Looks like 10club got the Floor and most of the lower side sections.
I got 3 in Sec 216 so that'll be awesome to be around mostly 10c members!
216...very nice.
yeah, I'm actually surprised I got that...I was a little worried about getting these and was expecting to get the 300 or 400 level since 10c secured more tix
I got 3 tix in Sec 216...no problems at all...I cannot wait for these shows!
I got a single in 216 for 10/27... dh and I have 10 c seats to all 4 shows, but wanted to get a single so we can take our 16 y.o. to his first. We thought we'd try for Wed. for a better seat, looks great!
haven't got mine yet..but the tix are in my order history....I think it was about an hour after I purchased my ticket for the 30th that I got the e-mail..no worries
Like some of you have said, it looks like the 10 Club got the good seats. I tried to see what seats i could pull, but could do no better then sec. 221(behind the stage). So, i'm sticking with my 10 Club seats. If i could've pulled some good seats, i would've gotten them today. Got to have some options IF i could
Nothing but behind the stage available now. I was going to try to pull a pair for friends, but of course people walked into my office just as the sale hit!! :x
Oh well, I got my tenclub seats, just trying to be a good friend....
yeah, I'm actually surprised I got that...I was a little worried about getting these and was expecting to get the 300 or 400 level since 10c secured more tix
Yes, received the email shortly after purchasing.
haven't got mine yet..but the tix are in my order history....I think it was about an hour after I purchased my ticket for the 30th that I got the e-mail..no worries
made him ... want to be everywhere
there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
Back to work :evil:
Oh well, I got my tenclub seats, just trying to be a good friend....