Another Craigslist jackass...

madtowndavemadtowndave Minneapolis, MN Posts: 4,013
edited August 2009 in The Porch
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I could understand trading or wanting postage and the cost of the disc, but this is fucking ridiculous...
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • NYbenbenNYbenben Posts: 1,020
    why pay for it... there are so many cool people on this board that will either give it to you or show you where to go to download it yourseslf... i have about 70gb of Live Pearl Jam and EV Solo shows that have come mostly from directions from people on this board...

    now, im all for paying for studio albums... got to support the artists as well...
    4/12/92, 8/11/92, 9/28/96, 9/11/98, 8/23/00, 8/24/00, 7/9/03, 4/30/03, 10/1/04, 10/3/05, 12/9/05, 5/12/06, 5/17/06, 5/28/06, 6/3/06, 12/9/06, EV LA 4/12-4/13/08, 6/12/08, 6,19,08, 6,20,08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 7/1/08

    and still jonesing for another show....
    "the waiting drove me mad..."
  • TravelarTravelar Kalamazoo, USA Posts: 3,414
    Wow... let's beat his ass.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    i don't see what the big deal is...i think the guy was offering to burn all these shows on a disc. 150 of them for 300 dollars. that's 2 bucks a disc, not to mention all the work he'd have to put into it. plus to ship it to you. i don't know why he'd want to do all that for 300 bucks minus the cost of the discs though. seems pretty generous to me, although yeah, why not just find them and download them for free on your own computer.
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