Boom should be an official band member

This is how I feel.
I've always said about other bands that I think it's lame when they have extra musicians that play with them live, but that are not considered a member of the band. So, in the spirit of objectivity: Pearl Jam, that means you too! :shock:
I know that some people don't really like Boom and all. I think he's great. He's just another part of this band's evolutionary process-- and isn't it that ability to continuously grow and change that makes Pearl Jam such a great band? Some have said that Boom isn't that good; that he's just an average organ/keyboard player. I think that's bullshit. The guys wouldn't have kept him around for so long if he didn't mesh well with the band, and that's the important thing.
I'm not saying the band disrespects him in any way. I know Ed always gives him props at live shows. And he's listed with the band on bootlegs and live DVDs. So it's almost like there are two Pearl Jams: one with Boom and one without.
Is that really necessary? Why not just let him play on the albums and make him an official band member?
I've always said about other bands that I think it's lame when they have extra musicians that play with them live, but that are not considered a member of the band. So, in the spirit of objectivity: Pearl Jam, that means you too! :shock:
I know that some people don't really like Boom and all. I think he's great. He's just another part of this band's evolutionary process-- and isn't it that ability to continuously grow and change that makes Pearl Jam such a great band? Some have said that Boom isn't that good; that he's just an average organ/keyboard player. I think that's bullshit. The guys wouldn't have kept him around for so long if he didn't mesh well with the band, and that's the important thing.
I'm not saying the band disrespects him in any way. I know Ed always gives him props at live shows. And he's listed with the band on bootlegs and live DVDs. So it's almost like there are two Pearl Jams: one with Boom and one without.
Is that really necessary? Why not just let him play on the albums and make him an official band member?
Post edited by Unknown User on
So a part-time player (to me) is a good way to do it, which is pretty much how it is now. Not to mention I'm sure there are more legal ($$) ramifications in making him a band member as opposed to a touring partner.
A keyboardist is not.
I like having Boom around for the gigs, makes them seem more like a ryhthm and blues band.
when I read 'ramifications', i busted into Grievance. Dude, this is getting bad. Please send me Bacspacer now.
If any keyboardist/"extra" musicians should be made an official member of Pearl Jam, it should be Brendan O'brien before anyone
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
Me too, LMAO!
Love Boat Captain.
oops! lol
i bet when he jams the band doesn't necessarily tell him exactly what to guess is there is room for some of his own interpretation in there
as far as being an official member im sure his tour pay cheques let him sleep comfortably at night and he prolly doesn't even care if it's mean who else are they gonna get if they decide to part with boom? boom is the right guy for the job, imo. mostly cause he prolly has the right attitude
love boom
Technically speaking Matt Cameron was the first drummer for Pearl Jam as well (on the momma son demos), the first recordings of the band.
"Brendan O'Brien – production, mixing, piano, keyboard, percussion" ... _Jam_album)
So why should Boom be an official band member? I think it's good that they let Brendan play the keys because he's much better on it than Boom.
Listen to Brendan's piano on Off He Goes and Arond the Bend from No Code and you'll hear how good he is compared to Boom. Brendan also played the Fender Rhodes electric piano on the 1996 Bridge School concerts and I think they are the best Bridge School concerts because of it. (Brendan also played Hammond B3 organ on Bob Dylan's Mtv Unplugged concert and I think he did a great job there too).