cant go to any shows, so objectively speaking
the way they announce the tour this year and I think back in 06 is pretty freaking stupid. I hope their is a method to this madness but makes absolutely NO sense to release some dates early and some dates later.. It isnt like they are playing in Seattle next week. They could have waited til now to announce everything. Again, I am not traveling this year so I dont really care for myself but for others it really is BS. What if somebody lived in Utah and thought that they would have to travel to Seattle to see their favorite band?? Great, they get to see them twice but maybe they didnt want to spend the hundreds of dollars..Especially since the ten club or whoever knows that PJ fans travel all over the world to see PJ play, you think they would be a bit more mindful of how they do this... I am sure people will call me names and yada yada yada but again, this doesnt affect me one bit since I am not seeing them this year... to me it is just common sense what they are doing is wrong..
Post edited by Unknown User on
Remember people, they are catering to people who want to go to one show, not ALL FOUR! Sheesh! I know they're not sitting there going "Ok so how do we plan this so people who want to come from out of town to all of the shows are able to get as many tickets as they want with the best seats possible?" PLEASE.
I am not talking about Philly..what about the West Coast shows? I am sure there might be a few people in Utah, Portland etc who went out of their way to see PJ in Seattle, LA etc.. only to find out they will be in their backyard...
I am also not a Philly native. I just moved here from Pittsburgh 9 years ago.
Having said all of that...
I have friends out here, Philly area natives, who are *pist* about how these shows were announced. They were stoked to get tickets to the "final show at the Spectrum" and then PJ turns around and tacks another one after to be the new final show. Now these people aren't hardcore "go to multiple concerts" type fans. They are casual fans, and wanted to be part of something historic (last show at the Spectrum). Now that's gone.
Personally, i could care less about the romance with the Spectrum, but I do want to be part of some epic PJ shows. I'll probably get tickets for the next show.
Many many other people won't, however, and they feel ripped off.
Now, PJ doesn't owe anybody anything. And there's all these board-lifers and PJ apologists who have said crap like "Well they knew the risk when they bought the tickets" and whatnot. What? Are we throwing dice here? They don't hang on every rumor. I'm sure PJ knows it was a fuggin nuthouse getting tix to the 10/30 shows and, given the fact that they're playing 4 shows here, they understand the cultural significance. So, given all of that, I can see how many of my more casual PJ friends feel robbed of an experience.
Like I said... I could give a shit about the Spectrum or the Sixers or the Flyers or the fact that Phish played more shows there than I have skin cells or the cultural relevance. So don't jump on me if you want to stick up for the do-no-wrong band. But PJ understands the significance of the joint, and should have known such a move would screw some folks.
Let the flames begin!
Interesting point... considering they basically screwed the "one show" crowd who got the 10/30 tickets thinking they were going to be in on a somewhat "historical last ever show at the Spectrum". Now they get the "who cares about the 2nd to last ever show at the Spectrum".
Edit: I didn't consider the "historic"ness of the show, because like you I couldn't give a crap, but, alas, I guess fans got screwed out of the last show at the Spectrum... I'm sure there are worse things to cry about. Maybe someone will come along Nov 1 and play a show, now that would be funny.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Especially since I have 16 hours of travel and a $400 hotel bill coming up next week since I got 10c tix for Toronto since there was only random rumors about Philly shows at the time and I didn't want to miss them this year.
Now I wish, for my wallet's sake, they had announced something Philly officially earlier, b/c I'd gladly give up TO. But they're 10c tix... I have to go. Or eat the ticket cost and cancel the trip... which is a drag.
It would be nice if they would announce all of the shows at the same time. This way, people from all over don't swarm into the places like Philadelphia and Los Angeles, if there is going to be a show closer to their hometown... and those people won't have to put out cash for airfare, hotels and rental cars.
Can you imagine if Portland or Salt Lake City were the first announced gigs? Everyone would have swamped those places. I think the people of Portland and Salt Lake City should get the best seats for those gigs... just like the people of Los Angeles and Philadelphia should get the best seats for their hometown shows.
If all the shows were announced at the same time... people could figure out what is closest to them and plan out their trips that way... instead of expensive hotelling in L.A.
Hail, Hail!!!
That is fine..but why even bother announcing LA, San Diego, Seattle earlier than the others?? It isnt like the show is next week. They could have waited to announce all at once.. Shit, Philly isnt until end of OCT..just doesnt make any sense
I tend to agree here. I'm sure there is a method to their madness and that there are valid reasons why the announcements were made in this fashion, but from the outside looking in it does seem like things could have been handled smoother.
That said, I have no regrets about traveling to Toronto. Philly in October was never going to work for my buddy who is a public school teacher. We needed a summer show and we got one. And I get to see a city I've never been to before.
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
I wish I could travel..wouldnt mind going to Australia but with 3 kids and a pregnant wife I wont be traveling anywhere... enjoy the trip. I am jealous
definitely for the SLC and portland people... i wouldve figured theyd play TX, red rocks, vegas, or ATL before they played those 2... im sure there are alot of people in the exact situation youre talking about
the natural counterpoint is that if you had the means to get to that show before this announcement then you still should and it shouldnt be a problem... but obviously youre gonna be a little pissed off... and you really can never expect an explanation for why they keep doing this the way they do... but oh well
as far as the "last show" thing at the spectrum... that kindof sucks too... maybe they can sell their tickets and trade for halloween ones? wonder if this also effects those special t-shirts brad was making and selling on the board...
just glad im locked in for my one chicago show and nothing can change that for me (knock on wood)
and really shouldn't be trying for Philly 31st either but probably will
but I wouldn't be if they would have announced ATL today ( or any place closer for us to drive)
and not spending the money we really don't have right now. Really don't have
If they announce ATL after the fact, after I get Philly tickets, I'll be in trouble
but happy!
Such is life
Tweeter Center, Camden - 5/27/06
Verizon Center, Wash. DC - 5/30/06
Bonnaroo, Manchester, TN - 6/14/08
Madison Square Garden, NYC - 6/19/08
Spectrum, Philadelphia - 10/28/09
Spectrum, Philadelphia - 10/30/09
Spectrum, Philadelphia - 10/31/09
Madison Square Garden, NYC - 5/21/10
Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia - 10/21/13
Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia - 4/28/16
Enterprise Center, Saint Louis - 9/18/22
Wish we could get an explanation.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
As well, tacking another "final show at the Spectrum" on is almost like lying
Oh well :?
i agree that is not great on the 10C's part... but people that can afford to travel for the sake of a concert certainly arent victims... and the 10C did say that there would be future show announcements... maybe thats enough to cover them... maybe they owe an explanation (it might help stop the complaining if they just came out and said "its a marketing move to make the most from loyal fans" or "we announce everything as things are confirmed by venues/promoters")
in any case, i wouldnt expect that explanation or for anything to change in the future... it is what it is... wait it out or risk this happening
I wouldn't say their priorities are out of whack. The pj fan is a slightly different breed than most (and they know that). As well, the 10C ticket buying window is about 2 mins long and quick decisons , many times poor, are made due to a lack of proper info.
I doubt there will be an explanation. I would truly like to understand the reasoning behind it though
The 30th is a Friday. I can't imagine that people can't manage to stay for the weekend.
want to be enlightened"