Obama and Corporate Corruption

]On Tuesday GE agreed to pay $50,million to settle a fraud claim logged by the Feds, Simply put GE mislead investors by cooking it's books.
GE has also received $139,billion in taxpayer bailout money. Think about it GE defrauds the public,has to pay 50,million in fines,but could conceivably use taxpayer loans to do it.
This situation directly touches Obama because NBC news which is owned by GE has been perhaps president Obama's biggest supporter in the media and Jeff Imeltwas rewarded for that when Obama appointed him to his economic advisory board.
]On Tuesday GE agreed to pay $50,million to settle a fraud claim logged by the Feds, Simply put GE mislead investors by cooking it's books.
GE has also received $139,billion in taxpayer bailout money. Think about it GE defrauds the public,has to pay 50,million in fines,but could conceivably use taxpayer loans to do it.
This situation directly touches Obama because NBC news which is owned by GE has been perhaps president Obama's biggest supporter in the media and Jeff Imeltwas rewarded for that when Obama appointed him to his economic advisory board.