Being fanatical of both, I wonder how deep the influence is. I know In Hiding was Bukowski inspired, yet I am curious if there are other connections and if there are other PJ fans into Buk as well
Until a few months ago I worked at HarperCollins Publishers and I was responsible for all the Bukowski titles, so if you bought one of his titles in the past few years, I was the person who order the printing of the book you own! Bukowski is great! I have, like, over twenty of his books!!! I really like the novels the best, Post Office, Ham on Rye, Woman and Pulp. Does anyone have the Black Sparrow Press editions? They are "rarer". Also, has anyone read any John Fante? I was also responsible for his titles and he was a huge influence on Bukowski! John Fante is also really good!
If you reccomend Fante I will check him out. Most of my stuff is Black Sparrow, my goal is to eventually collect all Buk's work. I'm almost there! just a few poetry books to go...Didn't Sean Penn get an opportunity to hang with him? That must've been some interesting drunken conversation...
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
Pick up my book, I read Bukowski.