About collecting/listening live Pearl Jam shows

TT8270TT8270 Posts: 429
edited August 2009 in The Porch
How many live Pearl Jam shows do you guys have? Do you prefer mp3/CD/file/tape format? I was lucky enough to trade tapes in 1996-1997. Then came cd-rs in 1998 and after that I've only DLed flacs or bought the official live cds. My complete collection must be roughly 100 shows. I remember during the 90's some trader/collector managed to get a hold of all the known PJ shows at the moment on tape...wonder if she ever listened to them...which leads to another thing I've been thinking:

Do (you) traders/collectors actually and regularly listen to the live shows you've collected? During my youth I grew tired on listening same songs over and over again. I mean PJ doesn't do free jams etc like other trader-friendly bands so I kinda find it boring to listen to same songs all the time (although live)...Nowadays I rarely listen to live Pearl Jam and if I do I go for the usual Atlanta 1994 or Berlin 1996. Two of the finest shows IMHO.

BTW have complete 2000 euro tour in my shelf with over half of the cds still wrapped...should get rid of it...
Soundgarden - 1996-10-15
Pearl Jam - 2000-06-30
Fugazi - 2000-10-10
The Mars Volta - 2003-03-24
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