Is it okay to criticize Obama yet?

Lucca BrazziLucca Brazzi Posts: 21
edited July 2009 in A Moving Train
I was very proud to have lived in an era that saw the election of the first black President of the United States. With that being said I am growing very disappointed in the President so far.
I've seen the massive amount of flaming done when anyone dares to swim against the liberal stream so I am asking to be alerted when it becomes okay to reveal the ridiculousness and danger that the Obama administration is becoming.
North Korea is developing nukes, Iran is spinning out of control, over 2 trillion in wasted money, a health care plan that far more than most do not want. Coupled with the fact that this guy is calling White Sox players when he should be calling world leaders. And that he seems to be trying to be Captain Media man more than the leader of the free world.
If Clinton's errors led to 9/11 and Bush and Cheney led us to Iraq, where is Obama going to take us? I'm really not sure but the Mayan's are looking more prophetic everyday.
Everyone has a photographic memory.......Some just don't have film!
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Feel free To criticize all you want. Just be respectful of others opinions.

    By the way, Welcome to AMT ;)
  • I always try to be respectful of others, and thank you for the welcome. I have spent many a night pulling my hair out reading this board. I finally worked up the nerve to post.
    Everyone has a photographic memory.......Some just don't have film!
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    DH61585 wrote:
    I was very proud to have lived in an era that saw the election of the first black President of the United States. With that being said I am growing very disappointed in the President so far.
    I've seen the massive amount of flaming done when anyone dares to swim against the liberal stream so I am asking to be alerted when it becomes okay to reveal the ridiculousness and danger that the Obama administration is becoming.
    North Korea is developing nukes, Iran is spinning out of control, over 2 trillion in wasted money, a health care plan that far more than most do not want. Coupled with the fact that this guy is calling White Sox players when he should be calling world leaders. And that he seems to be trying to be Captain Media man more than the leader of the free world.
    If Clinton's errors led to 9/11 and Bush and Cheney led us to Iraq, where is Obama going to take us? I'm really not sure but the Mayan's are looking more prophetic everyday.

    Bush and Cheney also led us to the biggest economic collapse since the great depression.

    As to Obama, health care reform is favored by most Americans, and he hasn't enacted anything on that front yet. Everyone's still arguing about the best way to do it. He's stepped things down in Iraq and stepped things up in Afghanistan. He's ignoring North Korea because he knows they're just trying to get attention and validation to compensate for the fact that the whole world knows they're irrelevant and their leader is nuts. I'm not sure what else you want him to do? Invade like Bush? That worked well in Iraq.

    That said, his economic plans are by and large, piles of shit. There were a few token regulations thrown at the banks and credit companies, but overall the stimulus plan seems like a huge waste. Cap and trade is all heart and no substance.

    Overall, I'd say the jury's out. He seems to be doing ok foreign policy-wise. He's not stellar, but he hasn't fucked anything up really and that's a nice change of pace. On the homefront, he needs a lot of work and he needs to be held to his promise not to rush through a bunch of shit. That's how we got the patriot act, tarp, and the stimulus. I'm glad to hear he's stepped off on health care. It's too important to screw up and it needs time to really produce anything worthwhile. I'm not blown away, but he's a long way from the doomsayers that think he's ruining the country. He's helping a wounded country limp along... it remains to be seen if he'll get it back on its feet or if it'll just collapse.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    prfctlefts wrote:
    Feel free To criticize all you want. Just be respectful of others opinions.

    By the way, Welcome to AMT ;)

    you can do and say what you want. i may or may not agree...but it certainly shouldn't/wouldn't stop you from speaking as you wish.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • tybirdtybird Posts: 17,388 long as it's legit.....North Korea is an inherited problem....Iran's situation should be viewed from afar as Iran's internal problems.....pick a legit target and fire away.
    All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
  • I am absolutely no fan of Bush and Cheney let me be very clear on that. I do consider myself a conservative, though I am ashamed of the GOP.

    With that being said I have heard a lot of responses about how President Obama inherited problems. And I agree that he did, so has every President. My question is what has he done? Other than going on every television show he can? I know it has only been 100 days, so I'm not expecting much. But is there anything substantially positive he has done since taking office?
    Everyone has a photographic memory.......Some just don't have film!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    I was very proud to have lived in an era that saw the election of the first black President of the United States. With that being said I am growing very disappointed in the President so far.
    I've seen the massive amount of flaming done when anyone dares to swim against the liberal stream so I am asking to be alerted when it becomes okay to reveal the ridiculousness and danger that the Obama administration is becoming.
    North Korea is developing nukes, Iran is spinning out of control, over 2 trillion in wasted money, a health care plan that far more than most do not want. Coupled with the fact that this guy is calling White Sox players when he should be calling world leaders. And that he seems to be trying to be Captain Media man more than the leader of the free world.
    If Clinton's errors led to 9/11 and Bush and Cheney led us to Iraq, where is Obama going to take us? I'm really not sure but the Mayan's are looking more prophetic everyday.
    I think if you look at things objectively... and not through the warped glasses of American partisan politics... you should be just fine.
    The Economic Crisis did not begin on January 20th. Look at the timetable and find the reasons for the current situation to get a better grasp on what we are dealing with, here. Also, with the collapse of Lehmann Brothers (after the fall of IndyMac and Bear-Sterns)... what were we supposed to do? Let the rest of the banking and financial systems crash into the sea? What would have been the most likely outcome of that?
    and remember, it was under the Bush Administration that the initial bail-out came... which was the right thing to do.
    North Korea has been a kook-fest for decades... so has Iran. But, in order to avoid military conflicts, which we can ill-afford, we should at least try to talk to them. We had an open dialogue with the Soviet Union for the entirety of the Cold War. It may have helped to eliminate mis-interpreted actions on one side or the other.
    And the 'Wasted Trillions'? What wasted Trillions? That bail out money is a loan to keep those institutions solvent. It is like when your sister and brother-in-law get in a financial bind and you give them 10 grand so they don't get tossed into the street. Does that mean you now OWN your sister and brother-in-law? No... they are supposed to pay you back... it may take some time, but, they should pay you back.
    As for Clinton errors regarding al Qaeda... which, yes, he holds some responsibility... but, the real cause was Reagan. He created Al Qaeda, except he called them 'Freedom Fighters' back then. The mujahadin morphed into the Taliban and bin Laden and the 'Freedom Fighters' became al Qaeda. So, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and Bush Jr. all contributed to the forming of al Qaeda... althongh none of them are responsible for the attacks of september 11th, 2001. That responsibility falls squarely on the shoulders of Usama bin Laden.
    So, if you criticize Obama... do so on what he is responsible... not for what he has inherited.
    Me... personally... I think he may be trying to move too quickly on this thing. I believe the Health Care Bill needs to move through the Legislative process... which will result in debate and compromise. It may (or may not be) the case where President Obama is pushing Congress because he knows if he doesn't.. Congress will do what Congress does best... NOTHING. But, i don't know.
    All i know is that you only get to pick two of the following... good, cheap, fast. Fast and cheap means it isn't going to be good... fast and good means it isn't going to be cheap. i would opt for the good and cheap... which means it ain't going to be done fast.
    If you are against it... what would you like to see instead? Or do you think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the system? All i know is this... I know, i am one pink slip away from having no health care. And so are a lot of Americans.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • VitalogensiaVitalogensia Posts: 2,079
    Cosmo, that was an extremely awesome agrument. I personally don't follow politics as much as I should; a large part of that stemming from an ignorance that I'm not sure how to overcome. Would you have any advice on news media/books/etc to check out to get me into the game?
    Virginia Beach 2000; Pittsburgh 2000; Columbus 2003; D.C. 2003; Pittsburgh 2006; Virginia Beach 2008; Cleveland 2010; PJ20 2011; Pittsburgh 2013; Baltimore 2013; Charlottesville 2013; Charlotte 2013; Lincoln 2014; Moline 2014; St. Paul 2014; Greenville 2016; Hampton 2016; Lexington 2016; Wrigley 2016; Prague 2018; Krakow 2018; Berlin 2018; Fenway 2018; Camden 2022; St. Paul 2023; MSG 1 2024; Baltimore 2024
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    SK359828 wrote:
    Cosmo, that was an extremely awesome agrument. I personally don't follow politics as much as I should; a large part of that stemming from an ignorance that I'm not sure how to overcome. Would you have any advice on news media/books/etc to check out to get me into the game?
    Thanx. I guess you best bet is to check several sources while maintaining an understanding of WHERE they are coming from... New York Times, left... Rupert Murdoch (FOX), right.
    The WORST Source? Cable Television.
    BUT... you can find out the things they are CLAIMING... both sides, Hannity and Obermann... Coulter and Maddow... and check their commentary. In many cases, those statements they tend to focus on are taken out of context in order to fit their specific agenda. What is their agenda? RATINGS. Only the dumbest amongst us will take what someone on T.V. is saying is the truth... because they a typically basing it soley on the fact that they are on T.V. the days of Walter Cronkite have left us years ago... newsrooms are in the business of making money, not trying to find the truth.
    Best reference for Presidential and Vice Presidental statements... the source. They HAVE to print the entire transcripts of speeches. Read the transcripts, instead of listening to the soundbites and decide for yourself.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    Cosmo wrote:
    SK359828 wrote:
    Cosmo, that was an extremely awesome agrument. I personally don't follow politics as much as I should; a large part of that stemming from an ignorance that I'm not sure how to overcome. Would you have any advice on news media/books/etc to check out to get me into the game?
    Thanx. I guess you best bet is to check several sources while maintaining an understanding of WHERE they are coming from... New York Times, left... Rupert Murdoch (FOX), right.
    The WORST Source? Cable Television.
    BUT... you can find out the things they are CLAIMING... both sides, Hannity and Obermann... Coulter and Maddow... and check their commentary. In many cases, those statements they tend to focus on are taken out of context in order to fit their specific agenda. What is their agenda? RATINGS. Only the dumbest amongst us will take what someone on T.V. is saying is the truth... because they a typically basing it soley on the fact that they are on T.V. the days of Walter Cronkite have left us years ago... newsrooms are in the business of making money, not trying to find the truth.
    Best reference for Presidential and Vice Presidental statements... the source. They HAVE to print the entire transcripts of speeches. Read the transcripts, instead of listening to the soundbites and decide for yourself.

    i haven't had directv for a few years but they had a World News channel that had programs from different countries (in english) like Japan, the UK, Germany.....
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    He deserves a lot of criticism for what he's done to the national debt since he's come into office. He seems to be on a massive spending spree.

    On a smaller note, his defense of that Harvard professor who was arrested was a really ill-thought-out move and I'm shocked he hasn't gotten more flack for that.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
    It is always OK to criticize your elected officials. It's our duty, actually.
  • Pepe SilviaPepe Silvia Posts: 3,758
    It is always OK to criticize your elected officials. It's our duty, actually.

    "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson

    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority" - Benjamin Franklin

    “If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” - Thomas Jefferson
    don't compete; coexist

    what are you but my reflection? who am i to judge or strike you down?

    "I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank." - Barack Obama

    when you told me 'if you can't beat 'em, join 'em'
    i was thinkin 'death before dishonor'
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    you could
    but its really not his fault what's the point
    maybe if he had the balance in his hands but our Presidents are figureheads
    I guess if you don't like his suit you could criticize
  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    Without a doubt. Even a diehard supporter like myself has plenty to criticize the guy on. Criticizing him for the stimulus not working though, would be pretty dumb. It takes time. I'd say everything else is fair game
    pandora wrote:
    you could
    but its really not his fault what's the point
    maybe if he had the balance in his hands but our Presidents are figureheads
    I guess if you don't like his suit you could criticize

    You could criticize him for not exposing the people he serves as a figurehead for. If this grand conspiracy does in fact exist, how hard would it be for the president to expose it? To actually free himself from it, as well as the people. Was JFK trying to do that with this speech?
  • IndifferenceIndifference Posts: 2,742

    SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
    Mexico=1, Colombia=1 

  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    I didn't vote for the guy but I do like him alot but I must say I have criticized and I WILL criticize as we move into the future. It's our job as citizens to critique our political leaders cause in most cases it's more than warranted.

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:
    you could
    but its really not his fault what's the point
    maybe if he had the balance in his hands but our Presidents are figureheads
    I guess if you don't like his suit you could criticize

    You could criticize him for not exposing the people he serves as a figurehead for. If this grand conspiracy does in fact exist, how hard would it be for the president to expose it? To actually free himself from it, as well as the people. Was JFK trying to do that with this speech?
    Do you think JFK lost his life because of the road he was taking? If that is true we are talking unlimited power.
    So if we are to say this exists then of course Obama was hand picked groomed to lead the American people to the ultimate goal of the most powerful. His charisma HOPEFULLY was overrated.
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    oh and thank you for posting JFK's speech he was a hero and greatly admired
    and its just all so sad
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    know1 wrote:
    He deserves a lot of criticism for what he's done to the national debt since he's come into office. He seems to be on a massive spending spree.

    On a smaller note, his defense of that Harvard professor who was arrested was a really ill-thought-out move and I'm shocked he hasn't gotten more flack for that.

    I happen to think Obama's probably right about the comments he made, but you are also right that he probably should have refrained from commenting on it. Nonetheless, I have trouble sympathizing with the police perspective though, especially after I read one comment by a cop in LA saying people shouldn't judge and then pointing to Rodney King as an example... you're going to use Rodney King as your example of why we should give police the benefit of the doubt? How isolated from reality are you?

    Cops tend to have a sort of circle the wagons approach to any criticism. To an extent, I don't blame them because they have a job that is difficult beyond anything I can imagine. But on the flipside, protecting scumbags like the Rodney King officers or refusing to acknowledge that maybe this Gates cop used poor judgment in arresting Gates rather than just leaving after he ascertained that Gates lived there doesn't really help their cause much.
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    know1 wrote:
    He deserves a lot of criticism for what he's done to the national debt since he's come into office. He seems to be on a massive spending spree.

    On a smaller note, his defense of that Harvard professor who was arrested was a really ill-thought-out move and I'm shocked he hasn't gotten more flack for that.

    I happen to think Obama's probably right about the comments he made, but you are also right that he probably should have refrained from commenting on it. Nonetheless, I have trouble sympathizing with the police perspective though, especially after I read one comment by a cop in LA saying people shouldn't judge and then pointing to Rodney King as an example... you're going to use Rodney King as your example of why we should give police the benefit of the doubt? How isolated from reality are you?

    Cops tend to have a sort of circle the wagons approach to any criticism. To an extent, I don't blame them because they have a job that is difficult beyond anything I can imagine. But on the flipside, protecting scumbags like the Rodney King officers or refusing to acknowledge that maybe this Gates cop used poor judgment in arresting Gates rather than just leaving after he ascertained that Gates lived there doesn't really help their cause much.

    I'm one of the last to sympathize with police, but when you read the accounts of what happened in that incident, it's pretty clear that the police had to arrest him. He was completely belligerant and aggressive toward them. Maybe the accounts were fabricated, but you can't act the way he is reported to have acted and not be arrested.

    And in any case I think we agree that it was too early for Obama to say on national television that the police "acted stupidly".
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • VitalogensiaVitalogensia Posts: 2,079
    It is always OK to criticize your elected officials. It's our duty, actually.

    "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Thomas Jefferson

    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority" - Benjamin Franklin

    “If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.” - Thomas Jefferson

    GOOD CALL, both of you
    Virginia Beach 2000; Pittsburgh 2000; Columbus 2003; D.C. 2003; Pittsburgh 2006; Virginia Beach 2008; Cleveland 2010; PJ20 2011; Pittsburgh 2013; Baltimore 2013; Charlottesville 2013; Charlotte 2013; Lincoln 2014; Moline 2014; St. Paul 2014; Greenville 2016; Hampton 2016; Lexington 2016; Wrigley 2016; Prague 2018; Krakow 2018; Berlin 2018; Fenway 2018; Camden 2022; St. Paul 2023; MSG 1 2024; Baltimore 2024
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    I was very proud to have lived in an era that saw the election of the first black President of the United States. With that being said I am growing very disappointed in the President so far.
    I've seen the massive amount of flaming done when anyone dares to swim against the liberal stream so I am asking to be alerted when it becomes okay to reveal the ridiculousness and danger that the Obama administration is becoming.
    North Korea is developing nukes, Iran is spinning out of control, over 2 trillion in wasted money, a health care plan that far more than most do not want. Coupled with the fact that this guy is calling White Sox players when he should be calling world leaders. And that he seems to be trying to be Captain Media man more than the leader of the free world.
    If Clinton's errors led to 9/11 and Bush and Cheney led us to Iraq, where is Obama going to take us? I'm really not sure but the Mayan's are looking more prophetic everyday.

    mayans....? :lol:

    seriously, I love those who think Obama is overexposed...he's the POTUS... in case you didn't know, there's lots of shit happening right now...

    I'd be willing to bet if he pulled a bushy and when AWOL like bush did the last few months of office you'd be all upset asking "where's Obama, why isn't fixing anything? blah blah blah..."
  • OffHeGoes29OffHeGoes29 Posts: 1,240
    No its not, as long as you post on a far left board like can't.
  • noahgendanoahgenda Posts: 63
    i will be the first to say (maby) but all the czars that he has put in place is fucking crazy! come on i hate BUSH and he has already topped him in 100 days! this guy might very well be the antichrist and my computer would not even let me type that! had to go back 3 times to get that in there. just sayin. bash me if you want
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