Helpful Tips for People going tonight
As evident by last night in our section, I thought some of us could use a few helpful reminders to allow us all to enjoy the concert experience as much as possible.
1. If you spill half of your beer while walking down the steps to your seat on more than one occassion, its probably a waste of money on your end to buy that $8.25 beer, or at least drink some of it before stumbling back.
2. Seats are designed for 1 person (or one person and a lap child). Please don't squeeze 6 of your closest "Bromances" in your seat and block everyone behind you. This is especially applicable when the two young ladies you decided to stand in front of were both around five feet tall.
3. Each ticket has a set of numbers on it. The first number is the section. You can find this by the large signs above each hallway in the concourse. The next number is the row. This number is easy to find if you look at the first seat in each row near the armrest usually. Once you have find the number on the row that corresponds with the one on your ticket, you're almost there! The third number is the seat number. These are found on the front of the usually folded up portion of your seat. Find the number on your ticket that matches the one on the seat and you've successfully found "YOUR SEAT".
4. If you really find the need to sneak into a better section than yours, I'd really prefer if you do one of two things. A. Don't block my view. and B. if you are going to stand within an inch of me and then start jumping up and down, please have the courtesy to provide me with a prophylactic or at least a signed/certified report of a clean blood test.
5. When you do stand in front of me or my guest (or anyone else for that matter), it is not suggested that you take offense when I ask you, very politely might I add, to "Move your F**king a$$ out of my way before someone in this row stuffs you in one of the mens room urinals"
6. And yes, it is appropriate to laugh when you see over half of the urinals in the mens room over flowing to the floor during "Even Flow".
A special kudos to the gentleman who dropped a full beer on the ground near the entrance to the mens room and was courteous enough to stand there and warn everyone who entered to be careful as the floor was very slippery. I seen this person warn every prospective urinator until someone came over with a mop and a sign. This, IMO, was very classy.
These are just a few helpful tips which I firmly believe will help everyone have a great time tonight and at future concerts.
Feel free to add appropriate tips to the list that I may have erroneously omitted.
1. If you spill half of your beer while walking down the steps to your seat on more than one occassion, its probably a waste of money on your end to buy that $8.25 beer, or at least drink some of it before stumbling back.
2. Seats are designed for 1 person (or one person and a lap child). Please don't squeeze 6 of your closest "Bromances" in your seat and block everyone behind you. This is especially applicable when the two young ladies you decided to stand in front of were both around five feet tall.
3. Each ticket has a set of numbers on it. The first number is the section. You can find this by the large signs above each hallway in the concourse. The next number is the row. This number is easy to find if you look at the first seat in each row near the armrest usually. Once you have find the number on the row that corresponds with the one on your ticket, you're almost there! The third number is the seat number. These are found on the front of the usually folded up portion of your seat. Find the number on your ticket that matches the one on the seat and you've successfully found "YOUR SEAT".
4. If you really find the need to sneak into a better section than yours, I'd really prefer if you do one of two things. A. Don't block my view. and B. if you are going to stand within an inch of me and then start jumping up and down, please have the courtesy to provide me with a prophylactic or at least a signed/certified report of a clean blood test.
5. When you do stand in front of me or my guest (or anyone else for that matter), it is not suggested that you take offense when I ask you, very politely might I add, to "Move your F**king a$$ out of my way before someone in this row stuffs you in one of the mens room urinals"
6. And yes, it is appropriate to laugh when you see over half of the urinals in the mens room over flowing to the floor during "Even Flow".
A special kudos to the gentleman who dropped a full beer on the ground near the entrance to the mens room and was courteous enough to stand there and warn everyone who entered to be careful as the floor was very slippery. I seen this person warn every prospective urinator until someone came over with a mop and a sign. This, IMO, was very classy.
These are just a few helpful tips which I firmly believe will help everyone have a great time tonight and at future concerts.
Feel free to add appropriate tips to the list that I may have erroneously omitted.
There's Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Chuck Berry, Robert Johnson......and then everybody else.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Agreed. I made the incorrect assessment that everyone at the show were capable of exercising common sense. Sadly, I was proven wrong.
Be mindful of the escalators after the show. They were on last night bringing people down and there was a lot of congestion near the doors. People were being knocked down/smashed together because of the limited room between the doors and the escalator. Try to take the stairs or wait back a bit so that people aren't being hurt after the show.
People are so rude in general, you bought a specific seat, sit in it. You dont have the right to try to sneak your way into someone else seat or space !
My worst experience was in Boston 04. I gave my other ticket away before the show.... for free. Somebody came to sit in the seat just as PJ took the stage and suddenly about 4 people poured into the area. They tried to tell me I was in the wrong seat. By that time it was bedlum, loud, PJ took the stage. So I was crammed in, standing sideways, crowded, getting bumped into, etc for the entire show. Scummy fucking people.
Just wondering if it was worth it or if there were any problems.
I am 6'
Where was that?
That whole "sneaking your friends" into the seats, just DOES NOT fucking work with me...AT ALL!! PERIOD!!!!
I dont give a fuck how "polite" you try to be about it either....You are not sneaking any of your fucking friends into the row and blocking my view, or limiting my space to 2 inches....Its just not fucking happening.
More than once I have told people "to get the fuck out of my face, get the fuck out of my row, you dont have fucking tickets for this row, SO GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!!!
I dont give a flying fuck how they react, I dont give a flying fuck how all of a sudden I am the "Bad Guy", I just dont give a fuck...
If you dont have a ticket for that row.....Then get the flying fuck out of that row....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Agreed...and I think the worst is another 10c cramming into YOUR space. :?
We gave our ticket away to another 10c for face value since we ugraded to 2nd row (GR VFC 04) and he had upgraded from his old seat to 11th row (our old tickets).
He crawled into our space, asking for only one song.... we said ok.... but he wouldn't leave... took hundreds of pictures.... I told him to stop.... he won't listen. I told him he was taking up my space and blocking my view... he said he wasn't.... he didn't pay attention to how irritated I was to take a clue.
Oh fuck it... I'll out him. Thats you, Jason - yeah from Ohio. Asshole. :roll: He's only interested in looking out for himself, that's all. Jerk.
Yeah... don't let people cram into your space, even your fellow rude 10c members.
Just wave at the nearby security guard....and that'll take care of it.
Other than that, enjoy the show!
EV: It's your band.
~Q Magazine
"Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
Lot J. First lot next to the Jordan statue is premium I think ($35), next lot over was J ($20). short walk, but congested getting out just like any other lot. and by "designated for 10C" I think it just meant that it would open early and you could leave your care there from open til the end of the show. it wasnt exclusive to 10C, but good of them to let us know which lot to look for if arriving early.
Posters for Sale:
T-Shirts for Sale:
Premium lot was great for us as we were able to get out of the lot with zero delays! ... icipation/
(thanks, TFT, for helping me find the link!). A tour-time staple, for sure.
great link! Remember people, these gestures work best when done from your own seat!!
wow....not the speedy response i expected to read. i was expecting the usual, 'i don't give a rat's ass'...and/or the 'mind your own fuckin' business' speedy post. :P i have to say, i agree with your post! i remember the gorge 2005, i had a very young guy and about 2-3 other people squeeze into our row. the guy was practically humping my leg/side of my body, thru half the show. finally, security escorting them back...wherever....they belonged.
i don't give a shit where my seat is overall, but is MY space for the evening. please respect that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Speedy and I have been in agreement quite a bit over the last few years.
1.) Don't hold a sign up throughout the entire concert of a song you want them to play...
2.) Don't throw your beer cup (from 7 rows back) at the guy holding the sign... You're just going to end up hitting someone who's also pissed off at the sign guy, and spilling beer on innocent concert attenders.
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
maybe he does it in return to feed his children? ... haha ... just kidding ...
i agree - totally not cool to slide people in