into the wild comment

just my observation:
i love old pearl jam, i love new pearl jam.
i have been a fan since '92, and appreciate all of their styles. I think it is great to see eddies style develop as he gets older. I am thankful that as i get older and my taste in popular music changes, pearl jam and eddie have kept pace.
nice to hear some non-political stuff for a change.....well there are some social comments and observations on into the wild. At least it is not as in your face as i would have expected from a vedder solo album.
thanks for reading.
i love old pearl jam, i love new pearl jam.
i have been a fan since '92, and appreciate all of their styles. I think it is great to see eddies style develop as he gets older. I am thankful that as i get older and my taste in popular music changes, pearl jam and eddie have kept pace.
nice to hear some non-political stuff for a change.....well there are some social comments and observations on into the wild. At least it is not as in your face as i would have expected from a vedder solo album.
thanks for reading.
first comes love then comes pain. let the games begin.
'23 Fort Worth #2
'22 Oklahoma City
'09 Seattle
'07- Chicago 'THE VIC'!!
'06- st. paul'
'00-va beach' First show of US tour
'00-seattle' second to last show :(
'98 hartford'
'98 virginia beach
'23 Fort Worth #2
'22 Oklahoma City
'09 Seattle
'07- Chicago 'THE VIC'!!
'06- st. paul'
'00-va beach' First show of US tour
'00-seattle' second to last show :(
'98 hartford'
'98 virginia beach
Post edited by Unknown User on
I wouldn't be surprised, if Eddie did make a true solo album of his own songs, if it was right smack in your face, in a couple of songs at least...
This is a collection of songs made specifically to go with certain scenes in a movie, and, as we know, some of the tunes weren't even written by Eddie.
I think Eddie will be back in our faces before too least I hope so!
"Smiling eyes before me, inches from my face..."
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
How is it not a Vedder solo album?
I agree with the original guy that it's a bit political, but not overly political. Very nice... The whole album's very nice.
I guess I meant that it wasn't an album of songs that Eddie sat down and wrote to express his feelings, or to get his message out there, but more the feelings of the character in the movie...he wrote those songs to fit someone else's point of view.
I love this album...I think it's without a doubt some of Eddie's best work.
I agree it's not overtly political at all, just a couple of shots taken at general things, like in Society, and it is always nice to see any of the guys get out of their usual Pearl Jam persona and do solo material like this...that we can all agree on. Some of these songs get stuck in my head for days...every song is really good in my opinion...for me the real stand outs are Far Behind, No Ceiling, and Guaranteed, but they're all good.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
I see your point & agree with your assessment of the album.
It would be cool to hear full-band versions of some of these songs. I can imagine Ed bringing these songs into the studio as they are - just simple acoustic tunes - and see what the rest of the band could add to them.
Like Curly Joe, I see your point but I'd like to add that we lose perspective on music because of our times. That's cool because these ARE our times after all, but from an historical perspective this is more his work than The Marriage of Figaro is Mozart's.
Eddie wrote these words. He may have been working from original material that wasn't his own (a movie) but he interpreted it and brought his own perspective to his creation. What if he took a book and channeled that into an album. What about Yield? That was inspired by Ishmael. Is it less Eddie than something else? How about the lives of his friends?
I think it's outstanding that he's working this way. Why shouldn't he do it too? All the great musicians did. It freed them to focus on music and for a lyricist, I imagine it's very enabling.
I'm not being critical, I'm just throwing this other perspective out there. I think it's awesome. File it under food for thought.
Tell them you love them. Never let the mundane, the unimportant, or worse, the misunderstood, be the final words of parting.
Tell them.
...I was always a DeadHead, but when I first heard Winston Rodney, aka the Burning Spear, sing, I became a SpearHead too!
here we go again....
its eddie vedder's first solo album, but i know what you mean.
Very much agree, it flows beautifully as an album....
Ed's voice sounds really full on it, I love 'the wolf', man, his voice.....
I think of ITW as an Eddie solo EP actually. Calling it an "album" would be a bit much IMO. There are 11 songs on there, 2 of them are covers, 2 of them instrumentals, which leaves 7 full-fledged original Eddie songs. So I like to think of it more as an EP (not to diminish it'S greatness though, I love ITW whether you wanna call it album or not).
you dont think those songs reflect ed's feelings? why do you think he was chosen to do that soundtrack? whoever approached ed (though i dont know for sure, i'm figuring it was sean penn) to do that soundtrack knew exactly what they were doing. i listened to that album for weeks before i saw the movie and i totally felt and heard ed's inner voice in all of them, even society and hard sun. when i finally got to see the movie(the first of many viewings) i was so overwhelmed by how symbiotic that relationship was i was literally moved to to tears. no movie has touched me quite like into the wild. and i know the soundtrack had a great deal to do with my identifying so closely with the story. the songs just fit so well, you know?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I hear you.....
i had a similar experience this weekend after seeing the movie for the first time.....
was really quite moved by it.....and the music fits so well.....
definately one of my all time favourite films/albums, just need the book now....