Response From 1st Timers



  • I've taken a few friends to Pearl Jam shows who are complete first timers. Every one has said the same thing - that it was the best show they've ever seen. The most telling example was at The Vic show, which you know had minimal "common knowledge" songs played and the friend who came had the best time.

    I think Pearl Jam is just a really great live band, and anyone in the audience can tell that. This is not only because of their musicianship but also because of how in tune they are with each other and with the audience. No matter how large the venue it is like everyone is there together having fun. Really cool vibe.
  • leadbedr10leadbedr10 Posts: 409
    I took my wife to her first show in 2006. For most of our relationship, she looked upon my Pearl Jam habit the way you look upon a monkey masturbating in the zoo. Equal parts amusement and disgust.
    Gotta put that line in the memory bank
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    Wilds wrote:

    I made the mistake of taking her to the VH1 Who Tribute.

    I loved it of course, but it was a TV show. Pearl Jam blew everyone on stage away, and had the best crowd reaction, but the crowd was still pretty dead. The smattering of Pearl Jam fans were great, but for the most part the energy was non existent.
    off topic i know, sorry. but i was there also and this post is dead on. the crowd was dead for the rest of the bands cept for the who and pj. vh1 woulda been better off having pj do a who set for an hour and take a 10 minute break/ stage setup and then have the who come out for an hour. nothing like being in the back of the arena all the way up in the nosebleeds, thanks 10c. least i finally got to see the who and went with a cool girl.
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • t0mMyet0mMye Posts: 821
    I took my dad with me

    How could I have forgotten to mention this in my first post!!! I took my dad with me to the Detroit show in 2006. He loved it.

    I'll admit, he was so excited to be going to a "rock show" that Pearl Jam could have done anything and he would have loved it, but he truly did enjoy himself. When we were crossing the border and the border dude asked why we were coming into the States, he blurted out "we're going to a rock show!" It was like he couldn't wait to tell someone.

    The best part though was when we were lining up to go in - This was the tour where they had those wicked numbered hoodies. Knowing how bad I wanted one, my dad looked pretty defeated as we inched closer to the door and saw the HUGE pile of people congregating around the merch booth. So, when I said, "well let's take a chance and go the other way to see if there's another merch booth on the other side," his eyes lit up. He handed his ticket over first and as soon as they let him through, he started running. It was hilarious. Here is my 60 year old father running through an arena to try and get me a sweater! So, as I rushed after him, I could hear him saying "Hurry up Jody, I see one, I see one, I SEE ONE!" Needless to say, we made it to the booth before anyone else, got myself a sweater and my dad bought a hat that he wore proudly all night!!

    He loved Pearl Jam, but loves his ear drums more so he probably won't be coming back to another show! He said the highlight for him was watching me go nuts over each and every song!

    And unrelated to Pearl Jam, he was absolutely blown away by Jim James' voice - MMJ opened that night!

    Your dad rocks :)
    Ten Club # 433608, when I am 80 I will be in the front row!
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