Getting Tickets for Philly today in general sale???



  • rick1zoo2rick1zoo2 between a rock and a dumb place Posts: 12,632
    keep trying, I just pulled up a pair. also, comcast has an option to search tickets accross two rows, that may help.
  • jrnycjrnyc Posts: 537
    Looks just about sold out.
  • peacegirlpeacegirl Posts: 841
    Mcam55 wrote:
    peacegirl wrote:
    Mcam55 wrote:
    Looks like 10club got the Floor and most of the lower side sections.

    I got 3 in Sec 216 so that'll be awesome to be around mostly 10c members!

    216...very nice.

    yeah, I'm actually surprised I got that...I was a little worried about getting these and was expecting to get the 300 or 400 level since 10c secured more tix
  • mojamom2mojamom2 Posts: 73
    edited August 2009
    peacegirl wrote:
    I got 3 tix in Sec problems at all...I cannot wait for these shows! :D
    I got a single in 216 for 10/27... dh and I have 10 c seats to all 4 shows, but wanted to get a single so we can take our 16 y.o. to his first. We thought we'd try for Wed. for a better seat, looks great! :D
    Post edited by mojamom2 on
  • Mcam55Mcam55 Posts: 1,407
    did anyone get an email from comcasttix yet?
  • cowboypjfancowboypjfan Posts: 2,453
    Mcam55 wrote:
    did anyone get an email from comcasttix yet?

    Yes, received the email shortly after purchasing.
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,006
    I have an email for the 10/27 show. I am keeping my confirmation pages just in case.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • J.J. Posts: 41
    I was able to get in just now to see what was left.. got right in.. Sec 300 still available. If people still want them they are there.
  • peacegirlpeacegirl Posts: 841
    Mcam55 wrote:
    did anyone get an email from comcasttix yet?

    haven't got mine yet..but the tix are in my order history....I think it was about an hour after I purchased my ticket for the 30th that I got the worries
  • Ryan_WFCRyan_WFC Posts: 1,351
    Got my e-mail at 10:50 EST.
    "They said ... timing was everything
    made him ... want to be everywhere
    there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,954
    Hell yeah, 4 tickets in 308A and 2 Ten Club tickets! Going to be a hell of a weekend!
  • cutzcutz Posts: 11,986
    Like some of you have said, it looks like the 10 Club got the good seats. I tried to see what seats i could pull, but could do no better then sec. 221(behind the stage). So, i'm sticking with my 10 Club seats. If i could've pulled some good seats, i would've gotten them today. Got to have some options IF i could :lol:

    Back to work :evil:
  • starmap3333starmap3333 Posts: 3,925
    213 row 1... single.... love it.
  • Jearlpam0925Jearlpam0925 Deep South Philly Posts: 17,288
    All they're selling it seems like behind the stage. It's all 10c up front - this is going to be AWESOME.
  • Jeff MurrayJeff Murray Posts: 1,259
    Nothing but behind the stage available now. I was going to try to pull a pair for friends, but of course people walked into my office just as the sale hit!! :x

    Oh well, I got my tenclub seats, just trying to be a good friend....
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