These Right Wingers are beginning to scare me



  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    I think one of the main reasons Reps are so worked up(like myself) is because all these people in the country now think that all these problems are just going to go away now that a Demmy is in office and we have more problems now then we did a year ago. But Obama maniacs refuse to see the whole picture. They hate Bush so much that you all got foggy vision. Open your eyes wider and you begin to see things more clearly. I'm not saying that Bush didn't make any bad choices but when he did the people spoke up about it, dems and reps, but now if Obama makes a bad decision only the reps are willing to speak up about it. Including all main stream media. FoxNews is all the reps got, compared to msnbc, cnn, nytimes, times mag, etc........Doesn't that kind of tell you something. We're all labrats being tuned in and phycologically prepared for the American Union, New World Order.....It's coming . I'll take one of Eddies lyrics to close out on. I think this fits for Obama much better than it did for Bush

    And the President took for granted, writing checks on others pay....
    no way buddy....republicans are worked up because there is a black guy in the oval office and the country has shifted to the left on them and there is nothing they can do about it because they can not reach any other demographic than rich white men and bible thumpers. the hispanics and african americans are now behind the democrats, and these ethnic groups are getting larger so unless the GOP can sway them, the GOP will be in the minoroty for a long time. ummmm refresh my memory again, give me one example of any republican taking issue with anything bush did while in office? scott mcclellan and colin powell are the only 2 i can think of but that was after they left their positions in government, so that failure to speak up makes them just as guilty as bush. you said nobody is speaking out against obama? i know more liberals that are more angry with obama because he has failed to accomplish anything he campaigned on. who is holding up health care reform? the blue dog DEMOCRATS. pop quiz for you, name one bill that any republican in congress voted in support of obama's agenda. oh yeah thats right, the answer is NONE.....i can sense you spreading and sowing fear about the american union, but was not the new world order an idea of the first bush???

    I read the first two lines of your quote and had to stop....what the hell does color have dto do with anything. I'm proud that we elected a black president. But I don't like the way he does things. Typical liberal though.If you don't agree with Obama you must be a racists...what a joke
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,316
    mb262200 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    I think one of the main reasons Reps are so worked up(like myself) is because all these people in the country now think that all these problems are just going to go away now that a Demmy is in office and we have more problems now then we did a year ago. But Obama maniacs refuse to see the whole picture. They hate Bush so much that you all got foggy vision. Open your eyes wider and you begin to see things more clearly. I'm not saying that Bush didn't make any bad choices but when he did the people spoke up about it, dems and reps, but now if Obama makes a bad decision only the reps are willing to speak up about it. Including all main stream media. FoxNews is all the reps got, compared to msnbc, cnn, nytimes, times mag, etc........Doesn't that kind of tell you something. We're all labrats being tuned in and phycologically prepared for the American Union, New World Order.....It's coming . I'll take one of Eddies lyrics to close out on. I think this fits for Obama much better than it did for Bush

    And the President took for granted, writing checks on others pay....
    no way buddy....republicans are worked up because there is a black guy in the oval office and the country has shifted to the left on them and there is nothing they can do about it because they can not reach any other demographic than rich white men and bible thumpers. the hispanics and african americans are now behind the democrats, and these ethnic groups are getting larger so unless the GOP can sway them, the GOP will be in the minoroty for a long time. ummmm refresh my memory again, give me one example of any republican taking issue with anything bush did while in office? scott mcclellan and colin powell are the only 2 i can think of but that was after they left their positions in government, so that failure to speak up makes them just as guilty as bush. you said nobody is speaking out against obama? i know more liberals that are more angry with obama because he has failed to accomplish anything he campaigned on. who is holding up health care reform? the blue dog DEMOCRATS. pop quiz for you, name one bill that any republican in congress voted in support of obama's agenda. oh yeah thats right, the answer is NONE.....i can sense you spreading and sowing fear about the american union, but was not the new world order an idea of the first bush???

    I read the first two lines of your quote and had to stop....what the hell does color have dto do with anything. I'm proud that we elected a black president. But I don't like the way he does things. Typical liberal though.If you don't agree with Obama you must be a racists...what a joke
    read the whole thing and answer please. i'm waitng for your reply to my direct questions.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • OnTheEdgeOnTheEdge Posts: 1,300
    mb262200 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    I think one of the main reasons Reps are so worked up(like myself) is because all these people in the country now think that all these problems are just going to go away now that a Demmy is in office and we have more problems now then we did a year ago. But Obama maniacs refuse to see the whole picture. They hate Bush so much that you all got foggy vision. Open your eyes wider and you begin to see things more clearly. I'm not saying that Bush didn't make any bad choices but when he did the people spoke up about it, dems and reps, but now if Obama makes a bad decision only the reps are willing to speak up about it. Including all main stream media. FoxNews is all the reps got, compared to msnbc, cnn, nytimes, times mag, etc........Doesn't that kind of tell you something. We're all labrats being tuned in and phycologically prepared for the American Union, New World Order.....It's coming . I'll take one of Eddies lyrics to close out on. I think this fits for Obama much better than it did for Bush

    And the President took for granted, writing checks on others pay....
    no way buddy....republicans are worked up because there is a black guy in the oval office and the country has shifted to the left on them and there is nothing they can do about it because they can not reach any other demographic than rich white men and bible thumpers. the hispanics and african americans are now behind the democrats, and these ethnic groups are getting larger so unless the GOP can sway them, the GOP will be in the minoroty for a long time. ummmm refresh my memory again, give me one example of any republican taking issue with anything bush did while in office? scott mcclellan and colin powell are the only 2 i can think of but that was after they left their positions in government, so that failure to speak up makes them just as guilty as bush. you said nobody is speaking out against obama? i know more liberals that are more angry with obama because he has failed to accomplish anything he campaigned on. who is holding up health care reform? the blue dog DEMOCRATS. pop quiz for you, name one bill that any republican in congress voted in support of obama's agenda. oh yeah thats right, the answer is NONE.....i can sense you spreading and sowing fear about the american union, but was not the new world order an idea of the first bush???

    I read the first two lines of your quote and had to stop....what the hell does color have dto do with anything. I'm proud that we elected a black president. But I don't like the way he does things. Typical liberal though.If you don't agree with Obama you must be a racists...what a joke

    ok I read it and you make some good points. The only thing I would like to comment on is the New World Order has been in progress for the 60 years, Bush signed the bill before he left office.Never said he didn't,never said it was an Obama thing
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,316
    mb262200 wrote:
    mb262200 wrote:
    I think one of the main reasons Reps are so worked up(like myself) is because all these people in the country now think that all these problems are just going to go away now that a Demmy is in office and we have more problems now then we did a year ago. But Obama maniacs refuse to see the whole picture. They hate Bush so much that you all got foggy vision. Open your eyes wider and you begin to see things more clearly. I'm not saying that Bush didn't make any bad choices but when he did the people spoke up about it, dems and reps, but now if Obama makes a bad decision only the reps are willing to speak up about it. Including all main stream media. FoxNews is all the reps got, compared to msnbc, cnn, nytimes, times mag, etc........Doesn't that kind of tell you something. We're all labrats being tuned in and phycologically prepared for the American Union, New World Order.....It's coming . I'll take one of Eddies lyrics to close out on. I think this fits for Obama much better than it did for Bush

    And the President took for granted, writing checks on others pay....
    no way buddy....republicans are worked up because there is a black guy in the oval office and the country has shifted to the left on them and there is nothing they can do about it because they can not reach any other demographic than rich white men and bible thumpers. the hispanics and african americans are now behind the democrats, and these ethnic groups are getting larger so unless the GOP can sway them, the GOP will be in the minoroty for a long time. ummmm refresh my memory again, give me one example of any republican taking issue with anything bush did while in office? scott mcclellan and colin powell are the only 2 i can think of but that was after they left their positions in government, so that failure to speak up makes them just as guilty as bush. you said nobody is speaking out against obama? i know more liberals that are more angry with obama because he has failed to accomplish anything he campaigned on. who is holding up health care reform? the blue dog DEMOCRATS. pop quiz for you, name one bill that any republican in congress voted in support of obama's agenda. oh yeah thats right, the answer is NONE.....i can sense you spreading and sowing fear about the american union, but was not the new world order an idea of the first bush???

    I read the first two lines of your quote and had to stop....what the hell does color have dto do with anything. I'm proud that we elected a black president. But I don't like the way he does things. Typical liberal though.If you don't agree with Obama you must be a racists...what a joke
    its not skin color, it is the african american and hip hop culture that the GOP is afraid of. believe it or not, hate groups have sprung up en masse since he took office. conservatives are worried he is going to break the bank and give the money away in social programs. he is classified as this major left winger is he not? yet name one leftist thing he was able to accomplish so far other than trying to draw down troops in iraq. he has not overturned the patriot act and he can not get health care passed as promised. due in large part to politicians that think like you do. but to answer your question,i believe race is a major factor in this and it always has been. the racism has been dormant until obama won the election. read back through this entire thread for some examples.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    More on Pastor Anderson... ... px?rss=704


    What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!?!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,316
    mca47 wrote:
    More on Pastor Anderson... ... px?rss=704


    What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!?!
    thanks for the link MCA47....ok why again is the secret service not investigating this lunatic? evidence of his saying all of this is posted right there on that abc news website....if anyone on this board said they wished obama would die they would get a knock at the door and maybe get a little vacation in the clink, but since this dude is a "pastor" he gets a free pass??? it is not the pastor i am worried about, it is his followers. this is the same guy who encourages his flock to bring guns to church just after a guy shot a notable preacher here in st louis during a church service a month or two ago. pastors are supposed to have love and compassion, yet his speech was called "why i HATE barack obama"....anyone else catch the irony and hypocracy in this case?

    i guess the good news is that the intelligent rational people will remember this when they vote again next time. i doubt that this dude is bringing too many people to his side of the debate with rhetoric like that.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • but was not the new world order an idea of the first bush???

    The phrase first appeared on "official" (if you consider the Federal Reserve to be Federal) United States publications starting under FDR -- look on the back of your dollar bills! The first (recorded) mention of it in the US Government proper was BY WOODROW WILSON in reference to the FIRST globalist attempt at world dominion -- the league of nations.

    In between then and now it was a buzz phrase amongst elite philosophers, politicians and writers before being revived again in the post Soviet era under the guise of new multilateral cooperation between Russia and America, under Bush and Gorbachev.

    IT IS A NON-PARTISAN ISSUE, that if truth be told, was first pedaled in the public BY LEFT-OF-CENTER PRESIDENTS, under the tutelage of their super-elite handlers, who really could give two-shits themselves for "right or left" politics.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • mca47 wrote:
    More on Pastor Anderson... ... px?rss=704


    What the fuck is wrong with people?!?!?!
    thanks for the link MCA47....ok why again is the secret service not investigating this lunatic? evidence of his saying all of this is posted right there on that abc news website....if anyone on this board said they wished obama would die they would get a knock at the door and maybe get a little vacation in the clink, but since this dude is a "pastor" he gets a free pass??? it is not the pastor i am worried about, it is his followers. this is the same guy who encourages his flock to bring guns to church just after a guy shot a notable preacher here in st louis during a church service a month or two ago. pastors are supposed to have love and compassion, yet his speech was called "why i HATE barack obama"....anyone else catch the irony and hypocracy in this case?

    i guess the good news is that the intelligent rational people will remember this when they vote again next time. i doubt that this dude is bringing too many people to his side of the debate with rhetoric like that.

    I'm pretty sure that the secret service is fully aware of this nutcase, and keeping an eye on him.

    But just saying/praying that you want God to kill Obama (as deranged and un-Christianlike that may be), isn't probably enough to charge this guy.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,304
    thanks for the link MCA47....ok why again is the secret service not investigating this lunatic? evidence of his saying all of this is posted right there on that abc news website....if anyone on this board said they wished obama would die they would get a knock at the door and maybe get a little vacation in the clink, but since this dude is a "pastor" he gets a free pass??? it is not the pastor i am worried about, it is his followers. this is the same guy who encourages his flock to bring guns to church just after a guy shot a notable preacher here in st louis during a church service a month or two ago. pastors are supposed to have love and compassion, yet his speech was called "why i HATE barack obama"....anyone else catch the irony and hypocracy in this case?

    i guess the good news is that the intelligent rational people will remember this when they vote again next time. i doubt that this dude is bringing too many people to his side of the debate with rhetoric like that.

    Well apparently the secret service has spoken to him. I guess the reason why they can't do anything is because there wasn't an actual "threat". If I came out and said "I will n' so" etc. then they take that as a direct threat. This POS pastor has just stated that he wants him dead and in the new article he said he wants him to die of 'natural causes' like Kennedy...
    It has nothing to do with him being a pastor. He can stand up there every Sunday and preach how he wants him dead without a threat. The problem lies in the nutcase religious congregation. You get one nut who thinks he's doing god's will because pastor said so and he's "reading between the lines"...

    It's fucking sad this happens! Then again religion has this amazing ability to cause the very worst in human kind.
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