Hip Hop, Roca Wear, Freemasons, and the Illuminati

Slightly more substantiated than chemtrails 
here we have a video showing extremely overt masonic symbolism pimped by Rocawear, along with some rappers making some questionable symbolism.
Masons and Hip Hop
Lets discuss the implications.
though i could find NOTHING on the web about this, i can vouch for it first hand.
This makes total since given the motherfucker did the Obama poster (didn't he?)
I know this because i was in a department store a few months ago, and they had 4 or 5 different Obey tshirts with Stars, and an Eye in Pyramid, and two shirts (which i bought)
one with a giant circular seal that says "Obey Order ofIindependent Aartisans" "Grand Lodge District 74"
and has a redesigned Square & Compass (actually a t square, triangle, paint brushes) in the middle with the all seeing eye at the top, and the andre the giant face inside a 5 pointed star, in it's own seal.
The second one is a goddess head and wings, with the andre star and seal on her forehead. and it says "manufacturing dissent since 1989)
weird stuff.

here we have a video showing extremely overt masonic symbolism pimped by Rocawear, along with some rappers making some questionable symbolism.
Masons and Hip Hop
Lets discuss the implications.
though i could find NOTHING on the web about this, i can vouch for it first hand.
This makes total since given the motherfucker did the Obama poster (didn't he?)
I know this because i was in a department store a few months ago, and they had 4 or 5 different Obey tshirts with Stars, and an Eye in Pyramid, and two shirts (which i bought)
one with a giant circular seal that says "Obey Order ofIindependent Aartisans" "Grand Lodge District 74"
and has a redesigned Square & Compass (actually a t square, triangle, paint brushes) in the middle with the all seeing eye at the top, and the andre the giant face inside a 5 pointed star, in it's own seal.
The second one is a goddess head and wings, with the andre star and seal on her forehead. and it says "manufacturing dissent since 1989)
weird stuff.

If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
come on dude, seriously... you are still believing any internet video you watch?
Wishlist Foundation-
a. i dunno what i believe.
i'm an INTP, so i tend to theorize everything, and then question myself twice on it all.
b. if i was not sure, and don't take offense (you can if you want), i sure as hell wouldn't use YOUR opinions and world views as the starting point for my basis in "reality". You and Soulsinging are like two peas in a pod when it comes to rampant and blatant denial of certain fundamental aspects of the "real world".
c. i don't give a flying fuck if Jay Z is an illuminist, but it sure is pretty goddamn obvious that Roccawear has made a deliberate attempt to sport some blatant masonic symbolism. Of course, you don't even address that in your scoffing remark.
d. If Jay Z WAS an illuminist\mason or at least a "fan" of certain aspects of "the craft", he sure as fuck would be in good company when it comes to musicians\entertainers who do the same:
1. Tool
you probably can't see it too clearly (but i was there, and there were 2 or 3 more on the wings of the stage) but the neon 7 pointed star in the middle of the stage here can also be found (oh so "coincidentally") in association with Aleister Crowley's "Thelema" as seen here.
Don't know what Thelema has to do with anything? Click here. Thelema and The A.A are just sister concepts of Crowley's overarching ideal Order.
2. Iron Maiden
IRON MAIDEN singer plays Illuminati 's OTO Alchemist Aleister Crowley in 'Chemical Wedding
And "The Trooper" from the recently released "Flight 666" DVD
Notice The Eye In The Pyramid:
on the bass drum
on the guitarist's shirt
on the stage floor in a huge way
all over the stage props
Coincidence? Yeah right. He's making a movie about Aleister Crowley. Sheesh.
3. Marilyn Manson
His first reference to "the order" was with his first commercial album, PoaF, and the last song "Misery Machine", and the lyrics "We gotta ride to the Abbey of Thelema".
Manson now has his own specialized flavor of illuminism which can be seen at his official site here.
See the massive eye in pyramid on the body? How about the circle in a dot sun symbol on the forehead? Remember that shit from the Sun Symbols thread? How about the Cross of Lorraine or "Double Cross" (why do you think that term has a negative connotation? Thank a mason!) Or how about the 7 pointed star behind it? Remember the tool video in number one or the AA site? Hmm. Check out the forum header here "Babalon". hahahahahahh!
4. Led Zeppelin
Uh, Jimmy Page was literally obsessed with Aleister Crowley. No big secret there. He bought his fucking mansion, for fucks sake. They practically started the whole "Rock Star as Satanist" shtick. As for their lyrics and imagery, i'm not sure they ever got to far on with it, save for maybe oblique references through their occult-ish name symbols. But the line "Children of the Sun begin to wake" from Going to California is definitely an ambiguous nod to certain elements of the new age brotherhood of the secret order.
5. Pearl Jam.
Go ahead and laugh, i know i want to as well.
The fact is Jeff Ament is admittedly a Crowley fan. He used to wear shirts with his ugly mug on it.
How about this?
What does it look like to you? How many single eyes do you see in the No Code art work?
How about the "Tree of Life" shirt that they made in the 10 era?
Tree of Life is a key element of the Qabbalah. Not enough? On the back of the shirt was a direct Crowley quotation, "Love is the Law. Love Under Will".
6. Perry Farrel
Before Jane's Addiction, there was Psi Com.
Check the back label of their CD in the upper right corner. here. I'm pretty sure you can write perry off as a true follower of the order (hell, maybe PJ too) but being a Jew, he is certainly aware at a base level of what is up. [and for all the PC morons, i mean being AWARE of his jewish heritage. not "being a jew" as some hate speech. I'm a half jew myself. sheesh, can't believe i even have to disclaim that, but i fucking know the types i'm dealing with here.]
Thats all i got for now.
Just thought i would throw out the big names i can think of to show you that its not just all total bullshit.
Speaking of which:
Lady Gaga, Illuminist Puppet?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense - Present Tense
Uploaded on Apr 13, 2011
documentary show Tupac Shakur breaking the Illuminati oath - Did the Illuminati kill Tupac or was it the West/East coast war?
East coast/west coast war.
You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
or you can come to terms and realize
you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
makes much more sense to live in the present tense - Present Tense
i wouldn't be so sure about that
the kat was pretty in their face.
he hated the way power was abused and wasted in our country and around the planet.
he spoke openly and vehemently about it. and he frequently said he had every intention of changing it.
he was starting a political movement, and was planning to run for office.
if you remember what the world was like back then,
you have to know he stood a pretty damn good chance.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
well, in theory, these orders are "esoteric", and they impart true knowledge of the "sacred soul science of the ages" ... basically teaching you the knowledge of how your soul functions, how to access it, essentially how to achieve "enlightenment" or contact with your inner self ... over the course of several "initiations" your consciousness and energy level is elevated through a channeling of energy, and your sphere of understanding is enlarged. [this is for the orders that are "the keepers of the Lesser Mysteries", there are apparently a few that are the keepers of "the Greater Mysteries", and i'm not really so sure i understand what those are about at all. from what i can discern it has something to do with the layered makeup of the earth and the planets? i have no clue there]
in practice, however, some (or all) of that may be bogus, and many of these orders are either simply commercial\corporate money mills (ie. most of the known degrees of "Freemasonry") or otherwise are not so well known and largely political [ie. "the illuminati", particularly the classic one that is known -- the Bavarian Illuminati, which was explicitly political, or other more secretive degrees]
All of the esoteric orders that i know of (masons, rosicrucians, templars, "illuminati", etc) are claimed (by their own writers) to be truly part of the same indivisible order, and all claim a desire for the unification of mankind in a universal brotherhood and a reestablishment of a kingdom of heaven on earth. Some of them (like the masons) have writers who openly proclaim (ie. read "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike) that their members will be the rulers of this new order.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
you might want to check out your paper money.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
well aware.
the decision to put that on the Fed notes was made by FDR, an acknowledged freemason, who apparently thought it would be fitting, and actually engaged in a discussion with some of his masonic buddies (including, apparently, Manly P Hall?) before doing so.
The decision to use the Pyramid as the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States originally is shrowded in mystery and is claimed, by lore, to have come from some man in a cloak who brought the design to the colonial committee tasked with the job of coming up with a seal. [in unproveable fact, the reason is probably more accurately surmised as that several of our most distinguished founding fathers were high level freemasons, and the decision to split the colonies off from Britain itself was likely part of "the great plan" to deliver the world from Monarchical power and set up a secular new order of the ages ... hence the latin under the pyramid "New Secular Order of The Ages" ... ie. "New World (ie. Secular, ie. Of the World) Order"]
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I actually meant in the context of shepard fairey using that imagery in his work. being a street artist or having been a street artist hed be more inclined to use that imagery as an indictment on the establishment rather that pledging his allegiance to any secret society who used said imagery. he does some good stuff. im a fan.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say