Are you all ready for a Pearl Jam record thats fun?

seems to me thats what the new record is.
I dont get the feeling Ed is pissed off, although Got Some, certainly is directed at someone, methinks maybe the big eared guy, with the funny name from the South Side of Chicago? Maybe?
Its hard for me to picture it. I know they are capable of it, as thats what Backspacer apparently is, its just pretty much my entire life, pearl jam has been one thing. I picture them now, still, in the mid 90's, rabidly antifame, and anti alot of things. And its their perogative to change, this thread isnt about whether you agree with the way PJ runs things nowadays versus in the early 90's. Save that for a different thread.
This thread is just about expressing your thoughts on what you think the new record will sound like, in terms of the fact its not dealing with dark political subject matter.
When was the last pearl jam record that didnt deal with heavy topics? I cant think of a single one. Ten certainly was dark. so have they ever made a non heavy record?
I dont get the feeling Ed is pissed off, although Got Some, certainly is directed at someone, methinks maybe the big eared guy, with the funny name from the South Side of Chicago? Maybe?
Its hard for me to picture it. I know they are capable of it, as thats what Backspacer apparently is, its just pretty much my entire life, pearl jam has been one thing. I picture them now, still, in the mid 90's, rabidly antifame, and anti alot of things. And its their perogative to change, this thread isnt about whether you agree with the way PJ runs things nowadays versus in the early 90's. Save that for a different thread.
This thread is just about expressing your thoughts on what you think the new record will sound like, in terms of the fact its not dealing with dark political subject matter.
When was the last pearl jam record that didnt deal with heavy topics? I cant think of a single one. Ten certainly was dark. so have they ever made a non heavy record?
Post edited by Unknown User on
I still don't see "Got Some" being negative about the President. It seems a "what are we going to do...if you need help...I got some" song
I disagree about Got Some. There has been alot of discussion on this board about this song, and people always seem to ignore or look past some of the lyrics.
Bush isnt president anymore. So he isnt talking about him. Thats checked off the list. He could be refering to the senate and the house, who are without spines and refuse to do anything but give more money to fund the war.
When you have lyrics like
"This situation, which side are you on? Are you dropping bombs? Are you getting out?
Have you heard of diplomatic resolve?",
I think its pretty obvious its in reference to the wars going on. And I also think as Obama is just as gung ho about the war as Bush was, that its a pretty obvious anti obama song. Anti senate and house song as well. It most likely is also anti apathy, as well, people continue to do nothing, people continue to watch American Idol and Big Brother all the while 2 wars are raging. I think all of this plays a part in the song. But lets face it, obama's president. He has the power to end the war. And he hasnt. And he wont.
Obama is authorizing the dropping of bombs, he refuses to end this absurd and immoral war, and thinks that terrorism can be stopped at the barrel of a gun, or bomb, in this case. Seems pretty cut and dried to me.
At first listen I thought it was "a rock song if you need it", as in the cure for all the worlds ills was rock music. Although thats not the lyrics obviously, I still think that is another part of the song as well. The GOT SOME the song is refering to, I think, is music. Escapism.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Those lines could be about Obama, without question. I don't think the band is ready to jump out after six months and write a "anti-Obama" song when they were so in the tank for him. Going into the election, they knew he wasn't going to pull the troops out right away. They knew the war in Afghanistan was going to not only continue, but get notched up a level. They knew all of these things and still strongly supported him. It wasn't a "we have to support him" like it was with Kerry in 2004, they truly supported him.
Granted, I'm sure they don't like his reversal on don't ask don't tell, his not going after those who torture, or other compromises the President has made.
The band are realists. They know you can't erase 8 years of bad policy in 6 months. So while "Got Some" might be a "what are you going to do in Iraq" song, it is in no way a "anti-Obama" tune.
I agree with a lot of what you say ie it does seem like the subject matter here is a lot lighter or at least a lot less political (which for me personally means this record will probably be near the bottom of the pearl jam heap but that's another thread).
But I disagree with you on the Obama part. And here's why:
a) Obama isn't for the Iraq war. I don't feel like doing a bunch of homework at the moment, but here is the first quote I found when I googled Obama Iraq War:
"(Obama) vowed to quickly end the war in Iraq and to shift the focus of the war on terror to Afghanistan and Pakistan, declaring in an address today that the “single-minded and open-ended focus" on Iraq "distracts us from every threat that we face and so many opportunities we could seize.
This war diminishes our security, our standing in the world, our military, our economy, and the resources that we need to confront the challenges of the 21st century. By any measure, our single-minded and open-ended focus on Iraq is not a sound strategy for keeping America safe.”
Obama has been president for less than a year. Don't expect the him to change all of the mistakes of the previous tenant overnight. Eddie has pretty much stated this according to some interview I just read on here:
"Above him in the HQ there's a portrait of Obama. Vedder concedes that things are changing, but there's so much that hasn't: "People on death row, the treatment of animals, women's right to choose. So much in America is based on religious fundamentalist Christianity. Grow up! This is the modern world!"
It's not an anti-Obama song. I'm pretty damn sure about that. It might be anti-apathy etc as you state. But surely Ed isn't so idiotic as to believe that the troubles of America are Obama's doing. Despite what FoxNews says....
But, I do agree with mostly everything else you said in that post. It does seem to be their intermission album.
spot on !
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
good first post. i couldn't agree more. i'd prefer a mellow album, but I think i'll have to wait a bit on that