Pearl Jam's best penultimate song?

tcaporaletcaporale Posts: 1,577
edited August 2009 in The Porch
I'd rank 'em like this:

1. Immortality
2. Deep
3. Come Back
4. Leash
5. I'm Open
6. Push Me, Pull Me
7. Soon Forget
8. Arc

And, for fun, their best antepenulimate track (third-to-last):

1. Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town
2. Sleight of Hand
3. Garden
4. In Hiding
5. Army Reserve
6. 1/2 Full
7. Aye Davanita
8. Mankind

I wonder where "Speed of Sound" and "Force of Nature" will rank...
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • triphobztriphobz Posts: 152
    * Main Entry: pen·ul·ti·mate
    * Pronunciation: \pi-ˈnəl-tə-mət\
    * Function: adjective
    * Date: 1677

    1 : next to the last <the penultimate chapter of a book>
    2 : of or relating to a penult <a penultimate accent>

  • tcaporaletcaporale Posts: 1,577

    All of those songs are the next-to-last song on their respective albums.
  • you guys and your fancy words.
  • "never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice"
    Follow the ageless tide.
    Follow the angled light.
    Follow the strangest tribe.
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    "never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice"

    "never miss an opportunity to expand your vocabulary"
  • "never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice"

    "never miss an opportunity to expand your vocabulary"

    "never tell me what to do"
    Follow the ageless tide.
    Follow the angled light.
    Follow the strangest tribe.
  • covered in blisscovered in bliss chi-caw-go Posts: 1,332
    1. Immortality
    2. Deep
    3. Leash
    4. I'm Open
    5. Soon Forget
    6. Come Back
    7. Arc
    8. Push Pull
  • tcaporaletcaporale Posts: 1,577
    "never use a big word when a diminutive one will suffice"

    "never miss an opportunity to expand your vocabulary"

    I wasn't doing it to try to prove my intelligence, I just thought "penultimate" was a pretty commonly used word, at least on the Internet.

    I admit I had to look up how to spell "antepenultimate", though. :D
  • Penultimate
    Push Me Pull Me
    Come Back
    I'm Open
    Soon Forget

    In Hiding
    Elderly Woman...
    Army Reserve
    1/2 Full
    Sleight of Hand
    Aye Davanita
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Stephen FlowStephen Flow Posts: 3,327
    Come Back
    Push Me Pull Me
    I'm Open
    Soon Forget

    In Hiding
    Sleight of Hand
    1/2 Full
    Small Town
    Army Reserve
    Aye Davanita
  • GmoneyGmoney Posts: 1,618
    Soon Forget
    Push Me Pull Me
    I'm Open
    Come Back

    -will anyone not have immortality at number one?
    Further back and forth a wave will break on me, today...
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