
10-11-13 Pittsburgh
10-12-13 Buffalo
10-29-13 Charlottesville
4-18-16 Hampton
8-22-16 Chicago
5-4-95 Hovercraft / Cleveland
8-21-08 E.V. Chicago
10-31-09 Philadelphia
5-09-10 Cleveland
5-10-10 Buffalo
6-26-11 E.V. Detroit
10-11-13 Pittsburgh
10-12-13 Buffalo
10-29-13 Charlottesville
4-18-16 Hampton
8-22-16 Chicago
yeah by decimating our military and intelligence, which paved the way for 9/11. that and not finishing the job after the first WTC attack.
But if it makes you feel better to blame Bush, please continue. It seems to be the thing to do.
Hung like Sadaam? Really?? If he continues pushing his socialist views on to us, I would say the same about Obama, but I would be called a racist, plus it is completely disrespectful to call for the hanging of a former president.
"We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08
Eddie: Dublin & London