Extra tax dollars for WHAT?

Would you be willing to pay extra tax dollars to help pay for healthcare to the millions and millions that don't have it? To help save a few babies and maybe provide their parents with some healthcare, preventative medicine and antibiotics too?
DAMN!!! I miss the days where there was no talk of this healthcare bullshit and they just took my money to blow off the faces of Iraqi children and kill their mothers... and then blow up their schools and other institutional structures so we could put out no-bid contracts and pay kellogg brown and root... and other halliburton subsidiaries... to rebuild them.
Ahhh.... The good old days....
DAMN!!! I miss the days where there was no talk of this healthcare bullshit and they just took my money to blow off the faces of Iraqi children and kill their mothers... and then blow up their schools and other institutional structures so we could put out no-bid contracts and pay kellogg brown and root... and other halliburton subsidiaries... to rebuild them.
Ahhh.... The good old days....
Post edited by Unknown User on
sure, I would. how about you define extra first. how much more would you be willing to pay? 20%? 30%?
if both wars stopped today, we still wouldn't have enough money for healthcare. that said, I'd love to see the wars stop and our military budget cut 25%.
"The good old days" will always be the present day until we the people actually care enough to keep Washington in check. "Extra" dollars for Social Security clearly aren't going towards their intended purpose, which is SOCIAL SECURITY. Our money, no matter the current cause that it claims to support will NEVER be spent the way we expect it to be.
Hold the government accountable first, and then we can talk about giving them more than we already do.
I'm absolutely willing (and do) to give extra dollars and my time to help people with health care and other way.
What I'm not willing to do is give TAX dollars to a greedy government who can't be trusted to spend it to really help people. Just like your reference to the Iraq War, once the government gets our money who knows what they'll do with it.
It makes a heck of a lot more sense to me to give my money and time directly to the people who need it. Why do we need a government to (allegedly) do our charity for us?
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Lets account for the taxation in place and the interest charged by the Federal Reserve first. Call for an audit of the Federal Reserve(private bank not audited). The American people have to know now, they have to see the interest (through taxation) they are paying on a debt that is growing, growing from the actions of our government that is being controlled by this private bank.
275 co-sponsors in the House, 18 in the Senate to Audit the Fed. It's getting mainstream media attention at this point. Keep the info coming!
and have actual accounting and accountability! how do companies who are proven to have committed fraud in billing and other areas, like feeding our troops spoiled meat and dirty water, awarded bonuses?? and they announced during the Bush administration trillions were unaccounted for in the defense budget over the years and there's billions unaccounted for in Iraq
what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?
"I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama
when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
Save babies???!!! HELL no!! We don't want to save no fucking babies! As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm all about killing babies! Glad to see so many of the conservatives around here have come around to my side on this.....
What I'm not willing to do is give TAX dollars to a greedy government who can't be trusted to spend it to really help people. Just like your reference to the Iraq War, once the government gets our money who knows what they'll do with it.
It makes a heck of a lot more sense to me to give my money and time directly to the people who need it. Why do we need a government to (allegedly) do our charity for us?[/quote]
well stated........i agreee.
So... how would your system work? Would the patient come to you and ask for $1.07 to help pay for his operation... and knock on enough doors to reach the required amount? Or, do you pay it straight to the doctor or hospital... or the Insurance Company that the doctor sends the bills to?
I'm just trying to figure out the logistics.
Hail, Hail!!!
Easy, I'd donate to private organizations set up to help people with medical bills.
The government fails at everything it does except squeezing more money from all of us and taking away more of our freedom.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
As a Veteran I tak offense to the above statement. So you are saying all our troops do is kill women and children?
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
It's pretty simple really. You hold your government accountable. If they don't spend your money in the right places and as efficiently as possible you get them the fuck outta there. The problem is the country is torn in 2. By a bunch of narrow minded god loving hicks that love war and 60% of the people, much of whom don't give a shit about anything other than reality television and fast food.
No of course that is not what i am saying and i am very sorry i offended you.
I forgot to mention the 30,000- 100,000 estimated americans wounded and the almost 5000 killed ... in iraq and afghanistan... since 2001... at the cost of about $900 billion american dollars.
As for the topic itself, I agree with the OP, it's amazing how apathetic the American public is towards the government using our tax money to terrorize another people, but when it comes to using it for our own healthcare and helping the tens of millions who need it, it's just absolutely ridiculous.
AND... it's amazing how PATRIOTIC the American people are when it comes to WAR. How and why is it NOT patriotic to try and take care of our own people? Where are the flag waving America lovers in regard to LOVING THE FACT THAT WE ARE FINALLY TRYING TO DO SOMETHING TO TAKE CARE OF THE (SWIFTLY GROWING) HEALTH CARE CRISIS?
You're not going to find many of them. Patriotism is really about money these days.
money and FEAR... i mean... why learn the truth when we can be scared of that which we needn't be scared of.... NOT learn the truth and the facts... and spend our free time learning about how many drugs Anna Nicole Smith and Michael Jackson had in their bodies at the times of their deaths... or more importantly... who Lindsay, Paris and the kids from High School Musical are fucking... OR even more imprortantly... who won dancing withthe stars and american idol this season?
(oh and oh yeah.... how the poor people in america are the ones fucking the middle class out of their money... ) :shock:
:roll: Only on AMT
And what is it that we exactly plan to do? I would really like to know. The Messiah doesen't even know. It looks like hope is starting to turn to disdain.
remember "the patriot pack" they sold on infomercials on tv in like 2003? you could order like 12 or 14 american flags of different sizes to show everyone else you are a bigger patriot than they are, as if it was a manhood measuring contest, but back then it was..... and a ton of people bought them.
that said, would the patriotic thing to do here be to stop funding wars in the middle east, instead making sure everyone has health insurance, public option included, or leave things as they are with 47 million uninsured and millions more underinsured and trillions going down the toilet in iraq and afghanistan? i choose the former.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
yeah. the messiah. that's some lame ass lard ass unoriginal bullshit. :roll:
A fella can dream!
*waves flag*
i'm with ya sista!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
WOO HOO!! Let's wave our flags !
I'm buying me a Patriot Pack!
now thats scary
working with the "antichrist"
thats even scarier