Can someone translate this Italian article?

VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
edited August 2009 in The Porch
Please, no web-based translators, they just don't provide a meaningful translation. I think this is an album preview or maybe even a review.

di Patrizio Nissirio

11 August 2009
ANSA - Entertainment News Service


(ANSA) - LONDRA, 11 AGO - Tornano i Pearl Jam, rocker americani poco inclini al compromesso musicale ed etico, la loro nuova avventura, dopo la fine del contratto con la Sony e un nuovo accordo con la Universal/Island, si chiama Backspacer ,11 brani nuovi di zecca prodotti dal vecchio amico Brendan O'Brien, che già ha curato quattro dischi del gruppo. E per lanciarlo (esce il 18 settembre), Eddie Vedder, Steve Gossard e gli altri ex ragazzi del grunge hanno scelto di partire da un teatro di Londra, lo Shepherd's Bush Empire, da dove stasera è iniziato un mini-tour agostano europeo, che tornerà a Londra il 18 del mese nella ben più capiente 02 Arena. La quale, tanto per testimoniare l'affetto che ancora li circonda almeno nel vecchio continente, è andata tutta esaurita in appena 17 minuti.

Se si eccettua la ripubblicazione di Ten, loro primo album, a marzo, erano tre anni che i PJ, dall'album intitolato Pearl Jam - una sorta di nuovo debutto da adulti - non si cimentavano con nuovi brani. A giudicare dal teatro londinese, l'amore dei fan é rovente. Vedder e gli altri si sono presentati in forma smagliante, lui più messianico che mai, spiritato con la sua bottiglia di vino in mano (e alla fine la voce sembrava alquanto impastata, ma solo quando parlava), dando inizio alle danze con una folgorante Sometimes, seguita da Not for you. Pubblico impazzito quando, poco dopo l'inizio dello show è salito sul palco Ronnie Wood, per una strabiliante All along the watchtower.

Inevitabile il riferimento alla politica: "Vorrei ringraziare il presidente Obama per aver vinto le elezioni. Se avessero vinto gli altri, noi come ci saremmo ripresentati in questo paese, in quanto americani". Molti i classici del repertorio PJ, cantati a squarciagola dai presenti stipati come sardine in platea, da Dissident a Do the evolution, a Better man, alla travolgente Alive. Dall'ultimo album, si è segnalata una poderosa Got some.

Backspacer - che è stato preceduto dal singolo The fixer è un disco di rock duro e puro senza tentennamenti, da Got some - la performance dal vivo della band qualche settimana fa al Conan O'Brien Show negli Usa ha causato un boom di contatti sul relativo filmato su YouTube - all'inno punk Supersonic, all'angosciante ballata che chiude l'album, The end.

Vedder e soci suonano davvero come rinati, come un gruppo che ha ancora tutto da dire: basti sentire la bellissima Just breathe o la travolgente Gonna see my friend. Dovrebbe essere un nuovo capitolo assai gradito ai seguaci dei rocker di Seattle, e magari conquistare i fan delle nuove generazioni, avvezzi a suoni di gruppi più recenti, che senza la lezione dei Pearl Jam probabilmente neanche esisterebbero. (ANSA).
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Would it be rude to ask where you are from - outside of US?

    I love it when you do like this over the years I've been here. :)

    I only know a few Italian words (my mother's 3rd husband was an Italian who came to US when he was 12)... and they aren't nice.


    No. *whacks head*

    I'm subscribing this thread and looking forward to the translation...
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
    I'm from California. I have, associated with work, a news service and I can set up a permanent search criteria. When something hits, I get an e-mail. The e-mail has a few sentences and a link to the text of the article. I rarely get links to actual websites, and there never are pictures. Only a line that says "photo of...". So it is basically a transcription. Some of these actually preceed a printed article, sometimes hit when the article is released and sometimes come days or a couple of weeks later. I try to post things that others may find interesting or useful. Hopefully the translated version of this will be useful and new. i try to not post articles with no new information. I could really pollute this board with repetitive threads if I didn't watch that.
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • YieldedYielded Posts: 839
    My Italian isn't great so I'm sorry if this is a little bumpy...

    Pearl Jam, the ethical American rockers little inclined to musical compromise, return with a new musical adventure after the end of their contract with Sony and a new agreement reached with Universal/Island Records.
    The new effort, 11 brand new tracks called Backspacer, is produced by old friend Brendan O'Brien, already responsible for 4 albums in the past. To launch the album (out September 18th), Eddie Vedder, Stone Gossard and the other 'children' of the grunge movement have chosen a London Theatre, Sheperd's Bush Empire, which will kick off a mini-European tour. They will return to London on the 18th of this month, playing the much higher capacity O2 arena. This sold out in just 17 minutes, which shows the affection the old continent still holds for the band.

    Apart from the re-release of Ten, their debut album, in March, it has been three years since the self-titled 'Pearl Jam'- a sort of new new beginning for them. Vedder and his crew presented themselves in dazzling form, looking more messianic than ever. Spirited, his bottle of wine in hand (towards the end, his speech seemed a bit slurred, but only when speaking) he started with Sometimes followed by Not For You. The crowd went crazy when, shortly after the start of the show, Ronnie Wood showed up on stage for a stunning rendition of All Along the Watchtower.

    The inevitable political reference followed with Vedder stating: "I would like to thank President Obama for winning the election, if it weren't for him we couldn't have shown our faces in this country". Many of the classics from their repertoire were played to the crowd crammed like sardines in the stalls: Dissident to Do the Evolution, Better Man and the overwhelming Alive. From the new album we were told about a powerful Got Some.

    Backspacer, preceded by the single The Fixer, is an all out hard rock disc. Their performance of Got Some on Conan O'Brien cause a surge in YouTube views, Supersonic is a punk anthem, and the heartwrenching ballad The End closes the album.

    Vedder and the band sound like they've been reborn as a band. Everything's yet to be said: The beautiful Just Breathe and overwhelming Gonna See my Friend are proof enough. This new chapter should be very appealing to followers of the Seattle rockers, and could win them some younger fans that are used to the sound of more recent bands, which probably wouldn't exist without Pearl Jam's lessons.
    "We get these pills to swallow... how they stick in your throat... Tastes like gold..."
  • Yielded wrote:
    Backspacer, preceded by the single The Fixer, is an all out hard rock disc. Their performance of Got Some on Conan O'Brien cause a surge in YouTube views, Supersonic is a punk anthem, and the heartwrenching ballad The End closes the album.

    Vedder and the band sound like they've been reborn as a band. Everything's yet to be said: The beautiful Just Breathe and overwhelming Gonna See my Friend are proof enough. This new chapter should be very appealing to followers of the Seattle rockers, and could win them some younger fans that are used to the sound of more recent bands, which probably wouldn't exist without Pearl Jam's lessons.

    I like the sound of an overwhelming album opener, and I'm really enjoying these recent little Backspacer blurbs/previews because they all seem to highlight different tracks as being the album's high-points. Overall, it sounds like we have a strong release coming our way... Sept. 20th please get here soon!
    "P-E-A-R-L J-A-M is priceless to me."
  • VeddernarianVeddernarian Posts: 1,924
    Yielded wrote:
    Backspacer, preceded by the single The Fixer, is an all out hard rock disc. Their performance of Got Some on Conan O'Brien cause a surge in YouTube views, Supersonic is a punk anthem, and the heartwrenching ballad The End closes the album.

    Vedder and the band sound like they've been reborn as a band. Everything's yet to be said: The beautiful Just Breathe and overwhelming Gonna See my Friend are proof enough. This new chapter should be very appealing to followers of the Seattle rockers, and could win them some younger fans that are used to the sound of more recent bands, which probably wouldn't exist without Pearl Jam's lessons.

    I like the sound of an overwhelming album opener, and I'm really enjoying these recent little Backspacer blurbs/previews because they all seem to highlight different tracks as being the album's high-points. Overall, it sounds like we have a strong release coming our way... Sept. 20th please get here soon!

    Agree, can't wait.

    Yielded, Thanks very much for translating!
    Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Thanks, Yielded - appreciate the efforts! :D

    Good article and I really liked it when mentioning about winning new younger fans... that's what I'm hoping for my children - hubby and I didn't do a good job. ;) We're not the types to force stuff we like on them... they have their own music tastes, which is fine...

    ...but I hope this new album will get their attention, especially my oldest son who is a PJ hater!!! :lol:

    But if not, oh well...can't say I didn't try!

    Great article, thanks for translating!!
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • orig_long redorig_long red Posts: 2,029
    Lemme try ......

    "I .... like .... meatballs."
    Jam out with your clam out.
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