Eddie loves kids.
I've even seen him pull some up on stage.
I'm surprised more kids aren't at PJ shows.
I'm surprised too! To share the Pearl Jam experience "live" with your young son/daughter is the greatest feeling. Youth is king. They will never forget these day's; you won't forget them too!
Sure, I even think the first 3 rows should be reserved for kids under the age of 8 because the
band doesn't like seeing the same old faces there show after show.
Eddie loves kids.
I've even seen him pull some up on stage.
I'm surprised more kids aren't at PJ shows.
I'm surprised too! To share the Pearl Jam experience "live" with your young son/daughter is the greatest feeling. Youth is king. They will never forget these day's; you won't forget them too!
Sure, I even think the first 3 rows should be reserved for kids under the age of 8 because the
band doesn't like seeing the same old faces there show after show.
That'd be awesome to see Eddie ripping through DTE to a bunch of 5 year olds. They'd be like "wtf?".
I understand your desire to bring your child, but really I think that eight is a little young.
Especially on the floor.
You shouldn't expect others to change to accomadate your children.
I think most people at PJ shows are fairly respectful to young and old.
So if you can deal with typical PJ behaviour then bring them.
Otherwise you might want to wait.
Remember it's not the Ice Capades, it's a rock and roll show.
I don't want some creepy 7 year old ruining the spiritual peak I'm gonna hit when the shrooms kick in right about the time they pull out No Way early in set one Chicago.
I guess if they are down with shrooms, I could stand them.
you sound like a real jack ass
yeah have fun tripping at the show, what is this 1969?
I'd rather have 100 seven year olds sitting around me than one single person tripping out next to me.
Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
A pearl jam show is NOT the place for a kid under 12, IMO. I may be overly-protective, but if they've never been exposed to some of the stuff that goes on at a PJ show, why would YOU want to be the one that introduces them to it. Whether or not you're getting plastered or using bad language yourself, etc. you make it cool to them by condoning it. Kids grow up fast enough as it is, I don't think it's my job as a parent to seek out ways to strip away their innocence faster than the world will eventually...
Well, actually I think we are the ideal people to introduce them to that kind of behavior. My kids are homeschooled, and they are not exposed to 'tween' pop culture or many other things that, as you said, strip away their innocence.
So, we are not anti-drugs although we do not partake ourselves. We know that odds are that our kids will drink and try drugs somewhere along the way. In my experience, both as a kid and as a parent, making something "taboo" only makes it more interesting. If they happen to see someone puking their guts out in the parking lot or acting like an ass indoors, frankly I think that teaches them a pretty good lesson about moderation and self-control.
If you are standing next to us and you light up, I am not going to report you -- although, as I posted before, last year I appreciated the fact that people around us were considerate enough to ask before doing so. I have explained to my boys that they will see and smell people smoking, and that it is a standard part of the concert-going experience for many people. My older son, in particular, needs to work on developing tolerance, and this is an excellent opportunity for him to do so.
Post edited by curmudgeoness on
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
As for bad language, I try not to get worked up about it. Around here, we have much bigger issues to address.
My younger son tried to pull out some unacceptable language, and I put a stop to it. When he said, "Well, Eddie uses the 'F-word,'" I told him that he may, too -- just as soon as he has told ten or twenty million albums. I think both boys are old enough to understand context and to distinguish right from wrong.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I don't want some creepy 7 year old ruining the spiritual peak I'm gonna hit when the shrooms kick in right about the time they pull out No Way early in set one Chicago.
I guess if they are down with shrooms, I could stand them.
you sound like a real jack ass
yeah have fun tripping at the show, what is this 1969?
I'd rather have 100 seven year olds sitting around me than one single person tripping out next to me.
Get a sense of humor, troll! Or is is a gnome? Talking bout yo avatar.
I was kidding, but somewhat serious as it is a rock n roll show and adults are doing devious things.
I don't want some creepy 7 year old ruining the spiritual peak I'm gonna hit when the shrooms kick in right about the time they pull out No Way early in set one Chicago.
I guess if they are down with shrooms, I could stand them.
you sound like a real jack ass
yeah have fun tripping at the show, what is this 1969?
I'd rather have 100 seven year olds sitting around me than one single person tripping out next to me.
Get a sense of humor, troll! Or is is a gnome? Talking bout yo avatar.
I was kidding, but somewhat serious as it is a rock n roll show and adults are doing devious things.
I have a great sense of humor, just didn't find anything humorous in your post.
And it's a World Champion Philadelphia Phillies Troll
I just happen to think kids behave better than adults tripping out on drugs
PJ shows are all ages.
I brought my 6 month old to Calgary and she's cominng to Vancouver with me too. As long as she's in my arms, i don't see how it affects anyone else, imo. She'll have headphones on so her ears are well protected.
As for the smoke, Arenas are non-smoking. You light up next to me and apparently i'm horrible for having my kid there? ...IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO SMOKE INSIDE. I don't get how i'm made out to be the bad one fro bringing my kid.
Terrific 2nd paragraph.
As for the first paragraph...6 months seems WAY to young, to me anyhow. I don't think people should bring their kids to a concert unless the kid is going ot enjoy it. No way a 6 month old enjoys it. And I hope you mean ear muffs when you said headphones.
I just happen to think kids behave better than adults tripping out on drugs
Ok, good for you.
Just thought of another good reason to maybe leave the 8-12 year olds at home. Eddie does say some controversial things. At the Phoenix show in 2000 he thanked an Uncle in the audience for introducing him to pot at a young age and how pot got him through a lot of tough times. Not really something most people, people like PureandEasy, want their kids to hear. On the other hand it might be a good way to inform your kids about drugs. Like when they break into Severed Hand, you can talk about the danger and value of psychotropic drugs.
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
I am bringing my 8 year old son to the Portland show and he is jacked! He had to choose between Portland (Saturday) and Salt Lake (Monday) because he didn't want to ruin his perfect attendance at school, priorities right!
Anyhow, as a parent it's important to guage the maturity of your own kids. IMO, my son can differentiate between right and wrong fairly well for his age and it is also very important for him experience events such as a rock concert so he can glean information as he builds his own ideals and beliefs.
We're going to have a wonderful experience!
"Have we got a show for you?? No, it's a question!" EV 5/12/22
As for the first paragraph...6 months seems WAY to young, to me anyhow. I don't think people should bring their kids to a concert unless the kid is going ot enjoy it. No way a 6 month old enjoys it. And I hope you mean ear muffs when you said headphones.
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
Dude. I never said my baby daddy is a tranny stripper.
I'm bringing my baby to a PJ show. Her ears will be well protected. She'll be with her mother. I really don't get how it's "kinda plain dumb" or why CPS should be called on me like someone else suggested. She slept in my arms through most of the Calgary show. When she woke up, i danced around with her. Believe me, a rock concert will be much less tramatizing than leaving her with a sitter.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
Dude. I never said my baby daddy is a tranny stripper.
I'm bringing my baby to a PJ show. Her ears will be well protected. She'll be with her mother. I really don't get how it's "kinda plain dumb" or why CPS should be called on me like someone else suggested. She slept in my arms through most of the Calgary show. When she woke up, i danced around with her. Believe me, a rock concert will be much less tramatizing than leaving her with a sitter.
sweet! though you weren't close to the stage where the madness was? where that guy with white shades was just moving all around from mike to stone, not knowing where he was. lol . i still agree it's ok to bring young kid's to rock show. if you have asigned seats, nobody should have the right to bother you. you paid for that seat, and rock in that seat, shall happen. i would in a heart beat bring my young kids to a rock show. cause i love kid's and i want them to enjoy, try it out, and have a good time. it's just there will be idiot's who will ruin the fun. who will push & shove, cause that's their style. they want to be the be. 'The Boss' & act cool around their friends. Funny those people will never get it throw their skulls that we are laughing & feel sorry for how you act. School wasn't a thing for you? We get it! Least have some manner's & show some respect @ a show.
I bring them - started bringing my younger one to shows when she was 8, though her first Springsteen was 7 (she slept through born to run and we tease her to this day about it) - her first Pearl Jam was 8 at State College. She stood along with me till we got to the 2nd encore, and waited through RVM to tell me she needed to go to the bathroom. She is now a veteran concert goer of many bands, including NIN, and is 15. We wear ear plugs, and for people who are concerned with what kids will be exposed to, my feeling it is a wonderful opportunity to teach them what not to do and see how silly people look and act when drunk or stoned. We've giggled together on many occasions at someone acting dumb. I wouldn't bring a child much under 8 though and again,hearing protection is a must. You can be a good parent and enjoy a show together. Make sure they get their food and rest ahead of time.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I bring them - started bringing my younger one to shows when she was 8, though her first Springsteen was 7 (she slept through born to run and we tease her to this day about it) - her first Pearl Jam was 8 at State College. She stood along with me till we got to the 2nd encore, and waited through RVM to tell me she needed to go to the bathroom. She is now a veteran concert goer of many bands, including NIN, and is 15. We wear ear plugs, and for people who are concerned with what kids will be exposed to, my feeling it is a wonderful opportunity to teach them what not to do and see how silly people look and act when drunk or stoned. We've giggled together on many occasions at someone acting dumb. I wouldn't bring a child much under 8 though and again,hearing protection is a must. You can be a good parent and enjoy a show together. Make sure they get their food and rest ahead of time.
So you teach your kids to laugh at others whose behaviour you don't approve of?
I guess that you have never acted that way, or that your kid will never act "dumb", huh?
Anyways, I might not think it's smart to take such a young child to a rock concert, but I still wouldn't laugh at you or give you a hard time about it.
Let's hope we can all get along and enjoy the music, dumb and otherwise.
I bring them - started bringing my younger one to shows when she was 8, though her first Springsteen was 7 (she slept through born to run and we tease her to this day about it).
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I have no problems with kids at show so long as their parents don't come on the forum after the show and bitch about Ed saying "fuck" and drinking and talking about weed and shit like that. But it never fails, every tour you'll find many such topics on here.
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
Dude. I never said my baby daddy is a tranny stripper.
I'm bringing my baby to a PJ show. Her ears will be well protected. She'll be with her mother. I really don't get how it's "kinda plain dumb" or why CPS should be called on me like someone else suggested. She slept in my arms through most of the Calgary show. When she woke up, i danced around with her. Believe me, a rock concert will be much less tramatizing than leaving her with a sitter.
Springer comment was over the top, but I still find it slightly strange. Are you guys paranoid to have a babysitter? I just can't see a good reason to bring baby that young to a concert, but I suppose if your seats aren't up front, it probably aint gonna hurt.
I'm also an avid movie goer and it drives me nuts when people bring babies there. I think my initial reaction was coming from that perspective.
Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
I have no problems with kids at show so long as their parents don't come on the forum after the show and bitch about Ed saying "fuck" and drinking and talking about weed and shit like that. But it never fails, every tour you'll find many such topics on here.
I promise you I will not be one of those people -- see my posts above.
All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
I agree with you kiljoy, babies shouldn't be taken everywhere, that includes concerts. I don't have a problem with kids but babies are a whole different thing.
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
Dude. I never said my baby daddy is a tranny stripper.
I'm bringing my baby to a PJ show. Her ears will be well protected. She'll be with her mother. I really don't get how it's "kinda plain dumb" or why CPS should be called on me like someone else suggested. She slept in my arms through most of the Calgary show. When she woke up, i danced around with her. Believe me, a rock concert will be much less tramatizing than leaving her with a sitter.
Springer comment was over the top, but I still find it slightly strange. Are you guys paranoid to have a babysitter? I just can't see a good reason to bring baby that young to a concert, but I suppose if your seats aren't up front, it probably aint gonna hurt.
I'm also an avid movie goer and it drives me nuts when people bring babies there. I think my initial reaction was coming from that perspective.
I saw at young kid at Camden in 2003 on his fathers shoulders.....holding his ears and crying.
I know this wasn't meant to be a joke, but I couldn't help laughing when I read it.
Ear protection is the key for the little guys. It won't matter how much they like listening to mommy/daddy's PJ in the house if their ears hurt at the concert.
Take care of that, however, and I think it's a great idea to bring a kid to a concert. I personally wouldn't bring a child younger than 12 or 13, as I don't think they will enjoy the experience as much before that age. That only comes from my own experience, going to concerts with my dad as young as 8 or 9. My dad took me to see the Rolling Stones for my 10th or 11th birthday. At the time I loved hearing my dad's Stones tapes (???) when we'd be in the car, but I had absolutely no appreciation for the concert/music experience at the time. Seeing them years later in my hometown, I couldn't get enough of it.
Long story short, you'll have to gauge it yourself based on how you think your child will take it all in. I personally wouldn't want to take my kid to a concert, any concert, until I think he or she will really appreciate it. For me that would have been around 13 years old, but for some of your children it may be younger than that. You're the best judge.
5/28/06 - Camden, NJ 5/30/06 - Washington, DC 6/22/08 - Washington, DC 10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA 8/5/16 - Fenway Park Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA 7/1/2018 - Prague 7/3/2018 - Kraków 7/5/2018 - Berlin
I have no problems with kids at show so long as their parents don't come on the forum after the show and bitch about Ed saying "fuck" and drinking and talking about weed and shit like that. But it never fails, every tour you'll find many such topics on here.
I know we are talking about different age groups here but my 11 year old hears that everytime he listens to one of the boots which is quite a bit.
Wouldn't be taking him if I didn't think he
could handle it.
I don't happen to think there is anything wrong at all with taking an 11 year old to a PJ show.
Sure, I even think the first 3 rows should be reserved for kids under the age of 8 because the
band doesn't like seeing the same old faces there show after show.
That'd be awesome to see Eddie ripping through DTE to a bunch of 5 year olds. They'd be like "wtf?".
"It's Evolution BABIES!!!"
The look on their faces would be priceless.
Especially on the floor.
You shouldn't expect others to change to accomadate your children.
I think most people at PJ shows are fairly respectful to young and old.
So if you can deal with typical PJ behaviour then bring them.
Otherwise you might want to wait.
Remember it's not the Ice Capades, it's a rock and roll show.
you sound like a real jack ass
yeah have fun tripping at the show, what is this 1969?
I'd rather have 100 seven year olds sitting around me than one single person tripping out next to me.
Well, actually I think we are the ideal people to introduce them to that kind of behavior. My kids are homeschooled, and they are not exposed to 'tween' pop culture or many other things that, as you said, strip away their innocence.
So, we are not anti-drugs although we do not partake ourselves. We know that odds are that our kids will drink and try drugs somewhere along the way. In my experience, both as a kid and as a parent, making something "taboo" only makes it more interesting. If they happen to see someone puking their guts out in the parking lot or acting like an ass indoors, frankly I think that teaches them a pretty good lesson about moderation and self-control.
If you are standing next to us and you light up, I am not going to report you -- although, as I posted before, last year I appreciated the fact that people around us were considerate enough to ask before doing so. I have explained to my boys that they will see and smell people smoking, and that it is a standard part of the concert-going experience for many people. My older son, in particular, needs to work on developing tolerance, and this is an excellent opportunity for him to do so.
My younger son tried to pull out some unacceptable language, and I put a stop to it. When he said, "Well, Eddie uses the 'F-word,'" I told him that he may, too -- just as soon as he has told ten or twenty million albums.
Get a sense of humor, troll! Or is is a gnome? Talking bout yo avatar.
I was kidding, but somewhat serious as it is a rock n roll show and adults are doing devious things.
Very. She goes where i go.
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
I have a great sense of humor, just didn't find anything humorous in your post.
And it's a World Champion Philadelphia Phillies Troll
I just happen to think kids behave better than adults tripping out on drugs
Terrific 2nd paragraph.
As for the first paragraph...6 months seems WAY to young, to me anyhow. I don't think people should bring their kids to a concert unless the kid is going ot enjoy it. No way a 6 month old enjoys it. And I hope you mean ear muffs when you said headphones.
Ok, good for you.
Just thought of another good reason to maybe leave the 8-12 year olds at home. Eddie does say some controversial things. At the Phoenix show in 2000 he thanked an Uncle in the audience for introducing him to pot at a young age and how pot got him through a lot of tough times. Not really something most people, people like PureandEasy, want their kids to hear. On the other hand it might be a good way to inform your kids about drugs. Like when they break into Severed Hand, you can talk about the danger and value of psychotropic drugs.
Bringing a 6th month old to a rock n roll show is boarder line Springer material. Kinda plain dumb, but it aint my kid.
Anyhow, as a parent it's important to guage the maturity of your own kids. IMO, my son can differentiate between right and wrong fairly well for his age and it is also very important for him experience events such as a rock concert so he can glean information as he builds his own ideals and beliefs.
We're going to have a wonderful experience!
Yeah, muffs. They're pink ...Peltor for kids.
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
Dude. I never said my baby daddy is a tranny stripper.
I'm bringing my baby to a PJ show. Her ears will be well protected. She'll be with her mother. I really don't get how it's "kinda plain dumb" or why CPS should be called on me like someone else suggested. She slept in my arms through most of the Calgary show. When she woke up, i danced around with her. Believe me, a rock concert will be much less tramatizing than leaving her with a sitter.
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a
sweet! though you weren't close to the stage where the madness was? where that guy with white shades was just moving all around from mike to stone, not knowing where he was. lol . i still agree it's ok to bring young kid's to rock show. if you have asigned seats, nobody should have the right to bother you. you paid for that seat, and rock in that seat, shall happen. i would in a heart beat bring my young kids to a rock show. cause i love kid's and i want them to enjoy, try it out, and have a good time. it's just there will be idiot's who will ruin the fun. who will push & shove, cause that's their style. they want to be the be. 'The Boss' & act cool around their friends. Funny those people will never get it throw their skulls that we are laughing & feel sorry for how you act. School wasn't a thing for you? We get it! Least have some manner's & show some respect @ a show.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Incidentally - when any of them are crying - I always sing "It's OK" to them - and they love it.
I caught the 6 year old, youtubing It's OK the other day.
It was very fun!!!
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
So you teach your kids to laugh at others whose behaviour you don't approve of?
I guess that you have never acted that way, or that your kid will never act "dumb", huh?
Anyways, I might not think it's smart to take such a young child to a rock concert, but I still wouldn't laugh at you or give you a hard time about it.
Let's hope we can all get along and enjoy the music, dumb and otherwise.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Springer comment was over the top, but I still find it slightly strange. Are you guys paranoid to have a babysitter? I just can't see a good reason to bring baby that young to a concert, but I suppose if your seats aren't up front, it probably aint gonna hurt.
I'm also an avid movie goer and it drives me nuts when people bring babies there. I think my initial reaction was coming from that perspective.
I promise you I will not be one of those people -- see my posts above.
I know this wasn't meant to be a joke, but I couldn't help laughing when I read it.
Ear protection is the key for the little guys. It won't matter how much they like listening to mommy/daddy's PJ in the house if their ears hurt at the concert.
Take care of that, however, and I think it's a great idea to bring a kid to a concert. I personally wouldn't bring a child younger than 12 or 13, as I don't think they will enjoy the experience as much before that age. That only comes from my own experience, going to concerts with my dad as young as 8 or 9. My dad took me to see the Rolling Stones for my 10th or 11th birthday. At the time I loved hearing my dad's Stones tapes (???) when we'd be in the car, but I had absolutely no appreciation for the concert/music experience at the time. Seeing them years later in my hometown, I couldn't get enough of it.
Long story short, you'll have to gauge it yourself based on how you think your child will take it all in. I personally wouldn't want to take my kid to a concert, any concert, until I think he or she will really appreciate it. For me that would have been around 13 years old, but for some of your children it may be younger than that. You're the best judge.
5/30/06 - Washington, DC
6/22/08 - Washington, DC
10/31/09 - Philadelphia, PA
8/5/16 - Fenway Park
Temple of the Dog - 11/5/2016 - Philadelphia, PA
7/1/2018 - Prague
7/3/2018 - Kraków
7/5/2018 - Berlin
I know we are talking about different age groups here but my 11 year old hears that everytime he listens to one of the boots which is quite a bit.
Wouldn't be taking him if I didn't think he
could handle it.
I don't happen to think there is anything wrong at all with taking an 11 year old to a PJ show.
BOS-9/28/04,9/29/04,6/28/08,6/30/08, 9/5/16, 9/7/16, 9/2/18
MTL-9/15/05, OTT-9/16/05
ATX-10/4/09, 10/12/14
Bridge School-10/23/2010,10/24/2010