XBox 360 Rings of Death

Got em.
Called XBox. My 3 year warranty is expired by a month. They wont hook me up and are charging $100 plus shipping. They wouldnt do anything to help me. I told them to screw off and I am looking forward to how Sony treats their customers.
Now what? I dont feel like fixing it myself, as I dont think I have the tools.
Would gamestop buy the thing from me? I would just as soon sell it and buy an XBox Elite than I would paying for a repair on an old, flawed machine (the thing has never really worked perfectly). Cant really get a PS3 because the money invested in games/accessories... plus all my friends from all over have XBox Live
Called XBox. My 3 year warranty is expired by a month. They wont hook me up and are charging $100 plus shipping. They wouldnt do anything to help me. I told them to screw off and I am looking forward to how Sony treats their customers.
Now what? I dont feel like fixing it myself, as I dont think I have the tools.
Would gamestop buy the thing from me? I would just as soon sell it and buy an XBox Elite than I would paying for a repair on an old, flawed machine (the thing has never really worked perfectly). Cant really get a PS3 because the money invested in games/accessories... plus all my friends from all over have XBox Live
Post edited by Unknown User on
People also buy faulty xboxes, fix them and re sell on ebay, which is what im going to do with mine to make a bit of it back.
work = work + 1;
sleep = sleep - work * 10;}
else if (work >= 0) {
work = work +1;
return 0;}
It's completely unacceptable for any company to put out such BS equipment...especially at the prices they are charging!
Anyways, check out the article below...
I even think the Wii's 7% is bullshit! (I have a first release PS3, and while mine works great...I still know that it's 1/10!)
Oh, and I don't mean to bring the bad news but RROD boxes don't do so well on the selling/trading market. The usually make you prove that it's still working...
Report: Xbox 360 Failure Rate Reaches 54%
New survey says Microsoft's Red Ring of Death contines to rise.
by Jim Reilly
August 17, 2009 - If your Xbox 360 hasn't broken down yet or suffered from the dreaded red ring of death, then consider yourself pretty lucky.
A new survey published in Game Informer's print edition indicates the Xbox 360 failure rate has climbed to a shocking 54.2%. The magazine surveyed nearly 5000 readers, asking them about their experience dealing with broken consoles.
Here are their findings:
Console failure rate
Xbox 360 – 54.2%
Playstation 3 – 10.6%
Wii – 6.8%
Percentage of console owners who suffered a second hardware failure after the original repair.
Xbox 360 – 41.2%
Playstation 3 – 14.7%
Wii – 11%
Percentage of people who rate their customer service experience "very helpful"
Nintendo – 56.1%
Sony – 51.1%
Microsoft – 37.7%
Percentage of respondents whose friends have had console hardware failures.
Xbox 360 – 69.9%
Playstation 3 – 12.4%
Wii – 6%
The magazine also makes a few notes about their results:
The reason the Wii has the lowest hardware failure rate could be because console is played the least of the three. 41.4% of Wii owners surveyed said they play the console less than one hour a day, meanwhile the majority of Xbox 360 (40.3%) and Playstation 3 (37%) owners say they play their console on an average of three to five hours day.
Also, only 3.8% of respondents said they'd never buy another Xbox system because of the failure rates.
How have your experiences been?
Update: Here is Microsoft's response to the report issued to IGN:
Microsoft stands behind the Xbox 360 as a superior entertainment console with one of the best warranties in the industry. We are constantly improving the design, manufacture and performance of the console through extensive testing of potential sources of any problems. Xbox 360 is pleased to maintain the title of "most played console" and the vast majority of Xbox 360 customers have enjoyed a terrific gaming and entertainment experience since their first day, and continue to, day in and day out.
I would think about PS3, but I have all sorts of accessories and games for the XBox. Most of my friends (all over the country) also have XBox Live.
I would still be open to it I guess... If I sold all my stuff I would virtually get it for free and it would stick it to XBox.
I got a semi-automated response email from their support that basically says they cant answer on an individual basis, but they consider all suggestions and comments and prioritize them whatever that means. Then at the end they say that customer satisfaction is their top priority.
I have had 2 xbox RROD, and bought the resident evil elite edition when it came out and no probs yet with that one, and I'm on my fifth PS3 (although one of those wasn't broken so it was exchanged for the wrong reason), and no, I don't treat my electronics bad...quite the opposite.
Xbox wireless will set you back another 100 (I'd take wired over wireless internet anyday, anyway) and as far as the pay for online vs free online, well, let's just say you get what you pay for.
BTW, why does no one ever mention that the PS3 doesn't come with HD cables of any kind?
Unrelated, I got Batman for the PS3 on Tuesday and it kicks ass
the thing that xbox has over everyone else is xbox live ... can't go without that
im not too upset about it. It was 3 years of good use. Its nice that there is a price drop in 1 day. The XBoxes now are a nice upgrade over mine so it doesnt really feel like I am totally flushing money down the drain.
They have addressed the issue and all new systems have the latest chipset that should eliminate the problem. Of course they still have the 3 year warranty just in case, but the famed "RROD" should soon be a thing of the past.
FYI I am on my 5th XBOX 360 due to the RROD issue... lol
as in, are there noticable differences between NCAA 2010, or NHL 09 on the two?
I remember my buddy trying to convince me graphics were better on the 360, but what he wasn't realizing, is all the games being compared were ports from the 360 to PS3. They weren't designed for the PS3 engine.
As far as gameplay differences, most of these differences are controller preferences (there is a huge diff) and network performance. The odd time you get a game that was ported from one to the other that has some bad issues but they get em fixed fast, usually.
The gameplay will be the same. As someone who owns all three, it comes down to controller preferences to me. I can't stand the PS3 controller so I only play the exclusives (MLB The Show, Killzone 2, etc.) but it's primarily a Blu-Ray player to me. On rare occasions the controller scheme on the Wii is preferred (Tiger Woods) and I will get that over the 360 version. But controller preferences aside, GAMEPLAY should be the same between the PS3 and 360 though the graphics is another story... (Check out the rug!)
Regardless of the reason, the end result is the same and your buddy is still correct. Until a third-party developer starts focusing on the PS3 first for a multi-platform game will this no longer be an issue. ... repair.htm
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Actually, Microsoft did fix some hardware issues that were known to be related to the RROD. That said, the new systems fail quite often too.
Not AS often, but it's still pretty significant.
Most developers are no longer porting games to the PS3 anymore (though it does happen from time to time). The first year and a half, a large percentage of the x-platform games were ports.
Most developers now have separate development teams in-house for Microsoft, Sony, and the Wii.
A few months back the CEO or president of Activision went public saying that the PS3 was harder to develop for, wasn't bringing in as much money, and some other issues. The end result is the same game, but they are working on two separate hardware profiles.
EA actually came out and said they preferred Sony's development core more than MS, and that they were making more money off of Playstation products.
Either way...those were just two examples.
IMO, you can't go wrong with either system.
Just don't waste your money on a Wii!
However, Im not starting over, I have the steering wheel, controllers, GH guitar, chargers, a bunch of games, etc for the 360. it doesnt seem like there are enough pros for the ps3 for an overhaul. ill get a new 3 year warranty, and ill take the risk if the worst case scenario is it gets fixed for free. 3 years is likely going to be the beginning of the next Gen anyways.
I appreciate everyone's input.
Ill likely show up at Best Buy when it opens tomorrow to pick up an Elite. Hopefully there isnt a crowd looking to do the same
I would search around and try to find a grey-box elite (the new ones come in a white box like the other versions) with the HDMI cable somewhere because they should be marked down as well. If you can find the Halo 3/Fable 2 pack even better because you can always sell the games if you don't want them or already have them.
Nintendo needs to price drop the Wii soon.
Yeah, if you have invested that much into a system, it's probably your best bet to stick with it.
Even if you wanted to sell all that equipment back, you'll be lucky if you got 1/10th of what you paid for it.
That's a pretty big loss to switch teams now!
And if you come into some extra $ down the line, you could always have both! Both is going to always be better than just one!
Also to address MCA's earlier point about the new xboxes failing, that is still covered by a 3 year warranty and, based on personal experience with my friends' list, I wouldn't say it was very large number.
Oh, btw, MS is joining the Sony mentality and taking the HD cables out of the Elites. And by HD cables I mean both the component and HDMI cables.
Its not that big of a deal either if they will fix it for free.