Farrakhan Exposes Bankers and America's Hidden Agenda

DriftingByTheStormDriftingByTheStorm Posts: 8,684
edited July 2009 in A Moving Train
Farrakhan Exposes Bankers and America's Hidden Agenda

I didn't know Farrakhan was DOWN!

Perhaps this better explains why he is so demonized in the banker controlled main stream media?

Farrakhan going on about the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and their stranglehold on the world financial empire.

Good stuff from a "crazy" guy.

Someone remind me again why this guy is so "crazy"?
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • some more from a real people's leader

    Be WARNED:
    Federal Reserve Conspiracies abound!

    8:55 mark to 9:18 is spine tingling.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Since in the second video, LF mentions that "Hitler was a Rothschild", i thought I would throw the following article out there. I found it VERY interesting. Half here will probably turn away at the sight of the name "Icke" and the other half probably after they see the word "reptilian" pop up.

    But i swear to god, if you just cut out every odd reference to reptilians and shapeshifters, you will see that everything else checks out as fact or highly probable conjecture. (Dulles' involvement in JFKs murder, and Hitler's mothers' ACTUAL father being the two most glaring conjectures) ... but even though are most likely on the money.

    Read it all, if you can.

    by David Icke

    Official history is merely a veil to hide the truth of what really happened. When the veil is lifted, again and again we see that not only is the official version not true, it is often 100% wrong.

    Take the Rothschild's, the bloodline formerly known, among other names, as the Bauers, one of the most notorious black occult bloodlines of Middle Ages Germany. It became known as Rothschild (red-shield or rotes-schild in German) in the 18th century when a financial dynasty was founded in Frankfurt by Mayer Amschel Rothschild working in league with the Illuminati House of Hesse and others. They took their name from the red shield or hexagram/Star of David on the front of their house in Frankfurt. The Star of David or Seal of Solomon is an ancient esoteric symbol and only became associated with Jewish people after the Rothschild's adopted it for themselves. It has absolutely no connection to "David" or "Solomon", as Jewish historical sources confirm. The Rothschild's are one of the top Illuminati bloodlines on the planet and they are shape-shifting reptilians (see The Biggest Secret).

    Guy de Rothschild, of the French House, heads this bloodline dynasty today. He is one of the most grotesque exponents of trauma-based mind control, indeed the top man according to many of those who have suffered mercilessly under his torture. I am always loath to use the world evil, but if evil is the reverse of live, Guy de Rothschild is thoroughly evil. He stands for the opposite of life. He has been personally responsible for the torture and death of millions of children and adults, either directly or through those he controls. He conducts satanic rituals, as all these bloodlines have always done, and goodness knows how many human sacrifices he has been involved in.

    If what I am saying is wrong, Guy de Rothschild, then take me to court and lets reveal the evidence. You are a multi-billionaire and you control the courts and the media. I have next to nothing. I should, therefore, be a pushover. So come on, Mr. Rothschild, lets have you. Lets take these claims into the public arena and have you and me in the witness box. Make my day.

    Already I can hear the clamor gathering to condemn me as "anti-Semitic" because the Rothschild's claim to be "Jewish." Organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and B'nai B'rith have already made strenuous efforts to label me in this way for exposing the Rothschild's and to stop me speaking in public. (See elsewhere on this website) How funny then that both organizations were created by, and continue to be bankrolled by, the Rothschild's. Just a co-incidence, nothing to worry about. B'nai Brith means, appropriately, "Sons of the Alliance" and was established by the Rothschild's in 1843 as an intelligence arm and to defame and destroy legitimate researchers with the label "anti Semitic." Many of their speakers openly supported slavery during the American Civil War and today they seek to condemn some black leaders as "anti-Semitic" or "racist! Every year, the Anti Defamation League award their "Torch of Liberty" (the classic Illuminati symbol) to the person they believe has served their cause the most. One year they gave it to Morris Dalitz, an intimate of the notorious Meyer Lansky crime syndicate which terrorized America. Perfect choice.

    Of course, the strength of feeling that fans the flames of condemnation against anyone dubbed "anti-Semitic" today is the sickening persecution of Jewish people by the Nazis of Adolf Hitler. To expose or question the actions of the Rothschild's or any other Jewish person or organization is to be called a "nazi" and "anti-Semitic", that all-encompassing label which has discredited so many researchers and stopped them having the opportunity to speak in public because of protest by unthinking robot radicals and the refusal of venues to host their meetings. I have had this from time to time, not least in eastern Canada thanks to a campaign by B'nai B'rith and the Anti-Defamation League (which spends it's entire time trying to defame people). Both organizations, I repeat, are Rothschild created and controlled.

    How strange then, that as I have documented in And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret, along with endless other researchers and scholars, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by the Rothschild's. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschild's who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild's Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution.

    The very heart of Hitler's war machine was the chemical giant, I.G. Farben, which had an American arm that was controlled by the Rothschild's through their lackeys, the Warburgs. Paul Warburg, who manipulated into existence the privately-owned "central bank" of America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, was on the board of American I.G. Indeed Hitler's I.G. Farben, which ran the slave labor camp at Auschwitz, was, in reality, a division of Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers, but in truth the Rockefeller empire was funded into existence by the Rothschild's. See And The Truth Shall Set You Free and The Biggest Secret for the detailed background of this and other aspects of this story. The Rothschild's also owned the German news agencies during both World Wars and thus controlled the flow of "information" to Germans and the outside world. Incidentally, when Allied troops entered Germany they found that the I.G. Farben factories, the very core of Hitler's war operation, had not been hit by the mass bombing and neither had Ford factories - another Illuminati supporter of Hitler. Other factories nearby had been demolished by bombing raids.

    So the force behind Adolf Hitler, on behalf of the Illuminati, was the House of Rothschild, this "Jewish" bloodline which claims to support and protect the Jewish faith and people. In fact they use and sickeningly abuse the Jewish people for their own horrific ends. The Rothschild's, like the Illuminati in general, treat the mass of the Jewish people with utter contempt. They are, like the rest of the global population, just cattle to be used to advance the agenda of global control and mastery by a network of interbreeding bloodlines, impregnated with a reptilian genetic code, and known to researchers as the Illuminati.

    Indeed, the Illuminati are so utterly obsessed with bloodline, because of this reptilian genetic code, that there was no way that someone like Hitler would come to power in those vital circumstances for the Illuminati, unless he was of the reptilian bloodline. If you look elsewhere on this website you will see how the same bloodline has held the positions of royal, aristocratic, financial, political, military, and media power in the world for literally thousands of years. This is the bloodline that has produced ALL 42 of the Presidents of the United States since and including George Washington in 1789. It is the bloodline of the runaway favorite to win the 2000 election, George W. Bush. The World War Two leaders, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin, were of the bloodline and also Freemasons and Satanists. They were manipulated into office, and their country's war effort funded, by the Rothschild's and the other Illuminati bloodlines.

    So are we to believe, therefore, that although this same group provably funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power and his war machine, that he would be the odd one out, a leader of crucial importance to the agenda who was NOT bloodline?

    But hold on. Hitler couldn't be the same bloodline as, say, the Rothschild's because, as we all know, the Rothschild's are defenders of Jewish people and Hitler slaughtered them, along with communists and gypsies and others who opposed him or he wanted to eliminate. The Rothschild's are Jewish, they'd never do that.

    Oh really.

    According to a book by a psychoanalyst, Walter Langer, called The Mind of Hitler, not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschild's, he WAS a Rothschild. This revelation fits like a glove with the actions of the Rothschild's and other Illuminati bloodlines in Germany who brought Hitler to the fore as dictator of that nation. He was also supported by the British Royal Family, the House of Windsor (in truth the German House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), and these included the British royal "war hero", Lord Mountbatten, a Rothschild and a Satanist. Their royal relatives in Germany, who you would never have thought would normally support an apparent guy from the street like Hitler, were among his most enthusiastic supporters. But, of course, they knew who he really was. There is no way in the world when you do any study of the Illuminati obsession with bloodline that Hitler would not have been one of them. Langer writes:

    "Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It was generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler (Schicklgruber) was Johann Georg Hiedler. There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois (an Austrian document was) prepared that proved Maria Anna Schicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived. At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home, where Alois was born."

    Langer's information came from the high level Gestapo officer, Hansjurgen Koehler, published in 1940, under the title "Inside the Gestapo". He writes about the investigations into Hitler's background carried out by the Austrian Chancellor, Dolfuss, in the family files of Hitler.

    Koehler actually viewed a copy of the Dolfuss documents which were given to him by Heydrich, the overlord of the Nazi Secret Service. The file, he wrote, "caused such havoc as no file in the world ever caused before" (Inside the Gestapo, p 143). He also revealed that:

    "..The second bundle in the blue file contained the documents collected by Dolfuss. The small statured, but big-hearted Austrian Chancellor must have known by such a personal file he might be able to check Hitler. His task was not difficult; as ruler of Austria he could easily find out about the personal data and family of Adolf Hitler, who had been born on Austrian soil...Through the original birth certificates, police registration cards, protocols, etc., all contained in the original file, the Austrian Chancellor succeeded in piecing together the disjointed parts of the puzzle, creating a more or less logical entity..

    A little servant girl (Hitler's grandmother) came to Vienna and became a domestic servant, mostly working for rather rich families. But she was unlucky; having been seduced, she was about to bear a child. She went home to her village for her confinement. Where was the little maid serving in Vienna? This was not a very difficult problem. Very early Vienna had instituted the system of compulsory police registration. Both servants and the employers were exposed to heavy fines if they neglected this duty. Chancellor Dolfuss managed to discover the registration card. The little, innocent maid had been a servant at the Rothschild mansion. ..and Hitler's unknown grandfather must be probably looked for in this magnificent house. The Dolfuss file stopped at this statement."

    Was Hitler's determination to take over Austria anything to do with his desire to destroy records of his lineage?

    A correspondent who has extensively researched this subject writes:

    "It appears to me that Hitler knew about his connection long before his Chancellor-ship. Like his father before him, when the going got rough, the Hitler's went to Vienna. Hitler's father left his home village at an early age to seek his fortune in Vienna. When Hitler was orphaned, after his mother died in December of 1907, he left for Vienna not long after the funeral. There he seemed to drop out of sight for ten months! What happened during this ten-month stay in Vienna is a complete mystery on which history sheds no light. It makes sense, now that it has become established that Hitler was a Rothschild, that he and his cousins were getting acquainted, and his potential for future family endeavors was being sized up".

    The Rothschild's and the Illuminati produce many offspring out of wedlock in their secret breeding programs and these children are brought up under other names with other parents. Like Bill Clinton, who is almost certainly a Rockefeller produced in the same way, these "ordinary kids from ordinary backgrounds" go on to be extraordinarily successful in their chosen field. Hitler, too, would have produced unofficial children to maintain his strand of the bloodline and there will obviously be people of his bloodline alive today.

    So which Rothschild was the grandfather of Hitler? My thanks to a website correspondent for the additional, updated, information to this article, a man has researched this story in some detail. Alois, Hitler's father, was born in 1837 in the period when Salomon Mayer was the only Rothschild who lived at the Vienna mansion. Even his wife did not live there because their marriage was so bad that she stayed in Frankfurt. Their son, Anselm Salomon spent most of his working life in Paris and Frankfurt away from Vienna and his father.

    Father Salomon Mayer, living alone at the Vienna mansion where Hitler's grandmother worked, is the prime, most obvious candidate. And Hermann von Goldschmidt, the son of Salomon Mayer's senior clerk, wrote a book, published in 1917, which said of Salomon:

    "by the 1840s he had developed a somewhat reckless enthusiasm for young girls.."


    "He had a lecherous passion for very young girls, his adventures with whom had to be hushed up by the police."

    And Hitler's grandmother, a young girl working under the same roof would not have been the subject of Salomon's desire? And this same girl became pregnant while working there? And her grandson becomes the Chancellor of Germany, funded by the Rothschild's, and he started the Second World War which was so vital to the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda? And the Illuminati are obsessed with putting their bloodlines into power on all "sides" in a conflict? And the Rothschild's are one of their most key bloodlines? And it is all a co-incidence?

    The Second World War was incredibly productive for the Illuminati agenda of global control. It led to an explosion of globally-centralized institutions, like the United Nations and the European Community, now Union, and many others in finance, business, and the military. Precisely what they wanted. It also put countries under an enormous burden of debt on loans provided to all sides by...the Rothschild's and the Illuminati.

    The Rothschild's had long had a plan to create a personal fiefdom for themselves and the Illuminati in Palestine and that plan involved manipulating Jewish people to settle the area as their "homeland." Charles Taze Russell, of the Illuminati-reptilian Russell bloodline, was the man who founded the Watchtower Society, better known as the Jehovah's Witnesses. He was a Satanist, a pedophile according to his wife, and most certainly Illuminati. His new "religion (mind-control cult) was funded by the Rothschild's and he was a friend of theirs, just like the founders of the Mormons who were also Rothschild-funded through Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. Russell and the Mormon founders were all Freemasons. In 1880, Charles Taze Russell, this friend of the Rothschild's, predicted that the Jews would return to their homeland. It was about the only prediction Russell ever got right. Why? Because he knew that was the plan. He wrote to the Rothschild's praising their efforts to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

    Then, in 1917, came the famous Balfour Declaration, when the British Foreign Minister, Lord Balfour, stated on behalf of his government that they supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Now when you hear that phrase, the Balfour Declaration, you get the feeling that it was some kind of statement or public announcement. But not so.

    The Balfour declaration was a letter from Lord Balfour to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. Researchers say that the letter was in fact WRITTEN by Lord Rothschild and his employee, the banker, Alfred Milner. Now get this. One of the most important secret societies of the 20th century is called the Round Table. It is based in Britain with branches across the world. It is the Round Table that ultimately orchestrates the network of the Bilderburg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. See my books for details. How fascinating then, that Lord Balfour was an inner circle member of the Round Table, Alfred Milner was the Round Table's official leader after the death of Cecil Rhodes, and the Round Table was funded by Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. These were the very three people involved in the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

    Two years later, in 1919, came the Versailles Peace Conference near Paris when the elite of the Round Table from Britain and the United States, people like Alfred Milner, Edward Mandel House, and Bernard Baruch, were appointed to represent their countries at the meetings which decided how the world would be changed as a result of the war these same people had created. They decided to impose impossible reparations payments on Germany, so ensuring the collapse of the post-war Weimar Republic amid unbelievable economic collapse and thus create the very circumstances that brought the Rothschild, Hitler, to power. It was while in Paris that these Illuminati, Round Table, members met at the Hotel Majestic to begin the process of creating the Bilderburg-CFR-RIIA-Trilateral Commission network. They also decided at Versailles that they now all supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. As I show in my books, EVERY ONE of them was either a Rothschild bloodline or was controlled by them.

    The American President, Woodrow Wilson, was "advised" at Versailles by Colonel House and Bernard Baruch, both Rothschild clones and leaders of the Round Table in the United States; The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, was "advised" by Alfred Milner, Rothschild employee and Round Table leader, and Sir Phillip Sassoon, a direct descendent of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the dynasty; The French leader, Georges Clemenceau, was "advised" by his Minister for the Interior, Georges Mandel, whose real name was Jeroboam Rothschild.

    Who do you think was making the decisions here??

    But it went further. Also in the American delegation were the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles, who would become US Secretary of State, and Allen Dulles, who would become first head of the new CIA after World War Two. The Dulles brothers were bloodline, would later be supporters of Hitler, and were employed by the Rothschild's at Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. They were also involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles would serve on the Warren Commission which investigated the assassination. The American delegation at Versailles was also represented by the Rothschild-controlled, Paul Warburg, of Kuhn, Loeb and the American branch of I.G. Farben, while the German delegation included his brother, Max Warburg, who would become Hitler's banker!! Their host in France during the "peace" conference was Baron Edmond de Rothschild, the leading force at the time pressing for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Israel. See my books for fine detail.

    The Rothschild's have always been the true force behind the Zionist Movement. Zionism is in fact SIONism, Sion = the Sun, hence the name of the elite secret society behind the Merovingian bloodline, the Priory of Sion. Contrary to most people's understanding, Zionism is not the Jewish people. Many Jews are not Zionists and many non-Jews are. Zionism is a political movement, not a race. To say Zionism is the Jewish people is like saying the Democratic Party is the American people. Jewish people who oppose Zionism, however, have been given a very hard time.

    Now, having manipulated their puppet-governments to support their plan for a personal fiefdom in the Middle East, the Rothschild's began the process of settling Jewish people in Palestine. As always they treated their own people with contempt. Enter Baron Edmond de Rothschild, the "Father of Israel", who died in 1934, the man who hosted the Versailles "peace" delegations. Edmond was from the French House, like Guy de Rothschild. Edmond, in fact, began to settle Jews in Palestine as far back as the 1880s (when Charles Taze Russell was making his prediction). He financed Russian Jews to establish settlements in Palestine, but it was nothing to do with their freedom or birthright, it was to advance the Rothschild-Illuminati agenda. Edmond financed the creation of farms and factories and ran the whole operation with a rod of iron. The Jewish farmers were told what to grow and they soon found out who was in charge if they questioned his orders. In 1901, these Jewish people complained to Rothschild about this dictatorship over their settlement or "Yishuv". They asked him:

    "..if you wish to save the Yishuv, first take your hands from it, and for once permit the colonists to have the possibility of correcting for themselves whatever needs correcting.."

    Baron Rothschild replied:

    "I created the Yishuv, I alone. Therefore no men, neither colonists nor organizations, have the right to interfere in my plans.."

    In one sentence, you have the true attitude of the Rothschild's to Jewish people, and indeed, the human population in general. These people are NOT Jews, they are a non-human bloodline with a reptilian genetic code who hide behind the Jewish people and use them as a screen and a means to an end. According to Simon Schama's book, Two Rothschild's and the Land of Israel (Collins, London, 1978), the Rothschild's acquired 80% of the land of Israel.

    Edmond de Rothschild worked closely with Theodore Herzl, who just happened to be the founder of Zionism, the political movement created to ensure a "Jewish" homeland in Palestine. Rothschild was also the power behind Chaim Weizmann, another leader of Zionism. As Rothschild told Weizmann:

    "Without me Zionism would not have succeeded, but without Zionism my work would have been stuck to death."

    So now with the Rothschild's increasing their financing of Jewish settlements in Palestine, and with their agents in governments officially supporting their plans for a Rothschild, sorry Jewish, homeland, they needed a catalyst which would demolish Arab protests at the take-over of their country. That catalyst was the horrific treatment of Jews in Germany and the countries they conquered by the Rothschild-funded Nazis and one of their own, a Rothschild called Adolf Hitler.

    The wave of revulsion at the Nazi concentration camps gave vital and, in the end, crucial impetus to the Rothschild agenda. It was they who funded the Jewish terrorist operations like the Stern Gang and Irgun, which committed mayhem and murder to bring the State of Rothschild (Israel) into being in 1948. These terrorist groups, who slaughtered Jewish people with equal enthusiasm, were led by the very people who later rose to lead the new Israel people like Menachem Begin, David Ben-Gurion, Yitzhak Rabin, and Yitzhak Shamir. It was these Rothschild-controlled Zionist gangs who murdered the international mediator Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948, apparently because he had been intending to present a new partition resolution to the United Nations.

    And the Rothschild's were not satisfied with causing the unimaginable suffering of Jewish people under the Nazis, they also stole their wealth when the war was over, just as they stole the Russian wealth during the revolution they had financed.

    In early 1998, during a speaking tour of South Africa, I had a personal meeting with P.W. Botha, the apartheid President of South Africa during the 1980s. The invitation came out of the blue when I was speaking a few miles from his home. We spoke for an hour and a half about the manipulation of South Africa and it was not long before names like Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington, and the Rothschild's came up.

    "I had some strange dealings with the English Rothschild's in Cape Town when I was president", he said, and he went on to tell me a story that sums up the Rothschild's so perfectly. He said they had asked for a meeting with him and his foreign minister, the Illuminati operative, Pik Botha (no relation). At that meeting, he said, the Rothschild's told him there was massive wealth in Swiss bank accounts which once belonged to German Jews and it was available for investment in South Africa if they could agree an interest rate. This is the very wealth, stolen from German Jews who suffered under the Nazis, which has come to light amid great scandal in recent years. The Rothschild's have been making a fortune from it since the war!! Botha told me he refused to accept the money, but Pik Botha left the meeting with the Rothschild's and he could not be sure that they did not come to some arrangement.

    Breathtaking? Of course it is, but the world is not how we think it is.

    To this day the Rothschild's continue to control the State that has their family symbol on it's flag and it is they who use that country and its people to maintain the conflict, both within its borders and with surrounding Arab countries, which has allowed the Illuminati-Rothschild's to control their so called "Arc of Crisis" in the Middle East through divide, rule, and conquer. It has allowed them, not least, to control the oil-producing countries since the war when the oil really came on line.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • And just to get back to "reality" a little bit here,
    i just stumbled across:

    Ted Nugent smacking down "Fedzilla" and the "totally unaccountable congress" that he wouldn't "trust to shovel out his barns"

    This was during the remaining days of the BUSH administration,
    so PLEASE don't start off with that "he's just some angry gun toting republican douche knocker" crap.

    Thanks, and
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    *A JEW Rothschild loaned money to Adolf Hitler, A JEW Rothschild loaned money to Adolf Hilter hot damn it you better not open your mouth and call me an anti semite* I hear ya brother I hear ya.

    The man makes sense in what he has to say about the Central Banks in Europe at the time. Sometimes it takes what some people call a scourge to this earth to bring out the truth about bankers and where they will stoop to make money and loaning money to both sides which includes Hilter IS stooping very low.

    Thanks Drifting

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • g under p wrote:
    *A JEW Rothschild loaned money to Adolf Hitler, A JEW Rothschild loaned money to Adolf Hilter hot damn it you better not open your mouth and call me an anti semite* I hear ya brother I hear ya.

    The man makes sense in what he has to say about the Central Banks in Europe at the time. Sometimes it takes what some people call a scourge to this earth to bring out the truth about bankers and where they will stoop to make money and loaning money to both sides which includes Hilter IS stooping very low.

    Thanks Drifting


    My pleasure, G.

    Here is another morsel for the unwashed masses:
    (you know jews are instructed to wash before they eat :D )

    I have always found "Dr." Makow to be right on, so here he is to weigh in here:

    Illuminati Bankers Seek 'Revolution' By Economic Means
    By Henry Makow PhD

    The Illuminati bankers had us where they wanted last Friday. Everyone was in a panic, dumping anything of real value -- gold, real estate, oil -- and rushing into US dollars, a medium of exchange created by the Illuminati bankers out of nothing with the help of their government lackeys.

    Why the sudden appeal of US dollars? There is a huge shortage of them because the bankers put our money into mortgages and then they crashed the housing market. Trillions disappeared. Now their lackeys in government have to "borrow" trillions to make up the deficit. The result: the bankers are trillions richer.

    Did they do this deliberately? Do you think Rich Fuld, the CEO of Lehman Brothers, got a $250 million sendoff for driving his company into bankruptcy? No, that's likely his payoff for selling out his employees and his country. Multiply that throughout the financial industry.

    Throughout history the Illuminati bankers have always used war and economic turmoil to advance their goal. Since we have enjoyed prosperity, I have been focused on war. But now I must consider how they use economic hardship to advance their world government.

    It's brilliant when you think about it. Depression doesn't involve bloodshed and the destruction of valuable property. On the contrary, it allows the bankers to suck up real wealth at bargain prices. And people under duress will accept anything to regain the delicious prosperity they once knew.


    The key to understanding our world is the 1938 interrogation of Illuminati insider Christian Rakovsky (Chaim Rakover) by the Stalinist secret police, the NKVD. Rakovsky was an associate of Trotsky, and a former Russian ambassador to Paris. (See "Rothschilds Conduct Red Symphony-http://www.savethemales.ca/000275.html)

    Rakovsky explains that the real goal of Communism is the same as the New World Order, essentially a dictatorship of the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel. The real meaning of "revolution" and all socialist and liberal enterprise is this dictatorship, thinly veiled as "internationalism" and "world government." The propaganda about championing the working class and equality etc. is a ruse to hide the centralization of wealth and power in the hands of this relatively small network of Satanist bankers and tycoons known as the "Illuminati."

    Rakovsky explains that war is necessary to revolution. The Illuminati bankers financed Hitler because they had lost control of Stalin. Now Rakovsky invited Stalin to return to the fold and help them destroy Hitler or else they would give Hitler free rein. Thus Hitler was set up for a war on two fronts. First, the two dictators forged an alliance in August 1939, (mere months after the Fascists defeated the Communists in Spain.) Then when Hitler and Stalin invaded Poland, the Allies declared war against Hitler only.

    Rakovsky describes how the illuminati use economic turmoil to achieve totalitarian control. He says Oct 24, 1929, the date of the New York Stock Exchange crash ("the beginning of the so-called 'depression'") was more important than the 1918 Bolshevik revolution. It broke the "classical American" individualism and resulted in "a flourishing of parasitism, and capital is a large parasite." It began "a real revolution."

    "Although the power of money is political power, before it had only been used indirectly, but now the power of money was to be transformed into direct power, The man through whom they made use of such power was Franklin Roosevelt. Have you understood? Take note of the following: In that year 1929 the first year of the American revolution, in February Trotsky leaves Russia; the crash takes place in October...the financing of Hitler is agreed in July 1929. You think that all this was by chance? The four years of the rule of Hoover was used for the preparation for the seizure of power in the United States and USSR; there by means of a financial revolution, and here [Russia] with the help of war and the defeat [of Stalin] which was to follow." (Full text in Des Griffin, "Fourth Reich of the Rich," p.273)


    Barrack Obama is pictured above giving the Illuminati sign of Baphomet. Yes, technically the thumb should be folded in, and his excuse is that it is the American Sign Language "I Love You." Just like Bush who pretended this was the Texas Longhorn sign, these Satanists need a cover story. Have you ever wondered why the ASL signal is so similar to the sign of Satan? ASL was financed by the Rockefeller's and devised by Helen Keller, a theosophist i.e. Mason.

    History repeats itself because the Masonic Jewish bankers use the same old bag of tricks. If this is an indication, we are in for tough economic times. If the government controlled its own credit, we could easily re inflate the economy at no cost in debt or interest. But with the central bankers controlling credit, I wonder if they will do enough to replace the capital they have drained from the system.

    The Bush Administration is complicit in 9-11; in blowing the levees after Katrina, and responsible for the gratuitous, costly and deadly Iraq War. How much confidence can we have in them?

    I expect a FDR-like "New Deal" from Obama which no doubt will involve much more government control and more "internationalism." Like FDR, Obama will be venerated as some kind of savior. These trends are already evident. Take a look at this video made by a reader. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBwUG0_E9PM


    Insider Denis Healey wrote: "World events do not occur by accident: They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings."

    The goal is always the same: total control of wealth and the human race by the Satanist megalomaniacs and their minions who command our credit. Their vehicle is world government and their tool of the hour is Barack Obama.

    Recently I was accused of making the Illuminati my paranoid religion and fitting everything into this pattern. I agreed that people do seek a system to explain the world. My accuser's assumption was that no "religion" ever is true. I disagree. Although I would love to be wrong, Illuminati conspiracy does explain reality convincingly.

    The complete text of "The Red Symphony" (roughly 55 pages) http://mailstar.net/red-symphony.html

    Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (http://www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site http://www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. <!-- e --><a href="mailto:hmakow@gmail.com">hmakow@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    thanks drifitng! i found this interesting in your article:

    The wave of revulsion at the Nazi concentration camps gave vital and, in the end, crucial impetus to the Rothschild agenda. It was they who funded the Jewish terrorist operations like the Stern Gang and Irgun, which committed mayhem and murder to bring the State of Rothschild (Israel) into being in 1948.

    i had looked up these groups annnnnnnnnnnnnnd:
    The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.

    The Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defence Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

    Some of the better-known attacks by the Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (accomplished together with Lehi) on 9 April 1948. The Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry,[2] several media sources,[3][4][5][6][7] and a number of prominent world and Jewish figures.[8][9][10] Irgun attacks prompted a formal declaration from the World Zionist Congress in 1946, which strongly condemned "the shedding of innocent blood as a means of political warfare".[11] The Israeli government had designated Irgun as a terrorist organization according to the "Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance" No 33 of 5708-1948

    it also says the Lehi, also called the Stern Gang:
    Lehi was described as a terrorist organization by the British authorities[4]. Lehi carried out the Nov 1944 assassination in Cairo of Lord Moyne along with other attacks on the British authorities and Palestinian Arabs. The newly-formed Israeli government banned the organization under an anti-terrorism law passed three days after the Sept 1948 assassination of the UN mediator Folke Bernadotte[5] and the United Nations Security Council called the assassins "a criminal group of terrorists."[6] Lehi was similarly condemned by the subsequent United Nations mediator Ralph Bunche[7].

    Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949 and in 1980 the group was honored by the institution of the Lehi ribbon, a military decoration the organization's former members are entitled to wear.
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    i am thinking obama is at a ......................................motley crue concert.

    interesting read though.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
    The problem that this guy speaks of here should be the top priority of the American people-- allowing a small group of international bankers to counterfeit us into debt, thus surrendering our control to them, is the biggest problem this country faces. It is truly the source of most of the corruption. Get rid of this secret level of government that supercedes our elected government, and I'm sure the system we're left with won't be perfect, but far superior to the one currently in place.

    The Federal Reserve is the head of the beast (at least as far as America is concerned-- they definitely are part of something bigger). Audit them, expose them, end them.
  • thanks drifitng! i found this interesting in your article:

    The wave of revulsion at the Nazi concentration camps gave vital and, in the end, crucial impetus to the Rothschild agenda. It was they who funded the Jewish terrorist operations like the Stern Gang and Irgun, which committed mayhem and murder to bring the State of Rothschild (Israel) into being in 1948.

    i had looked up these groups annnnnnnnnnnnnnd:
    The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut (or "Freedom") party, which led to today's Likud party.

    The Irgun members were absorbed into the Israel Defence Forces at the start of the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

    Some of the better-known attacks by the Irgun were the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946 and the Deir Yassin massacre (accomplished together with Lehi) on 9 April 1948. The Irgun was described as a terrorist organization by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry,[2] several media sources,[3][4][5][6][7] and a number of prominent world and Jewish figures.[8][9][10] Irgun attacks prompted a formal declaration from the World Zionist Congress in 1946, which strongly condemned "the shedding of innocent blood as a means of political warfare".[11] The Israeli government had designated Irgun as a terrorist organization according to the "Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance" No 33 of 5708-1948

    it also says the Lehi, also called the Stern Gang:
    Lehi was described as a terrorist organization by the British authorities[4]. Lehi carried out the Nov 1944 assassination in Cairo of Lord Moyne along with other attacks on the British authorities and Palestinian Arabs. The newly-formed Israeli government banned the organization under an anti-terrorism law passed three days after the Sept 1948 assassination of the UN mediator Folke Bernadotte[5] and the United Nations Security Council called the assassins "a criminal group of terrorists."[6] Lehi was similarly condemned by the subsequent United Nations mediator Ralph Bunche[7].

    Israel granted a general amnesty to Lehi members on 14 February 1949 and in 1980 the group was honored by the institution of the Lehi ribbon, a military decoration the organization's former members are entitled to wear.
    Those are the facts.
    Make of them what you will.

    I remember several years ago watching a documentary on the internet that went pretty heavy into the Irgun and King David Hotel bombing. I can't remember for the life of me WHAT doc it was, but it was good, and definately not your "mainstream" account of the incident.

    Probably some pro-palestine film if i had to guess, but who knows. Could have been Terrorstorm for all i remember.

    The Nazis and Hitler were set up to take the fall.
    Their purpose (in view of the illuminist goals) was several fold:

    a. get a "home" state for the Zionists (folks, that IS what the term "zionism" refers to: the political belief in a state of Israel)

    b. make the world forever condemn ardent NATIONALISM

    c. force the world in to a new global community (the League of Nations failed. The UN was then created.)

    d. divide and balkanize eastern europe

    e. serve as an excuse to totally debase and subjugate the will of the germanic people

    f. used as the pretext for covering up zionist motives by showing the evils of anti-semitism and condemning in the post war media any who would question such zionist goals as being anti-semitic.

    g. siphon off and steal unfathomable quantities of gold and other riches.

    But that is just one mans interpretation of an old war.

    What else is on your mind?
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    The problem that this guy speaks of here should be the top priority of the American people-- allowing a small group of international bankers to counterfeit us into debt, thus surrendering our control to them, is the biggest problem this country faces. It is truly the source of most of the corruption. Get rid of this secret level of government that supercedes our elected government, and I'm sure the system we're left with won't be perfect, but far superior to the one currently in place.

    The Federal Reserve is the head of the beast (at least as far as America is concerned-- they definitely are part of something bigger). Audit them, expose them, end them.


    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
    The problem that this guy speaks of here should be the top priority of the American people-- allowing a small group of international bankers to counterfeit us into debt, thus surrendering our control to them, is the biggest problem this country faces. It is truly the source of most of the corruption. Get rid of this secret level of government that supercedes our elected government, and I'm sure the system we're left with won't be perfect, but far superior to the one currently in place.

    The Federal Reserve is the head of the beast (at least as far as America is concerned-- they definitely are part of something bigger). Audit them, expose them, end them.



    Oh man, I totally forgot about that part of the movie. Awesome-- and so true.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    Farrakhan Exposes Bankers and America's Hidden Agenda

    I didn't know Farrakhan was DOWN!

    Perhaps this better explains why he is so demonized in the banker controlled main stream media?

    Farrakhan going on about the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and their stranglehold on the world financial empire.

    Good stuff from a "crazy" guy.

    Someone remind me again why this guy is so "crazy"?

    i'm not sure that all 4 things were directly tied in, sometimes there just are coincidences . and i just looked it up and didn't find anything saying the FBI was created in 1913. wikipedia says it was formed in 1908 and has the variations from the secret service to BOI to DOI and finally the FBI in 1935

    i did find this really interesting, though

    i dig the top hat :D
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • Wow!
    Farrakhan Exposes Bankers and America's Hidden Agenda

    I didn't know Farrakhan was DOWN!

    Perhaps this better explains why he is so demonized in the banker controlled main stream media?

    Farrakhan going on about the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and their stranglehold on the world financial empire.

    Good stuff from a "crazy" guy.

    Someone remind me again why this guy is so "crazy"?

    i'm not sure that all 4 things were directly tied in, sometimes there just are coincidences . and i just looked it up and didn't find anything saying the FBI was created in 1913. wikipedia says it was formed in 1908 and has the variations from the secret service to BOI to DOI and finally the FBI in 1935

    i did find this really interesting, though

    i dig the top hat :D

    I didn't catch Louis talking about the FBI in that video (1st or 2nd one?) but i'll go back and check.
    He can't even pronounce "Rothschild" correctly, so i'll forgive him if he has a few ancillary facts confused.
    The meat of what he has to say is pure fact, no bs, however.

    As for Paul Warburg's tophat,
    i don't think too many people today seem to even get the reference,
    but Daddy WARbucks in Monopoly IS Paul WARburg.
    Hence the top hat he is wearing.

    The guy was famous\infamous as an elite money-monger.
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    Farrakhan Exposes Bankers and America's Hidden Agenda

    I didn't know Farrakhan was DOWN!

    Perhaps this better explains why he is so demonized in the banker controlled main stream media?

    Farrakhan going on about the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and their stranglehold on the world financial empire.

    Good stuff from a "crazy" guy.

    Someone remind me again why this guy is so "crazy"?

    i'm not sure that all 4 things were directly tied in, sometimes there just are coincidences . and i just looked it up and didn't find anything saying the FBI was created in 1913. wikipedia says it was formed in 1908 and has the variations from the secret service to BOI to DOI and finally the FBI in 1935

    i did find this really interesting, though

    i dig the top hat :D

    I didn't catch Louis talking about the FBI in that video (1st or 2nd one?) but i'll go back and check.
    He can't even pronounce "Rothschild" correctly, so i'll forgive him if he has a few ancillary facts confused.
    The meat of what he has to say is pure fact, no bs, however.

    As for Paul Warburg's tophat,
    i don't think too many people today seem to even get the reference,
    but Daddy WARbucks in Monopoly IS Paul WARburg.
    Hence the top hat he is wearing.

    The guy was famous\infamous as an elite money-monger.

    it was in the 2nd one, within the first min. he says in 1913 4 things were set up, the federal reserve, the irs, the fbi and the adl. just a small note that has nothing to do with the overall point of the video
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
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