Fans and mods...check out this GREAT Fixer vid

KingmidgetKingmidget Posts: 628
edited August 2009 in The Porch ... re=related

Some may have seen cool. My Science teacher changed my life and I think its great this song was picked.

I agree w/ one of the YT comments...I think PJ mgmnt should see this... find this guy a job.. :)

He belongs back in the classroom although...hope he has another teaching job lined up.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • pineapplesandwaves.pineapplesandwaves. GTA Posts: 1,808
    Thumbs up!
  • The Fixer works!

    Seems like a great school to go to. Love the enthusiasm of the teachers and students. Shame the guy lost his job.
    we're all going to the same place...
  • KingmidgetKingmidget Posts: 628
    bbbbbump.... on a lazy Sun morning as I look forward to hearing this song live in Chi Town! :)

    "Compilation video of Gauer Elementary featuring the music of Pearl Jam's new single, The Fixer. In 2009, thousands of teachers were laid off due to budget cuts, including Jimmy Bui who won teacher of the year for Anaheim. Hopefully, with the help of the new president, education will no longer take a back seat in American society."
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