I just stumbled on this gem.
What is up with this show? Are these people all just 'failures' in Hollywood who have found a niche being lowlifes who harass celebrities.... and then be overly critical of them on TV? And whats up with that dude with the marker? What is he writing?
And most of the celebrities discussed I never heard of.
Are people entertained by this show?
What is up with this show? Are these people all just 'failures' in Hollywood who have found a niche being lowlifes who harass celebrities.... and then be overly critical of them on TV? And whats up with that dude with the marker? What is he writing?
And most of the celebrities discussed I never heard of.
Are people entertained by this show?
Post edited by Unknown User on
He's a lawyer
easily could be parodied on SNL which would make the show funny, but instead they opt for fart jokes and say the word penis.
It's a mindless guilty pleasure. I'm not proud of it (but I do it anyway!).
I DESPISE that show.......the way they all sit around passing judgement on people is horrible (Though most people do judge others, the TMZers seem to think they are doing us a service by dishing as they do) . Their field reporters try to bait celebs with dumb questions in an attempt to get the celebs angry and say the wrong thing while on-camera.
I realize that people like mindless shows ( I love COPS!), but the fact that TMZ, and the other celeb gossip shows, are in such demand is a sign of how far our society has fallen!
There is always a price to pay for fame, but being subjected to the papparazzi is far too much!
My girlfriend loves celebrity gossip! She visits this website called, and I alway tell her that the website is lying to her, that she IS obsessed...but she just won't listen.
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
harvey levin is a scumbag and i hope horrible things happen to him
Get Bin Laden to blow himself up in the deal.. and it becomes a no-brainer.
Hail, Hail!!!
I hate this show. They have these two lame blonde dudes there that I just want to strangle
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I concur with this statement.
These fucking losers who sit around this office ripping on these celebs are beyond pathetic. The sad part is that this show probably gets great ratings.
Yup, because for some reason people feel the need to be overly interested in celebrities lives and all that happens with their personal endeavors. Just like 'People' magazine (and countless others), a waste of fucking paper...
TMZ is the a perfect example of why people have referred to television as something that turns your brain into mush...
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
This seems a bit harsh! .....If it wasn't for TMZ think of how little we would all know about the real Paris Hilton and how much richer all of ours lives are because of this! :roll:
My girl likes the celeb gossip and has watched this show on occassion ... but, she's stopped watching it around me becuase I basically make it so very unenjoyable to watch with all my whining about how pathetic it is.
"Really? This guy went to dinner ... and there were cameras there ... uh, there's no story. It's just a senseless name drop. They are just showing a famous person out to eat, who gives a shit? And who the fuck is Zach Effron anyway? This guy looks like a douche, and he's being covered by a room full of douches. Why is this on my TV? Do you really like this? You know, I'm getting a beer, and if this is on the TV when I get back I'm going to make you watch Caddyshack again."
That usually works.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
They just got done asking Bonds numerous personal questions about his wife and he is supposed to be cordial, warm and friendly to them??? Fuck TMZ
exactly - instead of reporting things they try to goad celebrities into acting like jerks then they report on them being jerks. total crap if you ask me - i guess it will take a Lady Di like death here in the USA before anything is done to curb these scumbags. and yes I label papparazzi as pure scumbag.
the day i stop laughing at the word penis and fart jokes is the day I die.