I need some sound advice please

Last week my older brother Aaron died. He was 21 years old. Since then everything has been so much harder, and things I have always found joy in don't even come close to satisfying me. I can barely eat, sleep, and music has lost almost all meaning. His memorial service was today, and I spoke in front of the church and shared about mine and my brothers relationship. The last line I said that I just can't stop thinking about is, "Aaron became my friend, but he was, and will always be my brother". I can barely even keep on my current thoughts before I get thinking about something else. If anyone has been through a similar situation please help me. I desperately need something.
Post edited by Unknown User on
* Don't fight what you are feeling. You will stop thinking about your brother all the time, only when you are ready to.
* It's a good thing to feel sad. If you didn't - then there is a problem
* Look for a positive. How can you make your brothers death mean something?
* Make your brother proud with the way you grow up.
Also - not trying to sound like a douche......the moderators will probably move this thread to All Encompassing Trip. I just don't want you to look for your thread and not be able to find it.
Best of luck, and hang in there
I wish I had some advice other than to surround yourself with your family and friends right now. It's the safest place to be.
I can't even imagine what you must be feeling. :(
sorry for your loss. my thoughts are with you and your family
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I am very sorry for the loss of your brother Aaron.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Please feel free to continue looking for help here, we're all in this thing together. Feel free to PM me if there's anything you just need to say but don't feel comfortable doing it in the public forum. Talking about things is the best way to go. You've taken the first of many steps and that is so important.
You sound so sad and grief stricken and have suffered a loss many people at a young age never have to even imagine. My heart goes out to you. Feeling desperate, unable to concentrate and having trouble finding meaning in joyful things is normal even though it is so very painful. When people are so overwhelmed with grief that they are losing the ability to function, there are some things you can try. One is to give yourself time, I mean actually set aside an hour or two during the day, when you are going to let yourself be focused on your grief and feel it. You may even need to do this a few times throughout the day. Then when you start feeling sad, you won't also have guilt because you know that you are going to devote yourself to your grief during that specific time you have set aside.
During the times when you are not devoting yourself to grieving, you could follow Speedy McCready's advice. He has given you sound advice about spending time with people you love and who also loved your brother, especially because of also experiencing a loss like yours.
I'm so sorry about your brother.
The reason I am standing here looking at you face to face and looking you in the eye is because I believe the words and music in this community can help you come through this, as they have for many of us. Music, words and emotions are a bedrock from which to dig when you are faced with your deepest fears and horrors. Some people here have suffered grief and shock to a level that the rest of us can barely imagine, and still smile and are still strong. Knowing that other people understand how hard and cold life can get can be a great source of hope.
I am going to repeat some song lines below which although they may appear light and quick in print, they are not light in the slightest. You will find them differently formed echoing within the music.
We are here beside you and we will still be here tomorrow. The love for your brother is real, and it is enduring. Words are solid, and not one of them will ever disappear now. The words of strangers can help because they are blank like stone, free of emotional spin. solid.
Float with the now
Swear if you must
Keeping your boots on
Concrete underground
Hot to the touch
The mind is grey
Like the city
Packing in and overgrown
Love is deep
Dig it out
Standing in a hole alone.
And I wished for so long
Cannot stay
All the precious moments
Cannot stay
It's not like wings have fallen
Cannot stay
But still something's missing
I cannot say.
Holding hands are daughters and sons
And their faiths are falling down, down, down, down
I have wished for so long. How I wish for you today.
I have wished for so long
How I wish for you again
lots of love to you, nfm
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Again, thoughts are with you. May your brother rest in peace.
I too lost my eldest sister and what I can tell you that time does
it brings that lost soul closer to you. I feel my big sister is there for me. I fondly remember the wonderful things she did for me growing up how highly she thought of me and encouraged me when I needed it.
Remembering her support gives me support even today. When you have a loving bond like this that person is never truly gone, your needs will keep your brother close throughout your life.
I am so sorry,be there for your parents they must be hurting so much now.
I'm sending bonus thoughts your way. Today is the anniversary of me and my baby bro's first PJ show, and 8/22 is the day he was killed, so I'm really lookin forward to the Chicago shows. The day before he left us we got tix to the VFC show in St Louis. Now THAT was therapeutic.
you should go talk to someone mate. seriously. a chat board is not the place to start healing from that.
RIP Aaron
All the best,
But cut yourself some slack, dude....it's only been a week....as others have said, you have to allow yourself to feel every single emotion you feel like feeling (you know what I mean)....it's OK to feel however you're going to feel... embrace it...break stuff and scream out loud...
And give yourself a lot of time....
My older brother was shot & killed by his roomate over twenty years ago. I still cry when I think of the way his life ended.
In my experience, the things that helped most was a mix of talking to family/friends, MUSIC - there were times when I would just drive for hours listening to music...not wanting to think just drive & listen. Books are a good escape - try Fantasy or Sci Fi - something so far from this world that you get a break from the numbness. And as someone said above - keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Love to you and your family,
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002
Loss like that is never easy, but I think a lot of the advice given by the other board members is spot on. Focus on the good times, be near friends and family, seek some counseling if you feel like it could do any good.
Truly sorry to hear about your loss,