Our Man Ron Paul and the Illuminati..

yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
edited August 2009 in A Moving Train
Use Google search engine in the following order...search...
Nazis Odessa Bilderberg

Then I want you to scroll down that list where it says

Nazis After WWII and click on it.

The next screen that comes up should be one that says on the top the following


On that screen you look just to the right of it and you will find a map reader dealing

with the bilderberg and those who are associated with it.

click on it

If you click on any of the names on that map a list will pop up

under each one the first being a number of nodes or connections each member has

in relations to the name just clicked onto

Click each node and you will see the gigantic web of all that are tied to

the Bilderberg, Trilateralist, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

The problem is that the site just gets bigger and bigger with no end in sight.

These list of names include many Politicians, world leaders, Actors, Business Execs.

and One name that will really baffle you:


That is correct; he too is a member of that elite group!
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!


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  • Blank-Picard_Facepalm.jpg

  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761


    Good to see another "downstater" on here. I'm about 2 hours southwest of you.
  • Blank-Picard_Facepalm.jpg


    Good to see another "downstater" on here. I'm about 2 hours southwest of you.

    closer to st. louis? there are a couple people on here from champaign. chicago bound?
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    Yeah. I'm about an hour north of St. Louis. Sadly, I missed out on the Chicago shows. Maybe they will be back to St. Louis for the first time since 2004 next year.
    He's an Illuminati?

    Doesn't that just mean he's a :idea: BRIGHT :idea: guy? ;) NYUCK NYUCK NYUCK.

    I mean, I guess anything is possible. I believe there is legitamite concern to be had about these super-government organizations trying to form world government essentially run by the corporate elite. Of course, someone is always going to take some legitimate research and make it HOLLYWOOD-- as in give the whole thing a giant twist, "You'll never believe who's in on this conspiracy! It's the good guy! Ron Paul! Oh, yeah, and did I mention that George W. Bush is really a REPTILIAN WARLORD!!!!" It's like the X-Files said, TRUST NO 1!!!!

    By the way, it should also be noted that probably not all members of the CFR or Bilderberg group should be automatically considered evil people. Bilderberg, in particular, has a different attendance list every year. I would think that some of the rich and powerful that attend these things are just their for the status that comes with it, and never show up again.
  • Blank-Picard_Facepalm.jpg

    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • I found the site, and the map, but could not find RP on any of the nodes i exploded.
    Please tell me under which org or person you found him listed?

    The closest i can put Paul to anything illuminist is a very young (and still very spot on and against the grain) Ron Paul being endorsed by Ronald Reagan. Reagan, though certainly co-opted by the elite, was clearly not high in the pecking order of "them" and "they" were scared enough of him to both force him to put Bush on as VP and also to take shots at him with real bullets.

    Now if i can find him on this map, maybe i can validate what you are saying,
    but unless we are to start being super-cynics and writing off anything and anyone (Oh Alex Jones doesn't talk about the Jews enough, he MUST be a Freemason!) then we have to maintain some semblance of perceptive differentiation when we talk about these things.

    By this i mean,
    Ron Paul seems to endorse, speak about, educate upon, advocate for, and generally get the word out about just about anything and everything that is the antithesis of what the KNOWN illuminist power structures are currently promoting as their modus operandi.

    So unless we are to assume that what the illuminists themselves want is a complete audit of the federal reserve, and the sudden and violent collapse of their very own "system", then for the time being at least, we have to take Ron Paul for the fruits he has so far shown us, and accept that he is at least some of the best of what we have. Perfect or not (clearly not).

    Look, don't get me wrong, even Alex Jones doesn't want to discuss the specific murderers of JFK by name on air (i know, i've tried to discuss it with him). That doesn't necessarily mean Alex is a distraction. It means he knows what his opposition is capable of, and knows that pointing direct fingers does little more than place him in imminent danger.

    Thats just the theory i'm going with right now.
    If you want to try and convince me that both Paul and Jones are 33rd degree masons, go right ahead.
    I certainly won't stop you from talking.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
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