11:30 on the East Coast

It's a 11:30 on the East Coast and we are on the computer for some reason or another. Me? my girlfriend had to work today (I had the day off) and is sleeping and I am sitting on the couch drinking a Yards Saison. What is everyone listening to right now? I am watching Neil Young on Palladia and my god, I love his music but he must be the ugliest human being alive!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
dude, are we the same person.
I'm watching Palladia too (Neil Young, now Bruce)....while drinking a Dupont Saison....
Little Stevie cracks me up
Haha, what the fuck, I am on DVR and just got to Bruce and was thinking, is Little Stevie really Silvio???
Dupont Saison is by far my favorite Saison along with Hennepin but Yards locally is $34 a case. It's good, not great but financially beats the $10-$15 a bottle for a Dupont.
Anchor Steam?????
anchor steam is from san fran.
If you're a New Yorker in Philly - surely you must have been to Eulogy or Monks...(if not - you MUST go there!)
and as for NY - there's a bunch of great bars with great selection - peculiar pub, gingerman, burp castle, bxl cafe
and in NJ - we have the entire nations #3 beer store in Plainfield.
been to any of those?
Beer Advocate seems to think very highly of Anchor Steam, have to see if I can get it locally
they sell it at shows at penns landing!
Gave me heartburn last time I had it. haha
Hartford 10 Boston 10 Wrigley 13 Worcester I 13 Worcester II 13 Hartford 13
NYC I 16 NYC II 16 Fenway I 16 Fenway II 16 Fenway 1 18 Fenway II 18
E.V. Boston II 08 E.V. Albany II 09 E.V. Providence 11, E.V. Boston 11
Troubled Souls Unite
Yeah man, I lived at 2nd and Arch for 2 years and have been at 2nd and Christian for about a year and a half now. Eulogy has been one of my favorite spots since I moved here and Monks beer selection is second to none in Philly.
Gingerman is my favorite spot in NYC, the others I am not familar with.
Yeah?? Whats that? I am going to the Yanks game on monday and wouldnt mind hitting it up on my way
Yeah he is pretty god damn ugly but Neil in HD on Palladia was pretty god damn ugly....
The E Street Band is really kililng it.
GuitarHero, you going to any of the shows at the Spectrum?
HIghly recommend both Eulogy and Monks when you visit Philly
I have to get to Penns Landing for a show. Weak on my part.
going to all 4 PJ shows at the spectrum...
Might go to a bruce show or two there as well - my buddy is in charge of bruce's advanced ticketing - so it's a strong possibility.
And i absolutely second going to Monks or Eulogy when anyone visits philly!
Nice dude, as of right now I am going to Pearl Jam on Friday and Saturday but am sure I will end up at all 4 (depending on if the Yanks are in the world series)
Also looking to go to a Bruce show or two. Will probably be last minute though. Nonetheless October is going to be one hell of a fucking month at the Spectrum.
If you are staying in the Center City area, Monks would definitely be the most conveient to hit up. Very good mussels and an outstanding beer menu.
Lemmy is ugly as all hell. No ones uglier than Tom Petty...