2000 & 2003 Individual Bootlegs For Sale

StateOfTheBrainOfJStateOfTheBrainOfJ Posts: 108
edited August 2009 in The Porch
Since I have been unsuccessful at selling the entire sets, I am breaking both the 2000 & 2003 bootleg sets to sell them individually.

All are opened and have slight wear from normal use, but are otherwise in very good conditions. The spine stickers and setlist (North America only) are placed on all the 03 boots.

I am asking for $20 for each 2000 boot and $25 for each 2003 boot. Shipping will be $5 for unlimited boots worldwide. Payment through PayPal only.

PM me the ones that you are interested in. First come first serve.



Lisbon, Barcelona, London 1, London 2, Dublin, Glasgow, Manchester, Cardiff, Paris, Eifel/Nerburg, Nurenberg, Landgraaf, Prague, Katowice 1, Katowice 2, Salzburg, Ljubljana, Verona, Milan, Zurich, Berlin, Hamburg, Stockholm, Oslo, Virginia Beach, Charlotte, Greensboro, Atlanta, W. Palm Beach 1, W. Palm Beach 2, Tampa, Nashville, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Jones Beach 1, Jones Beach 2, Saratoga, Boston 1, Boston 2, Philadelphia 2, Montreal, Toronto, St. Louis, Kansas City, Houston 1, Houston 2, Dallas, Lubbock, Albuquerque, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Fresno, San Bernardino, Portland, Boise & Seattle 1


Brisbane 2, Sydney 2, Adelaide, Melbourne 1, Perth, Sendai, Yokohama, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Denver, Oklahoma City, Tampa, Charlotte, Atlanta, Buffalo, State College, St. Paul, New York 1, New York 2 & Mansfield 3
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