Bootleg DVD's, let me jump on this grenade for the team.

OffMeGoesOffMeGoes Posts: 483
edited August 2009 in The Porch
I presume there are hundreds, if not thousands of fans just like me that dance around this question because I should have been in the loop since about year 2 of my pearljaddiction, yes, 17 years ago...... so let me just ask and hope I am jumping on the grenade for many fellow board members......

Are there bootleg DVD collections/shows out there with pro-production quality: .........I am talking like PinkPop 92, any of the Bridge School Shows or even the MTV Unplugged (say before the recent Ten-Redux set included it?)???? I have seen people hint to go to other boards to find traders, but I have never known if you have to be anointed into some world of dorkdome or have some rare gem that you can share to be accepted - AND, part duex of my heroic attempt to locate the truth, once there, do you end up with HD DVD camera work or 62 minutes of JennyHRTEddie232's footage with a 1989 Zenith 16mm camera from Balcony 323 row 24, (followed by her review and a play by play of her feelings while watching Eddie's mood during the show.)

(BTY.....I have a gem to get myself started if that's what it takes.....)

Ok, hoping this grenade is a dud.........Thanks Saladfaces.....Matt
Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
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