Going to UK to see PJ and swineflu concern

PJ SwedenPJ Sweden Posts: 855
edited August 2009 in The Porch
Probably travelling to the UK to catch PJ in Manchester and London, have 10 C tix, should I be concerned about swineflu? I'm notoriously worried about disease in general but this one seems like its serious enough to worry about. Or am I wrong? Brits what say you? Please if you take the time to answer keep it serious. Since 10C tix are non refundable or transferable I suspect this could affect the shows and a lot more people than me of course, so what do you reckon? Thanks for taking your time reading this...hope to see you all there!
Stockholm 1992-06-25
Stockholm 2000-06-28
Boston 2004-09-28
Arnhem 2006-08-29
Berlin 2006-09-23
Copenhagen 2007-06-26
Dublin 2010-06-22
Berlin 2010-06-30
Copenhagen 2012-07-10
Stockholm 2012-07-07
Stockholm 2014-06-28
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • I wouldn't worry about it if you are healthy. From http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/surveillanceqa.htm you can see there are 302 deaths out of 43,771 cases. On top of that, I would bet a number of H1N1 cases go unconfirmed or reported and the deaths are likely due to other conditions in combination with the H1N1 flu.
  • I wouldnt worry. It appears to be very similar to the common flu but can be serious for those with weak immune systems or other pre-existing ailments, just like the common Flu can be serious. Unfortunately it was the media frenzy/hype that in a way blew it a bit out of proportion so many are needlessly worried. Hypothetically speaking, you can get it and not even know it or think anything of it, just would feel like a common flu and if not extremely young, old or have a pre-existing condition, would fight it off and be well in no time. Just wash your hands frequently(not obssesively) after being in public places(subways, buses, door handles etc) and if hand are dirty or havent been washed in a while, try not to rub eye, nose, or mouth with hands etc. No worries IMO
  • deserteddotsedeserteddotse Posts: 1,276
    edited August 2009
    Ta ett djupt andetag när du landar i Manchester och håll andan... ;)
    Give a monkey a brain and he'll swear he's the center of the Universe...
  • DB41DB41 Posts: 539
    I wouldn't worry about it if you are healthy. From http://www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/surveillanceqa.htm you can see there are 302 deaths out of 43,771 cases. On top of that, I would bet a number of H1N1 cases go unconfirmed or reported and the deaths are likely due to other conditions in combination with the H1N1 flu.

    He's right. It's no more harmful than the regular flu. It's when it mutates that we should start worrying...
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