Week-7, Fixer remains at #2 on Billboard's Rock Songs Chart

AIC Jumps ahead to #1, Linkin Park, who sat at #1 sinks to #3. The Fixer is stuck like a barnacle on #2.
AIC Jumps ahead to #1, Linkin Park, who sat at #1 sinks to #3. The Fixer is stuck like a barnacle on #2.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
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No I think the Hot 100 debut is from download sales
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
yeah, check out this article: http://www.billboard.com/news/pearl-jam ... 9055.story
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Kind of crazy seeing the names Pearl Jam is surrounded by. Pearl Jam is more pop than we know.
nothing was sillier than when Last Kiss was getting played on pop stations. DJs would say things like "Coming up after the break we have Britany Spears, Pearl Jam, and The Backstreet Boys"
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I don't think anyone will play this new record off of Last Kiss's success.. 10 years is a 100 years in the pop music world.
Sometimes things just hit, and other things mysteriously don't. I remember the guy who paid $1m for a cabbage patch doll. How retarded is that? Or that whole pet-rock craze. I would have thought In My Tree would have been the huge hit off No Code and to my amazement, all the Southern California stations played Smile for months. Smile, to me isn't a bad song but doesn't hold water compared to In My Tree. Things amaze me. Just have no idea why the world doesn't see things my way
ditto. i went back and looked at both stations here in Columbus that play PJ fairly often. They both played the fixer once in the past 4 days. jeremy, alive, and daughter all got 2 plays a piece in the same time. i don't get it.
I was hoping "The Fixer" would hit #1 but it doesn't look like it now. Well, it was more successful then I thought it would be, considering there was no major label support. I really wonder if they will have a successful second single on this record. There really hasn't been a successful second single since "Whishlist". "Life Wasted" did okay, but not great.
I wonder what the next single will be...Amongst the Waves? Sounds like that may be a radio friendly one as well.
I think Got Some is the most logical choice....but logic has never really been high on the list of Pearl Jam's interests when it comes to releasing singles so who knows?
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I think I saw on some Target propaganda something saying Backspacer includes the hit singles The Fixer and Got Some. That may be an insight. Also, 10c originally had Got Some as B-side for 7" vinyl Fixer single. Then, that got changed in a day or so. That might also provide some insight.
yeah I think it's gonna be Got Some. It's been heard on Conan and has had pretty good response. They'd be smart to release it to radio right around the time of the album release. After The Fixer's success on the radio (and Got Some being a far superior song in my humble, humble opinion), I'd suspect Got Some could do pretty good. Sportscenter anchor Neil Everett said "Got Some if ya need it" this morning during some baseball highlight...but he's a good man whose always referencing Pearl Jam and The Big Lebowski.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
WWS lasted 6 weeks on there.
The Fixer has lasted in the top 10 for 9 weeks now on the alt. charts. It might not have got as many spins as WWS when it initially came our previous to the s/t release, but it has been a more successful single overall.
I imagine that if Backspacer had the promotion that s/t did, it would have topped 300k in sales. I think the Target distribution might have hurt them a bit in terms of overall sales, but in the long run it will be better for the band.
Anyway, the fact that "The Fixer" is on the Hot 100 is entirely a function of downloads. "The Fixer" is getting virtually no airplay at CHR/Top 40 radio. The rock radio stations that are playing the track do not report to the Hot 100. They report to the Rock Songs chart.
hahaha, that really made me laugh.
the fixer is one of my least liked tunes on backspacer, lyrics annoy me, so it does not surprise me in the least that it is popular.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
#4 Rock songs
#11 Alternative
#40 Digital songs