Record Player Questions

i was just listening to some records i just got and i noticed that my record player plays faster than the song is supposed to sound. it's a new record player, i just got it maybe a year ago and i noticed it plays faster than usual when i got the 10 box set and realized it was a little off since i've heard those songs a billion+ times. i tried other records and it's the player. i synced the player with my ipod so i know it's off. is there anything i can do to fix it or something? so far i just press my finger slightly on the side of it so that it slows down but i don't wanna ruin it or something.
also, is there anything i can do to make the sound better? of course getting one that's higher end is better though it costs a lot. i heard that changing the needle from the one it comes with to a glass one (or something) makes it sound better.
any help is greatly appreciated!
the one i have is this but pink:
also, is there anything i can do to make the sound better? of course getting one that's higher end is better though it costs a lot. i heard that changing the needle from the one it comes with to a glass one (or something) makes it sound better.
any help is greatly appreciated!

the one i have is this but pink:

PJ: 9/29/04, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/30/08, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 9/3/11, 9/4/11, 10/18/13, 8/7/16
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Changing the needle is not going to help with the speed issues, but would help with overall sound quality. The speed issue might be that you have it on the 45rpm setting rather than the 33 1/3rpm (45 = single vs. 33 1/3 = album). I would say check that first, there is usually a switch labeled 33 1/3rpm and 45rpm somewhere on the player, usually near the needle arm (and sometimes 78rpm, but I doubt a Crosley would have that option, those are usually reserved for ultra-high-end players nowadays). Hope this helps.
hey, i have collected a lot of vinyl over the last few years and i don't have a record player in working order anymore. i am in the market to find a decent one. i was looking for recommendations.
I am not even sure if i want one that i can plug into my receiver and tower speakers, if i want one for PC use, or if i want a portable one with speakers inside of it. i am open to all suggestions, but i would like to try to keep it under $200 if at all possible. i am thinking it would need to have rcas for the receiver and a usb for the computer, so something with both would be cool.
there is some great info provided on here so i was looking for some input from you all.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I just wish you all the best in your new found glory.
I started collecting vinyl in 2001 and bought a cheap old turntable (you'll find that's what audiophiles refer to them more commonly as, rather than record players) with two cabinet speakers from a pawn shop all for $50. Spun vinyl on that 70's RadioShack Clarinette special like a MO-FO for 12 years until I started researching more about turntables and becoming an audiophile. I've since sold that unit. It also began spinning my vinyl slower than what it should have, and believe me that is SO BAD for your vinyl when you start pushing / pressing, even the slightest; read this article as it's invaluable.
My collection is now near 400 vinyl (not including nearly 100 45's) and I've been saving for an entire home entertainment unit which will include:
Turntable (either a Pro-Ject Genie, Rega RP-3, Clear Audio Emotion, Denton... so many choices)
Receiver (Moon)
Speakers (Bowers & Wilkins)
Power Cables
If you're interested, here are some cool links. ... -a-budget/ ... ust-599253
It's a wild world. Enjoy the vinyl ladies 'n germs.