I saw Vincent D'Onofrio tonight.

edit: Doh! It was Vince Vaughan (spelling?) I'm clueless about most celebrities.
I live just two miles from Hollywood. I have no interest in celebrity events: I don't attend the unveilings of new stars on the Walk Of Fame. I don't hang around movie premieres to gawk at famous people, etc. But I have to admit that it is simply cool to randomly encounter celebrities in the real world. That place, for me, has been the Whole Foods Market on the corner of Fairfax Avenue and 3rd Street. I've seen five actors there in the past 18 months. I'm relieved that they are so damn normal. They dress down. They are always alone, at night, shopping for themselves. They don't have people to do it for them.
I was unable to name the first two that I saw, but they were American TV actors. (I watch mostly British programmes. So I tend to think, "Oh, that's someone.") Third was J.K. Simmons. He's been in all zillion incarnations of Law & Order. According to his IMDb page, he was also in several Hollywood films, The Closer, and portrays the yellow M&M in commercials. He was interesting to see because he had orange red hair, and although he's going bald, he had a short crew cut type of deal going on. He also wore glasses, which actors can never do on screen. A few days later, TMZ aired footage of him at The Grove: An expensive little grouping of shops with a lovely open-air mall directly across the street from Whole Foods. He was livid, and barked his objections to the paparazzo, because his two youngish kids were with him.
A few months ago, I saw the comedian Jim Gaffigan. I don't know much about him. I was envious! His cart was filled 2/3 of the way to the top with food, which at that place must cost $200. I was trying to eat for a week with the last $30 left in my account....
Few people of my class shop at WFM. Tonight, Vincent D'Onofrio was walking out of the store right behind me. He stopped on the sidewalk and appeared to be waiting for a car to pull up. I returned my WFM cart to the 'corral.' I put my backpack on, which had some of my shopping in it. I reached into the cart and heaved out my own little wheeled trolley thingie, which had items from this store, AND the dollar store I had walked from earlier. I took all of my gear across the carpark to the bus stop. I was just able to catch the public bus because one passenger took a loooong time to disembark.
I live just two miles from Hollywood. I have no interest in celebrity events: I don't attend the unveilings of new stars on the Walk Of Fame. I don't hang around movie premieres to gawk at famous people, etc. But I have to admit that it is simply cool to randomly encounter celebrities in the real world. That place, for me, has been the Whole Foods Market on the corner of Fairfax Avenue and 3rd Street. I've seen five actors there in the past 18 months. I'm relieved that they are so damn normal. They dress down. They are always alone, at night, shopping for themselves. They don't have people to do it for them.
I was unable to name the first two that I saw, but they were American TV actors. (I watch mostly British programmes. So I tend to think, "Oh, that's someone.") Third was J.K. Simmons. He's been in all zillion incarnations of Law & Order. According to his IMDb page, he was also in several Hollywood films, The Closer, and portrays the yellow M&M in commercials. He was interesting to see because he had orange red hair, and although he's going bald, he had a short crew cut type of deal going on. He also wore glasses, which actors can never do on screen. A few days later, TMZ aired footage of him at The Grove: An expensive little grouping of shops with a lovely open-air mall directly across the street from Whole Foods. He was livid, and barked his objections to the paparazzo, because his two youngish kids were with him.
A few months ago, I saw the comedian Jim Gaffigan. I don't know much about him. I was envious! His cart was filled 2/3 of the way to the top with food, which at that place must cost $200. I was trying to eat for a week with the last $30 left in my account....
Few people of my class shop at WFM. Tonight, Vincent D'Onofrio was walking out of the store right behind me. He stopped on the sidewalk and appeared to be waiting for a car to pull up. I returned my WFM cart to the 'corral.' I put my backpack on, which had some of my shopping in it. I reached into the cart and heaved out my own little wheeled trolley thingie, which had items from this store, AND the dollar store I had walked from earlier. I took all of my gear across the carpark to the bus stop. I was just able to catch the public bus because one passenger took a loooong time to disembark.
"May you live in interesting times."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Perhaps it was just a dream...
In fact they are just people like us. I think I would react like you, like thinking cool to see him but I think I'll never start a conversation.
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
i like him too but i wish he'd lose weight. he's 50 now, i just read where he has collapsed twice on the set of law and order.
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more