Peter Schiff vs. Chris Dodd for Senate: FOR REAL
Posts: 8,684
I love it! I love Schiff! Again, a guy who is not ALWAYS right but who is significantly more honest and aware of the true nature of the situation than most anyone else connected to "the system"., watch the video in the center of the screen, Schiff vs. Dodd.
You tell me who
a. knew what they were talking about
b. was telling the truth.
Which one do YOU want in the senate?
I'm just sayin.
I love it! I love Schiff! Again, a guy who is not ALWAYS right but who is significantly more honest and aware of the true nature of the situation than most anyone else connected to "the system"., watch the video in the center of the screen, Schiff vs. Dodd.
You tell me who
a. knew what they were talking about
b. was telling the truth.
Which one do YOU want in the senate?
I'm just sayin.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on
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I never heard of the guy, which doesn't mean anything except I have no knowledge base from which to form an opinion about him.
I watched the video, and okay, he was spot on about the financial collapse and the recession, and he's got a direct, agressive, open style. So did Obama. Prior to the election Obama was spot on about several things and about the change that was needed. NOW, a lot of people don't like much of his agenda, and accuse him of being "more of the same". What changed? What made people despise him so much? What has he done that is so horrible as to cause people to compare him to Dubya?
I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you, OR the people who like/dislike Obama. I'm just sayin, what's to keep Schiff, if elected, from ending up like Obama - making decisions (some right, some wrong) that get him crucified. In the end, PEOPLE are NEVER SATISFIED with what they hoped for when they get it. But who has come up with better ideas?
There are too many spin doctors and haters out there. Look at all the misinformation being spread about the healthcare overhaul. If I remember correctly, Obama got in front of a national audience a few weeks back to clarify a lot of the misinformation about the healthcare bill. All was quiet for a day or two, and then the shit was flying from the fan blades again.
I feel like it's impossible to figure out who and what to believe in this society anymore and unfortunately, there are too many people who LIKE it that way. No particular point here I guess, just an observation about the "hope" that seems to surround Schiff. I guess it seems like it, but I'm really not trying to rain or your parade. :?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
I hear what you are saying. You are right, you can only go on what people say while they are campaigning-- and there's almost never a guarantee that politicians will deliver on their promises. I've been following Peter for a little while now, and here's what I can tell you about him that I think are really interesting and why I think he'd be a great Senator:
1) His run for Senate is about as grassroots as it gets, to the point where, he was officially nominated by his fans / investors (he owns Euro Pacific Capital) through a website that someone cooked up where people simply pledged to support him in hopes of removing Chris Dodd for Senate in Schiff's home state of CT. In the beginning he kind of laughed it all off, but as it got more serious, he basically stated that if enough people wanted him to do it, he would consider. He then got tons of pledges and support through the website, phone calls, letters and email, and now he's going for it. He recently made the claim that he would return all campaign donations if he fell short of an official run.
2) His campaign promises (thus far) are that he promises nothing at all. Finally, a campaign promise that someone can actually deliver! Actually, he has made it clear to simply vote and write bills consistent with powers actually granted to the federal government as epxlicitly stated in the Constitution. In short, we'd have a Ron Paul in the House and Senate in 2011 (assuming both get elected, and I think they will). 2 down, 533 more to go! He is a student of the Austrian Free Market School of Economics-- free markets and a free society within a constitutional republic. In all reality, Obama hasn't lied to anyone-- he's a Keynesian, as are most of Congress, as is W., which inevitably calls for "regulations" by "regulators" (who can't just seem to get the hang of regulating their friends), and ultimately leads to bigger government, more unintended consequences from the ruling of their agencies, and less freedom for the rest of us. Schiff bases his speculations on basic economic natural laws-- there is actual consistency and reason to back his predictions, and if the economy wasn't so heavily manipulated, he'd be right even more often. Go on youtube and search "peter schiff was right."
3) Speaking of Dr. Paul... Peter Schiff was his chief economic adviser during Paul's 2008 campaign run-- he certainly has the endorsement of the good doctor, as well as the Campaign for Liberty. Say what you want about Paul and his uber-scary thoughts on personal freedom, but you can't argue against the guy's honesty and integrity-- he is second to none.
4) I know family isn't always the best indicator of who a guy is (although it can be), but Peter's father Irwin is a well-known political activist-- maybe he's more infamous than famous? He has been to jail several times for fighting the IRS, and continues to do so. Hats off to him. You can hear he has influenced his son, as Peter, unlike almost any other figure on the campaign trail will actually speak out against the Federal Reserve and the IRS-- how many other politicians make promises about lowering taxes? Hundreds. How many actually talk about getting rid of the income tax, and abolishing the agencies that enforce it?
5) He used to be on TV all the time giving his opinion all while being called a "chicken little" the whole time. Years later, he was right, was on TV even more often, got even MORE popular-- then all of a sudden, no one wanted him on. His phone stopped ringing from the networks. No one wanted the truth, bad news, and rumors of a Senate run probably had the establishment a little scared to promote this guy.
6) Are you from CT? If you are, I hope you're considering throwing some support behind Schiff. If you're not, I hope you're considering throwing some support behind Schiff! One of the coolest things about the Liberty movement is how people actually donate, promote, and support people that they won't even be able to vote for. Shit, here I am typing up a friggin essay on this guy, and I live in New York. It's all about winning seats in Congress for people that stand for the same beliefs that you do-- and it's really easy to tell who's speaking your language, and who isn't-- these guys are consistent in their beliefs about limiting the size of government. Their stances on issues are typically black or white-- there's little gray.
Anyway, some other names that are running nationally in 2010 that are guranteed to shake things up with some serious grassroots support:
Rand Paul - (Ron's son, also a Doctor, who is running for Senate in KY in place of Jim Bunning who is not running)
Adam Kokesh - A young, energetic former Iraq War vet with a real distaste for the war and increasing government. He is running as a district rep for his home district in New Mexico.
Politicians are SCUM because we aren't throwing our weight behind GOOD PEOPLE early on in the game. If the self-professed Democrats and Republicans would get more involved in selecting quality candidates early on, maybe we wouldn't be choosing between two douchebags EVERY election? Maybe for the first time in history the American people will have an election where they CAN'T LOSE, as opposed to the last umpteed we've had where we just can't WIN.
I must admit, pretty compelling stuff. One thing I noticed when I watched the video, was the list of contributors and the cities they live in - there were from all over the place, even Texas (where I am). There are a lot of Ron Paul supporters here in Texas too. I guess what I need to do is spend time on the Internet searching out info on these guys you mention because I am poorly informed on the movements out there. You're absolutely right, sooner or later some inroads will be made by some enlightened people inflicting pressure on a few of the dinosaurs. The unfortunate truth is that as many inroads that are made in what you and I may perceive as a positive direction, will be counter-balanced by the people who support guys like Newt Gingrich. It does appear that ethics are trying to stage a comeback though. Tell you what, when I get my first paycheck from the first permanent job I've had in OVER a year and a half, I'll make a contribution, paltry though it may be, to Schiff's campaign. And I WILL DEFINITELY start paying more attention (since I don't have to work so hard on my survival)
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
i can only speak for me but i didn't/don't support Obama because he lied and i think it's nonsense we have to accept being lied to as part of politics. he went on and on about the era of lobbyists being over and how they would never have a job or say in his white house then had a pharmaceutical lobbyist as his New Hampshire campaign chair (then when Hillary brought it up he flat out lied about it and said it wasn't true, a day or 2 later his campaign said he didn't lie because the guy is only a lobbyist on the state level) and now he has lobbyists working in his administration, his deputy defense secretary was a big lobbyist for raytheon, he met with pharmaceutical lobbyists and execs when planning this health care bill of his and i think there's other lobbyists assoicated with him. he also took more special interest money than mccain did.
he lied on the campaign trail about passing a strict bill on nuclear energy when in fact not only did it not pass but after taking large contributions from nuclear energy companies he kept rewritting the bill making it more and more weak and in their favor.
he voted every time to renew the patriot act, he voted against capping credit card interest rates at 30% (his supporters said he did this becaus ehe thought 30% was still too high, i guess he forgot to write the new one they all claimed), he supports wireless wiretapping and is even allowing the government to be more intrusive, he says he can detain people indefinitely, he is keeping up with Bush's state secrets argument on torture and blocking any investigation. when Israel was massacring the Gaza strip he refused to make a comment saying there's only 1 president at a time yet had no problem making statements on lots of other issues. when those human rights workers were taking food, medicine, children's Gaza and had their gps and navigation systems jammed (which is illegal in international waters, which they were in) and were boarded and taken to an Israeli jail for a week or so he didn't say jack shit yet the governments of the other people from Ireland to the UK demanded their release Obama did/said nothing. he continues to do nothing while Israel continues to violate UN resolutions in stealing more land by force (he did say several months ago when he first became president that they should stop but they haven't and he hasn't done anything about it or said anything else)
i never believed he was going to pull out of Iraq because even on his website he said he would keep troops there. the heads of his economic team, at least when he was campaigning, was filled with pro NAFTA lawyers/lobbyists (1 even helped create NAFTA), 1 that called the secretary of the treasury asking them to not go after enron and his secretary of the treasury was a chairman of the federal reserve and worked for the IMF who also:
'At the Senate confirmation hearings, it was revealed that Geithner had not paid $35,000 in self-employment taxes for several years,[27] even though he had acknowledged his obligation to do so, and had filed a request for, and received, a payment for half the taxes owed. He also deducted the cost of his children's sleep-away camp as a dependent care expense, when only expenses for day care are eligible for the deduction.[29]' he also lied to the Senate during his confirmation hearings about aspects of his tax evasion or at least they contradict statements Obama and his administration had made about it
he would tell liberal crowds he was always against the war in Iraq because he's against "stupid wars" then goes on conservative radio and says the main reason was because we weren't finished in Afghanistan first, which wouldn't matter if he truly thought it was a "stupid war"
he had a habit of not having any involvement in bills then when the cameras were on would talk about how he and others tirelessly worked on the bill and implied he had a lot to do with it.
i could go on but i guess that's enough for now.
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
It's demoralizing to say the least. For my own self, the past three elections have been about voting for the lesser of two evils. That's not what our forefathers had in mind when they set this whole gig up is it.....
I will say this though, I am personally relieved that puppetmaster Dick Cheney and his band of cretins are out of the White House. Obama is certainly not perfect, and as you pointed out, is just more of the same in some respects, but at least there's been a small amount of movement in the right direction with regard to helping out the middle and lower classes. He got unemployment beneifts increased in dollar amount, and extended in length, and that affected me directly. It doesn't sound like much, but when you're trying to survive every little bit helps. Bush probably would have done just the opposite and restricted benefits in some way, believing that we low-class scumbags should have gotten off our lazy asses a long time ago.
The materialism that overwhelms young people's lives today scares the shit out of me in terms of what the future is going to look like. It's greed that got us where we are now and I am not seeing a decline in the "needs" of younger generations. I know, completely different topic. But it does bother me - a LOT.
And I do believe that Obama is entitled to more time in office before we completely write him off..
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
i think your right on with how bush would approach unemployment, but i don't agree at all about the future.
this country, although never subjected to this amount of propaganda in the past, has been in much worse shape and has always come out on top. workers rights did not exist. minimum wage did not exist. unemployment benefits did not exist. imagine having nothing and fighting for those hard that must have been...they literally paid for these rights with blood. they fought companies, government, riot police, national guard....and they won.
the struggle is constant.....still being waged. and i have hope. when i look at our history, at what they would have us be....and what we've become....i am filled with hope.
With the continual weeding out of the small manufacturers and entrepreneurs by the large corporations who continually mold and reshape themselves by buying up everybody in sight, the "rules" become easier to create and enforce by the big guys. It sometimes seems as if they are installing their own dictatorships by controlling products we are use, the pricing of those products and the wages and benefits they pay their employees. The big guys are so large, that they are able to set the standards for everyone else. Even the labor unions have lost a lot of the power they use to wield.
The Internet and technology have changed the way people work. For example, we are able to complete our work much faster allowing us to justify our sitting here on sites like this one talking to one another when we're supposed to be working, or tweeting and texting our friends at work. The common rule used to be that "personal phone calls" at work were frowned upon. A new generation who feels entitlement in terms of the use of technology at work detracts from the overall effort. Hey, I'm guilty of it too, but I wonder where it's all headed. :?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
~I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was hoeing in a village garden, and I felt that I was more distinguished by that circumstance than I should have been by any epaulette I could have worn.~
Henry David Thoreau
Not that you are headed down this road,
but everyone should remember, BEFORE they go blaming "capitalism" (and truly, the US is very close to following the tenants of Marx's 10 rules of COMMUNISM) that the MAIN thing that has allowed and created this monopolistic\oligarchical nightmare is THE BANKING SYSTEM.
Without government subsidized interest rates, these mergers and acquisitions would NEVER have gotten NEAR the size they have. Without properly defined rules (yes, gasp, dbts is complaining about regulation, CORPORATE regulation, that is) corporations have been allowed to use interest rates that are well below what the market rate WOULD be absent government interventionism (not even, more like outright control of) in interest rates.
Although he has said a few truly kooky things in his time, i truly believe that Lyndon LaRouche is right about a few things. Chief among those is his belief that we should have a DUAL RATE or TIERED INTEREST RATE SYSTEM where naked speculation is given a HIGHER RATE than true commercial or private loans are given.
This would ENSURE THAT LEGITIMATE BUSINESS AND PRIVATE CITIZENS RECEIVE A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN THE LENDING MARKETS and would radically change the balance of power in the world of finance.
ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE would be another HUGE step away from monopoly or conglomerate capitalism.
Don't think for a fat fucking second that the largest banks don't cut sweet heart deals to their sister enterprises. You know damn well it happens.
Those deals would never happen (profitably, at least) without the huge assistance of the federal government which essentially floats banks cash for FREE (and in the last 7 years or so at essentially NEGATIVE rates of interest, especially if you take in to account all this allowing of bad debt as collateral shit that they have been doing. sweet jesus).
I'm just saying.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
You said it man!
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'