EvolverEvolver Posts: 525
edited August 2009 in The Porch
Had tickets for 10/31 (clicked buy now) and then got a message saying my browser didn't accept cookies. But upon checking, IT DOES. I am using the latest version of Firefox.

Anyone else have this happen!??!?!?! I'm thinking a big snafu on 10C's end. Thanks a lot.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Same shit. I think the page "timeout". CC info was in, hit send and never opened the next page.
  • No, I had the tikcets in my check out,confirmed address and than the system slowed down 5 minutes later I get an ie not responding message and now the tickets are not in my cart, this is such a heartbreaker, I got the tickets with no problem, selected buy now with now problem,confirmed the address with no problem and than I dont know what happened.I just thought that once the tix were in your cart they stay there, can anyone tell me if this is true?
  • Ryan_WFCRyan_WFC Posts: 1,351
    Same thing happened to me, but my order went through anyway. Check your order history or credit card.
    "They said ... timing was everything
    made him ... want to be everywhere
    there's a ... lot to be said for nowhere."
  • I believe it happened to quite a few people. It gave us that and then "timed out." I don't think a ticket purchase can time out in less than 2 minutes like it did for me. And I can definitely accept cookies. They should know to expect these things and beef up their server a bit.
    rock bands may come and rock bands may go...
    but rock n roll will live forever! - ray davies
  • Check your order history!!! It took a couple of minutes to show up on mine, I was worried!
    "makes much more sense, to live in the present tense"
  • I went to check my order history and I got timed out...LOL Double whammy!
    "Nothing changes but the surrounding bullshit, that has grown."
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    This happened to me too - got all the way to the end, CC entered, then the cookie/timeout message, so I headed back to start again. Took another 20+ minutes to rebuy. I use Safari on a mac and always keep it updated. Anyway, it worked out.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • Just got them, CRAZY :48 minutes after they went on sale? Does this mean I'm sitting in the bleeders or is it still seniority?

    "Nothing changes but the surrounding bullshit, that has grown."
  • NeilJamNeilJam Posts: 1,191
    No, I had the tikcets in my check out,confirmed address and than the system slowed down 5 minutes later I get an ie not responding message and now the tickets are not in my cart, this is such a heartbreaker, I got the tickets with no problem, selected buy now with now problem,confirmed the address with no problem and than I dont know what happened.I just thought that once the tix were in your cart they stay there, can anyone tell me if this is true?

    Had the same issue here. Got the tickets in my cart early, then the site crashed and I lost 'em. Finally got back on and they were Temporarily out of stock (I think my neighbors might have heard me shouting some profanities at that point). Got the buy button again and added them to my cart, but then had issues during every step of the checkout. Luckily I didn't lose the tickets this time and finally completed the order around 12:45 eastern.

    This is the most trouble I've ever had trying to get 10 Club tickets. Of course at the moment it looks like it'd be easy for a member to get tickets for the show now that the initial rush for tickets has passed.
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