PJ Halloween Shows

potnikpotnik Posts: 461
edited August 2009 in The Porch
By the looks of it, this will be the fourth time that Pearl Jam has played on Halloween and the first for the East Coast, anyone been to all the previous ones?

I was at the show in 2000 and the Bridge School one in 99, missed out on the one in Berkley in 1993. Looking forward to the show this year, should be really fun.

Also, what will the band dress up as? Here are some notes from the past shows. *Taken from Five Horizons*

1993 -- notes: Pearl Jam, ready for Halloween, dresses for the occasion. Ed is wearing a Hannibal Lecter mask and Stone has on that crazy shark swimming cap.

1999 -- The band takes the stage with only Mike and Stone festively attired for Halloween (Mike in a silver Lone Ranger-type mask and Stone with a turkey hat.)

2000 -- at the beginning of the second encore the band comes out dressed as the Village People! Jeff is the construction worker, Matt is the soldier, Ed is the Indian, Stone as a policeman, and Mike as a biker. Incidently, Mike is wearing chaps, but no pants, just black underwear
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