Need help w Tattoo design

podenphantpodenphant Posts: 7
edited August 2009 in The Porch

I saw PJ in Berlin last saturday. I lack words that can describe the experience. It was good.
There was a new shirt with a maya-style bird/whale-like PJ logo. I really would like this motive inked on my arm ...

I asked the fanclub if they could help find the graphics for the logo, with no luck.

Can anybody help out there?
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  • luvisatowerluvisatower Posts: 1,078
    if you purchased the shirt, you should be able to take it to your tattoo artist and they should be able to re-create it on the outline paper and shrink it to the size you wish to have it tattooed.

    my isis/ra (moon/sun) tattoo design was inspired by an art print and an area rug
    i took both to my artist and he was able to re-create them excatly as i wanted them.

    if you didnt purchase the shirt, you should be able to take a hi-res picture to the artist for re-creation

    OH: i almost forgot!
    my five elements tattoo was designed by taking a tank top with same design to the artist, he scanned it into the computer and shrank the graphics and re-arranged them the way i wanted them on my arm.
    as far as i know, most artists can do this
    Get it now, get enough, before its gone, let's everybody carry on, carry on....
    WE WANT YOU!!!!
    join the street team

    "headphones are highly recommended...." Jeff Ament
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