Hoping for a Toronto Lawn Ticket

BF89905BF89905 Posts: 1,426
edited August 2009 in Given To Fly (live)

I'm really trying for a miracle here.... if anyone has a single lawn ticket that they'd be willing to sell to the toronto show this Friday I'd be very interested in buying it.

brief background.... As odd as this may sound: I never received the Ten Club's heads-up email for the Toronto and Chicago shows. I'm fully aware that Ten Club tickets are still difficult to come by even if you're privy to the sale date info. Subsequently, like many others, I was unsuccessful at securing a ticket through the public sale.... apparently multiple attempts at trying to get them two mins. into the sale was too late.

I live in the Toronto area... so picking up the ticket shouldn't be a worry if I get that far with this plea.

Thanks for any considerations. Have a good one.
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